• 一定要细致观察这个行动决定行为模式取得信息

    And you have to get the information by closely observing the person's actions, decisions, and patterns of behavior.


  • 首次正式中国青少年心理健康进行细致观察

    It's the first one that really puts the mental health of Chinese youth under a microscope.


  • 希曼走访过大约30个国家细致观察每个国家艺术背景

    Seaman visited about 30 countries, checking out the art scene in each.


  • 结论做好病情观察口腔护理细致观察皮瓣生长情况保持呼吸道通畅

    ConclusionsTake good care of patients condition observation and oral nursing, take good observation of skin flap, keep respiratory tract unblock.


  • 但是不及罕不什尔州爱荷华州党的细致观察而且只有很少候选者参加

    But the caucus fell between the far more scrutinized Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, and few candidates attended.


  • 这部影片受到原著中相同缺陷诸多影响:荒谬倾向削弱家庭生活现实细致观察

    It suffers from too many of the same flaws as the novel: a tendency towards absurdity that undermines its granular observations about the reality of domestic life.


  • 圣母怜子像那些重要作品精细最完美,值得全心投入地去细致观察

    The Pieta is the most detailed and finished of his important carvings, a work that repays the closest inspection.


  • 结果护士严密细致观察病情及早发现术后并发症,早期果断处理26例患者均康复出院

    Result nurses observed the changes of the diseases, timely finding postoperative complications and managing in time. 26 patients recovered.


  • 无论是慢走、疾走抑或走,有t对应,反映了人们行走这一动作的细致观察

    They described various actions about people's walking. No matter the normal waling, the fast walking, the slow walking or the not-walking, they all had their corresponding words.


  • 结论早期胃癌临床特征性症状,诊断主要内镜医师认真细致观察识别早期胃癌形态改变

    Early gastric cancer clinically has no characteristic manifestations and diagnosis mainly depends on careful observation in endoscopy and identification of its changes in pattern.


  • 结论早期胃癌临床特征性症状,诊断主要内镜医师认真细致观察识别早期胃癌形态改变

    Conclusion: Early gastric cancer clinically has no characteristic manifestations and diagnosis mainly depends on careful observation through endoscopy and identification of its changes in pattern.


  • 休闲体育休闲生活方式随着人们当代体育现象细致观察深刻理解而提出来的一种新的体育概念

    Leisure sports belong to a kind of leisure life style. It's a new concept stemmed from the carefully observation and the penetrating comprehension on contemporary sports phenomenon by people.


  • 手机短信一种新兴文体出现便展现了的与众不同,经过细致观察即可发现具有如此魅力原因之一就是修辞运用

    As a new style, SMS distinguishes itself from other styles from the very beginning, and it can be found through careful observation that it is so charming just because of the use of rhetoric.


  • 细致观察金·天行者(Anakin Skywalker)多年以后,西迪厄斯感到就是那个理想西斯,能够助实现愿望,按照西斯准则建立一个新社会

    Having closely monitored Anakin Skywalker for years, Sidious felt he was the ideal Sith to make true his vision of new society built upon Sith principals.


  • SQL查询调优并不简单包含计划设计都很好的测试策略细致观察和深入的分析

    Tuning SQL queries is not simple; it involves a well-planned and well-designed test strategy, careful observations and in-depth analysis.


  • 经过活动大量耐心细致观察成功获得了这张获奖照片

    With a great deal of patience and careful observation of the wolves' movements, he succeeded in taking the award-winning photograph.


  • Markwick - Kemper博士将名为PG 2112 + 059类星体假想早期尘埃来源,启用太空望远镜——斯匹红(Spitzer)对其进行了更为细致观察

    Suspecting that it might be the source of primordial dust, she recruited a space telescope called Spitzer to look at a quasar called PG 2112 + 059 in more detail.


  • 安德森强调必要此类事件进行更多研究细致观察以便更好地了解这个物种应对不同类型死亡时的微妙变化

    But Anderson stresses the need for more research and detailed observations of these events to better understand the nuances and variations of the species' response to different types of deaths.


  • 他们就像诗人一样有着细致入微的观察但是,有时候这种一丝不苟的作风可能导致对有些稍大细节忽视

    Like poets, Virgos have a keen eye for every minute detail, however, their meticulousness may have negligence of larger details, as a possible repercussion.


  • 这个好的故事与证据相符——直到高斯·特纳对冰人内脏做了细致观察

    It was a good story that fit the evidence-until Gostner took a closer look at the Iceman's guts.


  • 但是细致观察之后,发现细节里都融他的设计理念

    But look more closely, and you'll notice the detailed thought that went into each concept.


  • 此文写于(首次)短暂访问英国之后。他的散文不仅诙谐尖刻,其观察细致入微也足以令人汗颜。

    Written after a short visit to the UK (his first), his essay is not just witty and acerbic, it is humblingly observant.


  • 意味着科学家们可以更加细致观察大脑活动,使得人类破解神秘信号了解大脑复杂、令人难以捉摸的工作道路上向前迈进一步。

    That means they can watch the brain in detailed action, a step towards decoding its cryptic signals in order to understand just how our elusive brains work.


  • 细致入微观察了一下肩膀,谁的怎么放,谁脸上怒容,或者谁皱了眉

    With a novelist’s interest in detail, he carefully observed the shrug of one man’s shoulders, the position of another’s hands, the scowl on one face and the frown on yet one more.


  • 尽管如此,卡普奇克还是公立高中的全体学生进行了细致观察,在每所学校的学生特点迥异的条件下,观察结果有力地说明了什么叫“好心办坏事”。

    Still, Kupchik's detailed observations of four public high schools with vastly different student bodies paint a convincing picture of good intentions gone awry.


  • 每个人都有成为举足轻重会思考观察细致富有创意——一个有生产能力,一个胜利者

    Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being — a productive person, a winner.


  • 每个人都有成为举足轻重会思考观察细致富有创意——一个有生产能力,一个胜利者

    Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being — a productive person, a winner.


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