• 这些委员们同意尽快重新开始会谈

    The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.


  • 重新开始抨击政府欧洲政策

    He renewed his attack on government policy toward Europe.


  • 战斗相对平静之后重新开始

    The fighting resumed after a period of relative calm.


  • 我们只好重新开始努力吸引年轻队员

    We have to renew our efforts to attract young players.


  • 认识到自己承诺重新开始

    He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf.


  • 是个重新开始机会

    It was a chance to start afresh.


  • 然后整个冗长复杂的过程又重新开始了。

    Then the whole rigmarole starts over again.


  • 哈佛大学课程直到明年重新开始

    His course at Howard University will not recommence until next year.


  • 官员不久再次会晤重新开始谈判

    Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations.


  • 重新开始旅行以给小说增加深度趣味

    She had resumed the travel necessary to add depth and colour to her novels.


  • 今天审讯重新开始一个新的陪审团会出庭

    The trial will restart today with a new jury.


  • 奉劝还清所有债务这样就可以重新开始

    The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.


  • 他们认为留下来法国人惟一希望重新开始

    They believe that the only hope for the French left is to start afresh.


  • 他正希望通过拍那部1971年英国恐怖片重新开始电影事业

    He is hoping to relaunch his film career with a remake of the 1971 British thriller.


  • 春天来了正是重新开始时机

    Spring is coming and it is a good time to start again.


  • 要是全部重新开始就好了!

    Oh, if I could start all over again!


  • 他们选择了一个新的地点重新开始

    They chose a new spot and began again.


  • 收拾好心情然后重新开始

    Picking up the pieces and starting over.


  • 一切都重新开始

    Everything had to be begun over again.


  • 我们失去房子卖掉汽车然后重新开始

    We lose the house, we sell our cars, and we start all over again.


  • 我们必须秋风到来之前重新开始修补

    I think we must start to mend again, before the fall wind comes.


  • 许多演讲者来自海外关于文化联系辩论重新开始

    Many speakers came from overseas, and debate about cultural connections was renewed.


  • 尽管存在所有这些问题失业还是一个重新开始机会

    Despite all these problems though, unemployment can be a chance for a fresh start.


  • 海底必须找到某种方式回到表面完成这个循环从而重新开始这个循环。

    The phosphorus at the bottom of the ocean has to somehow make its way back to the surface, to complete the cycle, to begin the cycle all over again.


  • 重新开始自己小说创作

    He recommenced work on his novel.


  • 他们最终住了嘴,重新开始讲。

    When they'd finally shut up, I started again.


  • 不能说服自己抛弃重新开始

    I can't bring myself to ditch him and start again.


  • 应该重新开始工作了。

    I think I ought to get back to work.


  • 下个重新开始这座建造工作

    Work on the bridge will recommence next month.


  • 整个过程重新开始了。

    The whole process started all over again.


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