• 谢谢,特小姐,”礼貌回答。“美呀。”

    "Thank you, Miss Tremayne," he replied politely. "So do you."


  • 已经不是那个第一次农场自信傲慢年轻女人了。

    Gone was the confident, faintly arrogant young woman who had first come to the Tremayne ranch.


  • 学生·拉夫勒蒙进一步发现复杂模型中,宇宙坍缩膨胀非常不同

    Further, one of my students, Raymond Laflamme, found that in a slightly more complicated model, the collapse of the universe was very different from the expansion.


  • 怀特·沃特战略咨询公司总监心理学家艾弗尔·勒蒙说,年龄较大员工女性需要这样的安慰

    Older employees and women need the most reassurance, according to psychologist Averil Leimon, a director of White Water Strategies.


  • 怀特·沃特战略咨询公司总监心理学家艾弗尔•勒蒙说,年龄较大员工女性需要这样的安慰

    Older employees and women need the most reassurance, according to psychologist Averil Leimon, a director of White Water Strategies.


  • 领班得尽兴,特勒蒙小姐?”带着恶毒微笑责难着。“母亲很难满意,注意到吗?”

    "Playing patty-cake with the foreman, Miss Tremayne?" he chided with a poisonous smile. "Your mother hardly approves, or did you not notice?"


  • 勒蒙农场牛仔领班木屋里学会怎样做人不再轻视她认为的比地位低下的所发出的噪音。

    She could come and live with him in the foreman's cabin on the Tremayne ranch and learn how to become a human being and stop looking down her nose at people she considered to be her inferiors.


  • 巴顿需要管理勘探设备钻井人员,自己却勒蒙农场工作,得心应手地指导柴斯特朝着牛肉生产现代方式迈进。

    Cal had needed someone to stay at the rig and supervise the men while he worked on the Tremayne ranch and gently guided Chester toward more modern methods of beef production.


  • 同时,的也仍然常驻的巴黎俱乐部隆(Le Baron)以及新宠塔纳(Le Montana)施以他特殊魔法

    He's still working a special sort of alchemy at his always packed Paris clubs Le Baron and newcomer Le Montana.


  • 法国选手吉斯·德利翁昨天扎最后冲刺赢得伦巴巡回赛冠军。

    Gilles Delion, of France, won the Tour of Lombardy in a sprint finish at Monza yesterday.


  • 巡回法官·麦卡特规定根据大纳州法,76退休卡车司机鲍勃·巴克斯特有请求主治医师死亡

    District Judge Dorothy McCarter ruled that, under the constitution of Montana, 76 year-old retired truck-driver Bob Baxter had the right to ask his physician to help him die.


  • 胖子艾灵顿公爵塞隆尼斯 音乐很大程度上要归功于詹姆斯P约翰逊发明

    The music of Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, and Thelonious Monk is due in large part to the innovations of James P. Johnson.


  • 朔伊布观点容克观点形成鲜明对比,这以下辩论火上浇油:为恢复投资者对成立12年之久欧洲货币联盟信心必须采取哪些根本举措。

    The contrasting views of Mr Schauble, and Mr Juncker and Mr Tremonti, will fuel the debate about what radical steps are needed to restore investor confidence in Europe's 12-year - old monetary union.


  • 今年法国埃马纽·拉杜里出版太罗》一书35周年纪念日

    This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·德曼露丝贝利塔娜,费德纳芙拉蒂诺娃,尼克劳斯伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 法国导演布鲁诺·杜执导的影片《弗朗德评委会大奖,成为本届电影节的亚军影片。

    The Grand Prix, or runner up prize, was awarded to "Flanders," directed by France's Bruno Dumont.


  • 因为妻子周六忙着他们的独生女allie里奇的厄学院开始大一新学年

    He and his wife were busy Saturday, dropping off their only child, Allie, at Earlham College in Richmond, Ind., to begin her freshman year.


  • 例如大纳拿市禁烟6个月每月心脏病患者住院几乎减了一半7例降至不到4例。

    When the town of Helena, in Montana, banned smoking for six months, for example, hospital admissions for heart attacks almost halved from seven to less than four a month.


  • 电影票房统计网站BoxOfficeMojo统计,2008年电影《娜-娜/麦莉-斯:世界巡回演唱会》(上一个纪录保持者7060万美元收入创下记录。

    "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour, " the former record holder, had a lifetime worldwide gross in 2008 of $70.6 million, according to Box Office Mojo.


  • 西格德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)沉迷莎士比亚陀思妥耶夫斯基索福斯(Sophocle 古希腊悲剧诗人)的悲剧角色命名狄浦斯情节。

    Sigmund Freud named the Oedipus complex for Sophocles' tragic character and was fascinated with Shakespeare and Dostoevsky.


  • 空中传来轰隆隆的雷声尽管碧空万里无云。想,雷尔就这样明目张胆,好像这么巨大的暗影朝着林城移动不够似的。

    Thunder rumbled overhead, though the sky was cloudless and blue. Ryel, making his presence known, Armon thought, as though the vast black shadow advancing toward Lesslyn were not enough.


  • 乔治阿迈·克鲁尼2014年威尼斯结婚来宾众星云集,包括和比尔·默里等。

    George and Amal Clooney married in Venice in 2014 with a star-studded list of guests who included Damon and Bill Murray.


  • 凯普泰戈兄,您的女儿聘礼因为不能要求更多

    O brother Montague, give me thy hand: This is my daughter's jointure , for no more can I demand.


  • 本文通过对《津姓氏村名考》研究论述地名所反映经济特色文化特色。

    This article discussed the economic characteristic and culture characteristic reflected by placename, by researching in to Monggolojm name and Village name.


  • 太太于1875年出生法国阿尔

    Mrs. Calment was born in Arles, France in 1875.


  • 乔纳斯兄弟好朋友出演汉娜·塔纳电影版》的麦莉·赛斯在最差女主角一项“不敌”布洛克

    The Jonas' Pal Miley Cyrus, star of "Hannah Montana: the Movie," lost the worst-actress category to Bullock.


  • ·塞利也是哈利收藏品一部分

    The Monticelli painting also is part of the Khalil collection.


  • 凯普泰戈兄您的女儿聘礼因为不能要求更多

    CAPULET o brother Montague, give me thy hand: This is my daughter's jointure, for no more can I demand.


  • 凯普泰戈兄您的女儿聘礼因为不能要求更多

    CAPULET o brother Montague, give me thy hand: This is my daughter's jointure, for no more can I demand.


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