• 维持队员熟练的灾难医疗技术,辅助队重新设计了技术提升训练课程,在常规训练时使用。

    In order to maintain their DMAT proficiency, a newly designed Enhancement Training Programme has been introduced into the regular training of the members concerned.


  • 近期项研究发现,在运动前摄取少量咖啡因有助于提升训练效果训练能够喝上咖啡因饮料则有助于肌肉尽快恢复

    Several recent studies have found that a small dose before exercising helps improve performance, and a few cups of the strong stuff after a tough workout can help your muscles recover more quickly.


  • 我们户外教育训练就要开始学生们提升他们的沟通能力解决问题的能力、合作的能力,以及继续建立自信的能力。

    Our Outdoor Education Camp is just around the corner! Students will be improving their communication, problem solving, and cooperation skills, as well as continuing to build self confidence.


  • 提升他的表演水平,2018年,李参加了中国传媒大学的配音和剧本写作训练课程。目前,他已经在蜻蜓FM上完成了将近30部作品。

    To improve his performance, Li attended a training course at Communication University of China to learn dubbing and how to write a play in 2018. So far, he has completed nearly 30 works on Qingting.


  • 他们得到一项辅导一些额外训练以此培养他们具备提升管理水准和行为能力

    They are given a coach and extra classes to equip them with the skills they need to improve standards and behaviour.


  • 如果训练关于提升那么最优化便关乎实施

    If training is about improving, then optimizing is about implementing.


  • 这次合同训练中,我们到了那些能够提升我们技战术的方法;我们的空中防卫能力带来显著提高

    During this joint training, we have been learning specific techniques to help us brush up on our skills; it will also bring us a marked improvement for air defense capability.


  • 训练计划多作一些考虑规划,将会有效慢慢持续提升你的表现和耐力。

    By putting some thought and planning into it, a training program is a great way to slowly and sustainably increase performance and endurance.


  • 体现博士训练中心提供年制的博士学位的转变上。相比起三年制计划,四年制还包括了技能提升项目

    That's embodied by a shift to centers for doctoral training (CDTs) that provide 4-year Ph.D.s, including skills-development programs, rather than 3-year project student Ph.D.s.


  • 发生古加拉特的地震造成2万人死亡印度随后就训练大批工程师建筑师组成的队伍,建筑质量进行提升

    For example, after a quake in Gujarat which killed 20, 000, India trained a small army of engineers, architects and builders to raise the quality of construction.


  • 最后我们需要提升训练功能增加重用机会

    And finally we do need to promote and educate our new capabilities to increase the opportunity of reuse.


  • 明天开始,一些提升自我训练每次一些消极的话的时候,自己说一些积极的话来取而代之

    Starting tomorrow, do a little self improvement exercise: Each time you feel tempted to say something negative, make yourself say something positive instead.


  • 专家研究者中,一般假定直接函数训练增长经历丰富见识增长,专家成绩得到提升

    Among investigators of expertise, it has generally been assumed that the performance of experts improved as a direct function of increases in their knowledge through training and extended experience.


  • 这并非是因为我们认为进行这些例行训练提升我们的速度而是这些锻炼会使得我们健康,更不易于受伤

    Not because we think these routines will make us faster in our next half-marathon, but because they make us fitter and less prone to injury.


  • 为何?这并非是因为我们认为进行这些例行训练提升我们的速度而是做这些锻炼会使得我们健康,更不易于受伤

    Why? Not because we think these routines will make us faster in our next half-marathon, but because they make us fitter and less prone to injury.


  • 或许直观上并不显著但是自我训练确实理财平稳度的提升大有好处

    Perhaps not intuitively obvious, but educating yourself can do wonders for increasing your financial peace.


  • 世界各国致力于教育提升因为专家们认为透过技术训练提升生产力以及维持全球经济中的竞争性

    Worldwide, countries are devoted to the promotion of technical and vocational education, since experts believe that skill training enhances productivity and sustains competitiveness in global economy.


  • 如果透过组织正常管道持续地检讨管理阶层报告,提升档案训练计画效果效率

    The effectiveness and efficiency of the records training programme will be enhanced if it is regularly reviewed and reports provided to management through the organization's usual channels.


  • Finke认为马拉松应该专注统一、简单步伐跑步训练,这种训练跑步者在受伤的情况下提升耐力

    Finke believes marathoners should focus on consistent, easy-paced training runs that help them build endurance without getting hurt every couple of months.


  • 埃弗顿球员认为训练为了提升基础所做训练正在获得回报枪手过去6比赛中赢得其中5场。

    The former Everton man said the work being done on the training ground to improve the basics was paying off for the Gunners, who have now won five of their last six matches.


  • 发生古加拉特的地震造成2万人死亡印度随后就训练大批工程师建筑师组成的队伍,建筑质量进行提升

    For example, after a quake in Gujarat which killed 20,000, India trained a small army of engineers, architects and builders to raise the quality of construction.


  • 阶段需要自己跑步训练提升新的高度

    In this step, you want to continue taking your running to new levels. There are a number of ways to do this.


  • 闭眼状态下,患足单足站立,健侧下肢抬高一动作训练有助于提升患者的本体感觉。

    Exercises that are helpful for proprioception include standing on the sprained ankle with the opposite foot elevated and the eyes closed.


  • 跑步自行车或者其他形式交叉训练都是很好的选择可以提升体能

    Running, cycling, or other forms of cardio cross training are good alternatives in the preseason to expedite your fitness level.


  • 这个区间训练能够提升有氧耐力能力时间运动却无疲劳感

    Training at this zone improves your aerobic endurance i. e. the ability to do prolonged exercise without fatigue.


  • 运用间歇训练特性实际融入跆拳道训练中,以冀提升选手专项体能技术水平。

    We wish using the interval training can promote the technique and specific physical fitness on the player of Tae Kwon Do.


  • 其中冥想训练参与者智力平均提升了23%。

    Those who meditated showed an average gain in IQ of 23 percent.


  • 结论我军士兵实施现代健全人格训练提升我军士兵心理健康水平激发创造力、增强战斗力有效途径

    CONCLUSION: Modern healthy personality training for soldiers is an effective way to improve their psychological health level, creativity, and battle effectiveness of the army.


  • 成功保护品牌关键乃至提升公司声誉需要一个合适计划并且提前做好危急情况模拟训练培养训练员工

    The key to successfully protecting, and even enhancing, your company's reputation is to have a plan in place and to train your staff for a crisis situation in advance.


  • 成功保护品牌关键乃至提升公司声誉需要一个合适计划并且提前做好危急情况模拟训练培养训练员工

    The key to successfully protecting, and even enhancing, your company's reputation is to have a plan in place and to train your staff for a crisis situation in advance.


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