上南方 the Upper South
上南中 upper transit ; Transit upper ; upper transit west bank
上南边 the Upper South
上海南站 Shanghai South Railway Station ; Shanghai South Station
上南二村小学 South village primary school
上树南星属 Anadendrum ; Anadendrum Schott ; ndendrum schott
上南酒店 Sangam Hotel
上南町 Kaminacho
上南田 Kamiminamida
And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the south.
So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him.
They did manage to establish a kingdom in the land that was known in antiquity as Canaan around the year 1000.
So Israelite-Judean religion on the ground shared many cultic forms and practices and rituals with Canaanite and Ancient Near Eastern culture generally.
Now, about roughly two-thirds of those two million slaves moved from the Eastern seaboard or the Upper South to Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, et cetera.