• 1957年流感流行中,明尼苏达州感染亚洲流感病毒死亡育龄女性有50%为孕妇

    During the pandemic of 1957, 50% of deaths due to Asian influenza in Minnesota among women of reproductive age occurred in pregnant women.


  • 1957年亚洲流感中人们首次注意一个现象那些已经病得奄奄一息年轻患者将会面临着另外一些医学问题

    Many of the young victims who have become deathly ill turned out to have other medical problemsa phenomenon first clearly seen with the 1957 Asian flu.


  • 这些项目两个拉丁美洲四个亚洲国家进行,其中三个国家人间H5N1型流感病例

    These projects will take place in two Latin American and four Asian countries, three of which have had human H5N1 influenza cases.


  • 流感俄罗斯开始迅速欧洲传播一直传到北美亚洲逐渐减弱。

    The flu began in Russia, but spread rapidly through Europe, reaching North America and Asia before tapering off.


  • 迄今为止,亚洲尚未出现确诊流感病例,不过新西兰13名学生他们父母教师墨西哥旅行回国出现了类似流感症状,目前他们正在接受检查

    So far Asia has no confirmed cases of swine flu, though in New Zealand, 13 students and their parents and teachers were being tested after showing flu-like symptoms on returning from a trip to Mexico.


  • 限制这个发现了亚洲一例猪流感病例酒店一周客人丢掉面罩鼓掌欢呼

    One week after they were confined to the hotel where Asia's first swine flu case was traced, the guests emerged clapping and cheering, discarding their face masks.


  • H2N2病毒引起亚洲流感大流行完全替换1918年以来人间的传播h1n 1病毒

    An H2N2 virus causes the "Asian" flu pandemic, completely displacing the H1N1 viruses that have been circulating in humans since 1918.


  • 然而最近增加的猪流感病例似乎没有大蒜创造更多需求,摩根·斯坦利亚洲上周发表一份研究报告中表示

    The recent increase in flu cases, however, does not seem to have created much actual demand for garlic, Morgan Stanley Asia said in a research report released this week.


  • 正当流感恐慌冲击全球股市同时,周二亚洲一些主要股市走低

    Some major Asian stock markets edged downward Tuesday morning as swine flu fears continued to hit stocks across the globe.


  • 迄今为止亚洲欧洲非洲中东的50多个国家报告了家禽禽鸟身上发现了致病性H5N1型禽流感

    To date, highly pathogenic H5N1 has been reported in domestic or wild birds in more than 50 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.


  • 尽管广告片涉及的是一种蔓延亚洲以外疾病而且往往引起恐慌,但是该片的目的是在愉快惊恐的气氛中让孩子们了解禽流感的危险。

    While the PSA deals with a disease that has spread beyond Asia and often incites fear, it aims to do so with panache rather than panic.


  • 亚洲各大机场已经将发热感应设备打开以此检测发热的到来旅客(这些设备在受到早前流感以及SARS恐吓之后就已安装)。

    Asian airports have turned on their heat-sensing equipment to detect sick incoming passengers (kit that they had installed after earlier scares resulting from outbreaks of avian flu and SARS).


  • 这次发起亚洲流感研究伙伴计划将会研究诸如是否流感爆发之际禽类接种问题

    The Asian Research Partnership on Pandemic Influenza will study issues such as whether to vaccinate poultry in the wake of a bird flu outbreak.


  • 可怕分析方案并不涉及流感,还有1997年以来亚洲未能平息的H5N1流感——三分之二感染病例致命的。

    The most dire scenario involves not just swine flu but the H5N1 bird flu virus that's been smoldering in Asia since 1997 — it's fatal in nearly two thirds of cases.


  • 考虑到一些亚洲国家目前家禽中高致病性H5N1流感暴发扩散预期进一步散发人间病例偶然的家庭群集

    Further sporadic human cases and occasional family clusters can be expected considering the current spread of outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in poultry in some Asian countries.


  • 目前若干亚洲国家发生家禽其它鸟类中高致病性流感病毒暴发造成引发人类流感大流行最大威胁

    Currently, the outbreaks of a highly-pathogenic avian influenza virus in poultry and other birds in several Asian countries pose the greatest threat of sparking a human influenza pandemic.


  • H5N1流感病毒亚洲动物得到充分确认开始范围扩大欧洲

    The H5N1 avian influenza virus is firmly established among animals in Asia and has begun to extend its reach into Europe.


  • 提到感染加州患者可能一种来自亚洲流感病毒,进而南下;但病毒也可能源自墨西哥,随后北上传播。

    He mentioned the possibility that the California victims could have been infected by a flu strain from Asia that traveled south, or that the flu was generated in Mexico and went north.


  • 今年一月以来H5N1流感病毒重现造成亚洲地区埃及人死亡

    Since January, the H5N1 avian flu virus has re-emerged and caused deaths across Asia and in Egypt.


  • 一次流感亚洲爆发以来绝大多数病例动物接触病源

    In the current Asian outbreak, the vast majority of cases have been traced to contact with animals.


  • 2006年2月初以来,致病性H5N1流感病毒传播影响非洲亚洲欧洲中东17个新的国家野生鸟类家禽。

    Since the beginning of February 2006, the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus has spread to affect wild or domestic birds in 17 new countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.


  • 世卫组织正在仔细监测亚洲俄罗斯哈萨克斯坦一些地区持续流感暴发

    WHO is carefully monitoring the ongoing avian influenza outbreaks in parts of Asia, Russia and Kazakhstan.


  • 2004年初流感爆发初期亚洲消费滞缓区域供应出口市场中的损失造成国际贸易量下降8%。

    At the onset of avian influenza outbreaks in early 2004, lagging consumption in Asia and the loss of export markets for regional supplies led to an 8 percent decline in international trade.


  • 亚洲流感暴发开始以来,泰国确认18起病例其中13造成死亡。

    Since the start of the outbreaks in Asia, Thailand has confirmed 18 cases, of which 13 have been fatal.


  • 亚洲流感暴发开始以来,泰国确认18起病例其中13造成死亡。

    Since the start of the outbreaks in Asia, Thailand has confirmed 18 cases, of which 13 have been fatal.


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