• 顾客行为研究营销领域一个热点话题

    Customer behavior research is a hot topic in the field of marketing.


  • 顾客行为企业营销战略选择具有深刻影响

    Customer behavior has deep impact on choice of enterprise's marketing strategy.


  • 因此顾客行为企业营销战略选择产生深刻影响

    So customer's behavior has a deep impact on choice of enterprise's marketing strategy.


  • 实证结果显示顾客满意顾客行为倾向具有显著的直接正向影响

    The empirical results show that customer satisfaction has remarkable influence to the customer behavior.


  • 酒店经营者必须采用收益管理价格策略充分利用顾客行为及分销趋势

    Hoteliers must adapt revenue management and pricing strategies to take advantage of new trends in customer behaviour and distribution.


  • 最终得到数据销售情况比较,那么就很可能获得一些对顾客行为的了解。

    By comparing the resulting data with sales information, it was then possible to gain insight into shoppers' behaviour.


  • 影响顾客行为第一原因一个事实比起其他因素他们更多关注价格

    The first reason that influences customers' behavior is a fact that they focus much more on price than other factors.


  • 本文研究主题高档商务饭店顾客抱怨处理公平性顾客行为意向关系

    This thesis is about the relationship between justice of complaint-handling and customer behavioral intentions.


  • 却,零售店之间建筑学关系顾客行为一个越来越被研究和高度专业的主题。

    Recent collaborations between some high-profile architects and retail icons have brought about a shift in the preception of retail architecture.


  • 目前顾客行为角度强化顾客价值分析管理,已成为现代企业赢得未来竞争关键

    It is the key for modern companies to win the future competition to strengthen the analysis and management of customer value from the aspect of customer behaviors.


  • 饭店服务补救方式、服务补救后顾客二次满意度、服务失误类型顾客行为意向存在相关关系

    The ways of service recoveries, customers' secondary satisfactions, and the sorts of service failures have relationship with customers' behavioral intention.


  • 研究消费人群经济收入性别学历年龄对节日餐饮消费的影响以及影响顾客行为意向的重要因素。

    The study researches into the behavioral intention affected by the economic income, gender, educational background and age structure.


  • 模型主要顾客价值各构成驱动因素基于顾客行为企业竞争优势基础,以顾客满意和顾客忠诚为中介变量

    The model is based on the customer value as well as their structures and drive factors, and competitive advantage, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are the middle variable of the model.


  • 为了提供关于员工表现顾客行为确切信息,的公司的软件会在录音对话中找出特殊的一些词语短语无需任何认为的输入

    Its software trawls the recorded dialogue for particular words or phrases without the need for any human input in order to provide accurate information on employee performance and customer behaviour.


  • 然而互联网上,暴光也同样和一次顾客行为联系在一起,这些顾客行为是可以某种方式被统计跟踪分析的,传统的大众媒体是无法实现的。

    On the internet, however, an exposure can also be tied to an action by a consumer, and these actions can be counted, tracked and analysed in ways that exposure in the established mass media cannot.


  • 行为顾客提供预先核准贷款,以供其购买时髦的新车。

    Customers are offered preapproved loans for a spiffy new vehicle.


  • 这种轻率的行为其他顾客中引起了无数谣言这种无拘无束猜测助长了GiantFlog声誉

    This caginess led to countless rumors among the other patrons, and such unbridled speculation only fed Giant Flog's reputation.


  • 相反我们激励自己员工团队顾客或是我们的朋友时,我们应该发送出一些具体信息——不仅仅大家开始事情的提示,应该是一些具体行为的提示。

    Instead, we should be sending specific messages when trying to motivate our staff, our team, our customers, or our friends - not just a call for action but a call for this particular action.


  • 内容集合一种行为商业实体能够在其中各种内容提供者相互影响,处理再生(顾客期望表现形式)这种内容。

    Content Aggregation is an activity where a business entity interacts with a variety of content providers to process or reproduce such content in the desired presentation format of its customers.


  • 服务集合一种行为商业实体能够在其中各种服务提供者相互影响,重新树立品牌、充当东道主或者顾客提供复合型服务

    Service Aggregation is an activity where a business entity interacts with a variety of service providers to re-brand, host, or offer a composite of services to its customers.


  • 顾客通常是从网上招来的,他们或许清楚女孩的行为并非自愿

    Her customers, often recruited on the Internet, may have no inkling that her actions are not completely voluntary.


  • 法官林格则表态,尽管被告在身体上伤害他人,但他恐吓顾客行为整个社会来说依然一种威胁

    Judge Dolinger said that even if Mr. Borker had not physically harmed anyone, he could still be a threat to society given his habit of terrifying his customers.


  • 度假村(WYNN)这样赌场越来越多地使用忠诚”,监测顾客行为

    Casinos like the WYNN Resorts (WYNN) are increasingly using "loyalty CARDS" to monitor the behavior of their patrons.


  • 这个经过补充用例描述中,我们清晰的描述了一个基于浏览器程序行为,描述了很多顾客来说不可见行为

    In this supplemented version we are clearly describing the behavior of a browser-based application, specifying a fair amount of behavior that is not visible to the customer actor.


  • 如图所示限量行为黑色红色钟表会只贩售18位幸运(并且富裕)的顾客

    This limited edition timepiece will be available for 18 lucky (and wealthy) customers in either black, shown above, or red, below.


  • 通过这些数据不仅能了解顾客行为,还能让科公司尽可能地提供及时有效服务反馈

    The data allows us to understand the customer and ensures that Serco provides the most efficient and responsive service possible.


  • 通俗地讲用户互联网行为习惯日常商店中的顾客无二样。

    Basically, users' habits on the Web aren't that different from customers' habits in a store.


  • 一个简单规定就能够很容易终止这种强迫顾客留下最初评价后再次更改的行为

    A simple rule could easily put an end to such coercion - customers should not be able to re-evaluate the product after leaving their initial comments.


  • 亚马逊Netflix之类所谓的推荐引擎试图通过顾客曾经购买租赁行为与其品味相近其他人进行比较,以此来估测他们的喜好

    So-called recommendation engines on sites like Amazon and Netflix try to guess what customers might like by comparing their previous purchases or rentals with those of others with similar tastes.


  • WSDL文档中的错误期待行为方面会误导Web服务顾客

    Errors in the WSDL document mislead the consumers of a Web service as to what the expected behavior is.


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