• 桌边好不容易倒好咖啡,匆忙中又把了,衣服弄得一样糟糕

    Making a dart at the table, she secured the coffee, which she immediately spilled, thereby making the front of her dress as bad as the back.


  • 虽然米莱一个现实主义画家梵高印象派画家,但仍然很多共同特点

    Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features.


  • 管家径直走了进来因为看到了一切,那多么壮观的景象啊!

    The butler came straight in, for he had seen everything behind the door, and a great scene it had been!


  • 1970年以来,年轻人通胀调整工资一直处于下降趋势,在2000年2010年下降

    Young men's wages (after adjusting for inflation) have been on a downward trajectory since 1970 and fell significantly from 2000 to 2010.


  • 当然彩色玻璃就是着色切割成片,重新组装一个装饰设计的玻璃而已。

    Stained glass of course is simply glass that has been colored and cut into pieces and re-assembled to form a picture or a decorative design.


  • 艺术市场一个世纪历史上最长牛市在达米安·斯特的56作品售出戏剧性结束了

    The longest bull-run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst.


  • 一直漫画立场邮报编辑只是对那个伤害了主人一个朋友康涅狄格警察杀死的黑猩猩特拉维斯的鲜明嘲仿.

    The newspaper had stood by the cartoon, which its editor called "a clear parody" of the death of Travis, the chimp killed by Connecticut police on Monday after it mauled a friend of its owner.


  • 时间内有成千会员加入我们开始怀疑了,其中的一些人根本连一油画没有,”霍奇如是告诉卫报说

    "We got suspicious when tens of thousands of new members were accepted over a six-week period, many of whom were no oil painting," Hodge told the Guardian.


  • 还有广播死刑执行可能呈现不平衡画面——犯罪受害人排除在画面之外会使被执行的罪犯显得无助产生同情

    Still others say that broadcasting an execution would offer an unbalanced picturemaking the condemned seem helpless and sympathetic, while keeping the victims of the crime out of the picture.


  • 可以慢慢研究图像,并关注感兴趣地方但是声音感受随着时间进行结束只能再重新播放它。

    You can examine an image at your leisure and linger over points of interest, but you experience a sound through time; when it's over, the best you can do is play it again.


  • 许多私人分享服务产品中的个。这些产品在上传——图片,一个视频,等等任何一个文件,你可以通过一个特别的URL来定向选择分享文件的朋友同事

    It's one of many new "private sharing" services that let you upload a file-a picture, a video, whatever-and get a special URL you can give to select friends or workmates.


  • 我们所拥有的渐次剥离,临界点一切不再有章可循。没有希望的理由,没有绝望的理由,整个人生可以包纳图景中。

    When we are stripped down to a certain point, nothing leads anywhere anymore, hope and despair are equally groundless, and the whole of life can be summed up in an image.


  • 发行仪式辛格外长向每位来宾赠送了特别本印有12象征着印中友好珍贵照片的像册

    After the release of the special cover, Mr. Natwar Singh presented every guest with a special cover and an album with 12 precious pictures symbolizing Indo-China friendship.


  • 这次展出误认作品包括杜勒的肖像画研究判定并非出自;还有一波提利的作品也是如此

    Among the mistakes included in the show is a durer portrait that later research determined was not by his hand; a Botticelli, too.


  • 画像底部,半掩书桌支撑更大的画像。

    A larger picture is propped up beneath them, half-hidden by a desk.


  • 一瓶顶级葡萄酒精美绘画天然珍珠不同,者都晚宴安然无恙地保存下来,但顶级葡萄酒的数量有限的,而且赝品猖獗

    Unlike an exquisite painting or a strand of natural pearls, both of which tend to survive dinner parties intact, top wines are finite and ersatz bottles are rampant.


  • 然而这个城市也是皱“王"皱“"们渊薮,他们炙热沙漠烈日烘焙下,纵横交织沟壑丛生的“地形图"。

    But the city is also home to some of the crinkliest people you will ever see, their faces baked by the hot desert sun into relief maps of creases and furrows and crosshatching.


  • 任何计算结果相同这些结果综合在一起它们组成合理图画,描绘人群烟雾下的暴露情况。

    No two iterations of the simulation might be identical, but collectively they build up a realistic picture of the population’s smog exposure.


  • 华尔街已经表示新的措施缺乏信心星期三消息宣布周二下跌,直到消息宣布才稳定下来

    Wall Street has shown little confidence in the new steps, declining sharply on Tuesday before leveling off after Wednesday's announcement.


  • 团队完成迭代开发,将计算描述查看此前迭代开发数据,将呈现如图3所示的图片。

    As the team completes iterations, tallies up the story points, and looks at the data of previous iterations, a picture such as the one in Figure 3 begins to emerge.


  • 美国公共广报电台报道,布雷特维塞母亲在儿子被捕烧毁60名画。

    According to PBS, after Breitwieser was arrested, his mother burned over 60 of the stolen masterpieces.


  • 考夫曼通览所有作品,认定孩子们画中最喜欢的,虽然菲奥娜很多被试一样条鲨鱼

    Kaufman concluded these were his favorites of the children's drawings, even though Fiona drew a shark, as many participants did.


  • 研究结果我们呈现了一关于精神压力实时图片描绘,同时,研究对于士兵创伤应激障碍症发病PTSD机制方面也有了一些新的有意义的发现。

    The result was a "real-time" picture of stress. And it yielded new and interesting clues about the mechanisms behind post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.


  • 但是过去1年削减支出企业被压抑需求可能经济获得复苏所需速度至关重要。

    But pent-up demand by businesses, after slashing expenditures sharply in the past year, could prove critical in giving the economy the velocity it needs to recover.


  • 不过麦克安德鲁女士在调查4000家拍卖行5000名世界各地交易者发现一些细节,为我们呈现略微不同图景

    However, Ms MacAndrew who polled some 4,000 auction houses and 5,000 dealers worldwide as part of her research, has uncovered some details that present a slightly different picture.


  • 不过麦克安德鲁女士在调查4000家拍卖行5000名世界各地交易者发现一些细节,为我们呈现略微不同图景

    However, Ms MacAndrew who polled some 4, 000 auction houses and 5, 000 dealers worldwide as part of her research, has uncovered some details that present a slightly different picture.


  • 不过麦克安德鲁女士在调查4000家拍卖行5000名世界各地交易者发现一些细节,为我们呈现略微不同图景

    However, Ms MacAndrew who polled some 4, 000 auction houses and 5, 000 dealers worldwide as part of her research, has uncovered some details that present a slightly different picture.


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