• 这些委员们同意尽快重新开始会谈

    The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.


  • 战斗相对平静之后重新开始

    The fighting resumed after a period of relative calm.


  • 我们只好重新开始努力吸引年轻队员

    We have to renew our efforts to attract young players.


  • 重新开始旅行以给小说增加深度趣味

    She had resumed the travel necessary to add depth and colour to her novels.


  • 奉劝还清所有债务这样就可以重新开始

    The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.


  • 他正希望通过拍那部1971年英国恐怖片重新开始电影事业

    He is hoping to relaunch his film career with a remake of the 1971 British thriller.


  • 收拾好心情然后重新开始

    Picking up the pieces and starting over.


  • 许多演讲者来自海外关于文化联系辩论重新开始

    Many speakers came from overseas, and debate about cultural connections was renewed.


  • 海底必须找到某种方式回到表面完成这个循环从而重新开始这个循环。

    The phosphorus at the bottom of the ocean has to somehow make its way back to the surface, to complete the cycle, to begin the cycle all over again.


  • 我们重新开始时候发誓,我们更换我们需要东西而且一次我们会正确的事。

    We vowed when we started over, we'd replace only what we needed, and this time we'd do it right.


  • 幸运是,早期工艺19世纪中期得以复兴;艺术家们重新开始设计使用有色玻璃铅条

    But luckily there was a revival of the early techniques in the mid-1800s and artists went back to creating colored glass and using the lead strips in their designs.


  • 刑期接近尾声时一位著名专栏作家写道,她正在付出自己代价”,“任何人都没有资格否定重新开始权利”。

    As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was "paying her dues," and that "there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew."


  • 刑期接近尾声时一位著名专栏作家写道,她“付出自己代价”,以及任何人都没有资格剥夺重新开始权利”。

    As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was "paying her dues," and that "there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew."


  • 重新开始自己小说创作

    He recommenced work on his novel.


  • 37岁安妮最近重新开始极其成功的演唱生涯

    Annie, 37, has recently re-launched her phenomenally successful singing career.


  • 从不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备别的地方重新开始

    He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.


  • 果学生写错了,他会把纸扔掉,重新开始写。

    If a student made a mistake, he would throw the paper away and start writing all over again.


  • 到20世纪80年代中期退休后,他才重新开始读书。

    It was only after he retired in the mid-1980s that he returned to his books.


  • 车道并不是很麻烦,但我的所作所为让一个小男孩再次见到了他的家人,再次回到学校,重新开始他的生活。

    It wasn't too much trouble to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.


  • 中世纪欧洲重新开始重视时间可靠性

    Medieval Europe gave new importance to reliable time.


  • 没有人格上或者任何事物因果相似白板一样重新开始

    No karmic similarities of personality or anything, just starts over like a blank slate.


  • 应该重新开始复习,并付出最大努力而不是不好结果而哭泣

    Instead of crying about your bad result, you should start reviewing again and try your best.


  • 片子结尾意识演绎生活然后真正生活重新开始了。

    At the end of the clip, you would realize that I was acting out his life, and then the real life began again.


  • 那些欧洲北美洲随后回到它们各自海岸重新开始鳗鱼独特生命周期

    Those European and North American young then return to their respective coasts to begin the unusual life cycle of the eel anew.


  • 尽管知道听起来残忍但是如果点儿什么的话,那他应该离婚重新开始

    I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again.


  • 管理部门位发言人他们希望现在重新开始生产汽车而且这场纠纷中他们损失了很多订单

    A spokesman for the management said they'd hope they could now get back to producing cars, and that they lost lots of money and orders over this dispute.


  • 在境况最好时候重新开始锻炼身体也可能一项挑战如今许多都无法健身房参加面授健身课程就更是从何处入手都很难知道

    Getting back into exercise can be a challenge in the best of times, but with gyms and in-person exercise classes off-limits to many people these days, it can be tricky to know where to start.


  • 重新开始采访报道过那次访问记者

    So he resumed interviewing journalists who'd covered the event.


  • 同时需要重新开始停滞职业生涯

    And I needed to restart a stalled career.


  • 同时需要重新开始停滞职业生涯

    And I needed to restart a stalled career.


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