• 提出种新型冗余驱动并联模拟平台

    A new kind of parallel simulation platform with redundance actuation has been put forward.


  • 提出使用冗余驱动方式提高刚度及其一致性

    It was proposed that redundant drive could be adopted to improve the stiffness and consistence in all work space.


  • 测试结果相联的进入节省6冗余驱动

    Test results linked to this entry, Saved on 6 redundant drives.


  • 采用冗余驱动方法柔性机构动力平衡进行了研究。

    The dynamic balancing of flexible mechanisms is studied using redundant drives.


  • 冗余驱动并联机床运动平稳,可实现复杂曲面加工

    The PMT with redundant actuation achieved smooth moving and the curved surface machining.


  • 结果表明加入冗余驱动明显降低并联操作手驱动

    The results indicates that the actuating forces of parallel manipulators can be significantly reduced by redundant actuation.


  • 这些结论并联机构运动控制以及冗余驱动提高机构性能提供参考

    The results will be useful for motion control of redundant parallel mechanisms and improving gross performance of parallel manipulators.


  • 针对弹性并联机构特点提出加入冗余驱动方法消减弹性机构振动

    Aimed at the characteristics of elastic parallel mechanism, the method for reducing the vibration of elastic mechanism by adding redundant supporting link and redundant drive was proposed.


  • 结果证实余驱动奇异降维之间关系对于进一步提高并联机构性能提供了参考

    The results verify the relation between actuation redundancy and singularity reduction, which provides a reference for further improving the performance of parallel mechanisms.


  • 运用拉格朗日法建立了驱动并联机床动力学模型,并提出了一种新的冗余驱动力规划方法

    The dynamic equation of this PMT with redundant actuation is built by Lagrange equation. A novel force distribution method is proposed for redundant actuation.


  • 通过在驱动分支安装扭矩传感器实现力矩信号实时反馈初步实现机床冗余驱动柔顺控制

    Torque sensor is installed on the redundant actuation driving limb to realize real time feedback of torque signal, which realizes the compliance control of PMT primarily.


  • 冗余驱动接口模块刚度,且其中各驱动单元均衡误差,可避免使用成本高、算法复杂的力反馈控制技术

    The force unevenness between two driving units of the interface module is so small that force feedback control technique is not needed.


  • 本文弹性机构动力平衡实验研究方面进行了有益的尝试,采用附加冗余驱动的办法,首次对弹性连杆机构的动力平衡进行了实验研究,取得了一定成果

    The dynamic balancing of elastic mechanisms is investigated by redundant drives through experiment for the first time in present study. Some achievement has been made in the dissertation.


  • 配置主机适配器驱动程序通过初始ram磁盘进行加载,初始ram磁盘将在引导过程中加载适配器模块冗余磁盘应用配置数据

    Configure the host adapter driver to be loaded through an initial RAM disk, which applies the configuration data for redundant disks when loading the adapter module at boot time.


  • 建议每个DB2成员使用冗余HBAs,使用多路径软件比如IBMAIX MPIO),或者支持LUNS 多路径访问设备驱动

    Redundant HBAs on each DB2 member and the use of multipath software, such as IBM AIX MPIO, or device drivers that support multipath access to LUNS is recommended.


  • 驱动冗余有效消除并联机构作业空间中的奇异位形其导致驱动分配唯一

    Redundant actuation can effectively eliminate singularities in the task space of a parallel manipulator, but the drive force distribution is not unique because of the redundant actuation.


  • 考虑到现场环境干扰较强总线电缆CAN控制器驱动采用了冗余设计保证数据传输可靠性

    Considering strong disturbance environment in the field area, redundant design in bus cable, CAN controller and driver is involved to assure the reliability of data transmission.


  • 针对空间机器人系统,研究了驱动度机械的“非完整冗余”特征碰撞路径最优运动规划方法

    Nonholonomic redundancy and a collision free motion planning method for under-actuated redundant manipulator were studied in this paper aiming at the Space-Robot-Systems.


  • RAID是廉价冗余磁盘阵列简称,它把磁盘驱动连接一起协同工作提供并行的数据传输容错功能。

    RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, groups many disk drivers in a storage unit to perform parallel data transfer and offer fault-tolerant.


  • 采用一种基于语义规则驱动方法消除句子之间的信息从而使生成文本更加自然流畅,增加可读性。

    We adopt a semantic-based rule driven method to cut down redundancy in the text structure tree, which is quite unique and appropriate for natural language generation system.


  • 总结多种超冗余机器人关节构型优缺点基础上,提出了电机驱动自由度新型关节。

    By analyzing the merits and shortcomings of a number of former joint configurations, a new kind of motor driven joint with two degree of freedom is presented.


  • 然后基于消除并联机构固有内力原则,由冗余并联机构末端力得到机构各个主动关节驱动

    Then, based on eliminating the internal force inherent in redundant mechanism, torque of each driving joint are calculated from the force acting on the terminal of the parallel-mechanism.


  • 基于最新仿生理论并联机器人研究成果提出一种线驱动7 -DOF冗余手臂的设计方案。

    Based on the current research results of humanoid - arm bionics and parallel manipulators, an approach is presented for 7-dof cable-driven humanoid-arm manipulator.


  • 个超移动操作臂机器人系统设计实现了介绍这个系统一个8自由度模块机器人和一个1自由度的电机驱动导轨组成;

    The design and implementation of a hyper-redundant mobile manipulator system are described, which is composed of an 8 DOF module robot and a 1 DOF motorized rail.


  • 控制分配处理冗余控制一种常用方法同时驱动故障具有一定容错能力

    The control allocation is one common way to tackle with the redundant controls, and has the ability of tolerating the faults of the actuators.


  • 控制分配处理冗余控制一种常用方法同时驱动故障具有一定容错能力

    The control allocation is one common way to tackle with the redundant controls, and has the ability of tolerating the faults of the actuators.


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