• 但是得到干预令,申请必须能够证实骚扰身份

    But to seek an order, a person needs to be able to prove the identity of the person harassing him.


  • 骚扰者用来羞辱恐吓攻击目标闭嘴的一种策略

    It's a maneuver harassers use to humiliate, intimidate or silence their targets.


  • 上司也是这些满口污言秽语骚扰者之一,人事经理也无能为力。

    But his supervisor was among those making the lewd and degrading comments. And the human-resources manager wasn't much more helpful.


  • 美国一些电话公司已经提供呼叫限制服务它能使用户阻挡来自骚扰者电话

    Some phone companies in the us already offer call-blocking service, allowing the user to block calls from Numbers that are proving a nuisance.


  • 最近被捕骚扰者承认受到网站怂恿因为还有同伙壮胆而更加放肆。

    Several men arrested in recent months have admitted being encouraged by the websites and emboldened by the prospect of working as part of a group.


  • Babbage先生投身于伟大科学工作,投身于一个骚扰者无法理解的世界。

    Mr Babbage was engaged on works of great scientific importance, and of a nature which his persecutors could not understand.


  • 许多报告骚扰者女性都因为接下来诉讼程序而气馁这些诉讼程序繁琐且难以进行。

    Far too many women who report their attackers are then victimized by complaint systems that are difficult to navigate and disciplinary proceedings that are stacked against them.


  • 还有一位女人如果有人说这些高个男人儿童骚扰”,可以考虑矮一些的男子

    Another said she'd have considered the shorter men, if the taller men had been described as "child molesters."


  • 如果避免成为跟踪狂的受害避开现实生活中的骚扰,那你就不要到处晒你常去的地方

    You can avoid falling victim to a stalker or real-life harasser by not advertising locations you visit regularly.


  • 骚扰行为经常以多种形式出现所以骚扰行为往往同时符合多个类型以下骚扰类型的汇总。

    There is usually more than one type of harassing behavior present, so a single harasser will often fit more than one category. These are brief summations of each type.


  • 墨尔本一位财务主管寻找骚扰者律师费之余花费了大量金钱被指控张贴信息女子申请干预

    A Melbourne finance executive's search for his harrasser cost him extra money in lawyers' fees when a woman he accused of posting the item applied for an intervention order against him.


  • 人们担心如果Aaron轻判和任何方式获得原谅,其他受害他们骚扰采取同样行动

    People are afraid that other victims may do the same to their molesters if Aaron gets a light sentence or if he gets off in any way.


  • 飞蛾扑火型:典型的“百折不挠”的骚扰类性骚扰持续追逐目标求得关注要求约会即使目标人反复拒绝

    Pest - This is the stereotypical "won't take 'no' for an answer" harasser who persists in hounding a target for attention and dates even after persistent rejections.


  • 日本水产表示由于环保组织海洋守护协会(SeaShepherdConservation Society)骚扰日本捕鲸船自2月10日开始停止作业

    Japan's Fisheries Agency said that Japanese whalers have suspended their operations since Feb. 10, pointing to harassment from the anti-whaling environmental group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.


  • 要员安全威胁评估中心警方英国国民保健服务中心06年为了评估骚扰皇室成员和政客缠扰所造成的威胁建立的。

    The FTAC was set up by the police and NHS in 2006, to assess the risk posed by stalkers who harass the royal family and politicians.


  • 人们不免这种担心:法国舆论的倾向严重依赖于信息的公开,所以受到权力人物骚扰受害很少有人敢于声张。

    The worry is that the balance in France leans against public disclosure to such an extent that few victims of harassment by powerful figures dare speak out.


  • 这种持续反复骚扰足以振奋所有人除了严重的酣睡

    This sustained, repeated disturbance is enough to rouse all but the heaviest sleeper.


  • 骚扰线上可以威胁重复滥发邮件电子通讯试图骚扰损害接收组成。

    Harassment: Online harassment can consist of threats and repeated abusive emails or electronic communications that intend to harass or harm the recipient.


  • 如果受害删除了受到的骚扰邮件的话证据也就可能永远地消失了。

    If the victim has also deleted the distressing E-mail, the evidence may be gone for good.


  • 一位丰田公司知情人士把此次贿赂罚款视为工商局的“骚扰”。,该局最近几起消费权益保护案件中总是日本公司茬。

    A person close to Toyota described the bribery fine as "harassment" by the provincial commercial bureau, which he said had singled out Japanese firms in recent consumer-protection cases.


  • 社区社会工作温和的可能有妄想症精神疾病,是一个安静的人,从不骚扰路人,也不是那种攻势乞讨

    According to neighbors and social workers, he is a gentle presence, possibly delusional and mentally ill, a quiet man who does not harass passers-by or panhandle aggressively.


  • 62受害来自荷兰第三大城市海牙,八月他因受到持续电话骚扰报警

    The 62-year-old victim from The Hague filed a police complaint in August due to the persistent phone calls.


  • 受害疑惑尴尬也就意味着实际发生骚扰事件官方统计数字多得多

    Confusion and embarrassment mean the number of groping incidents is suspected of being much higher than official reports suggest.


  • 因此我们不仅要预防偷猎袭击公园还要协助打击骚扰狩猎管理区坏蛋

    In this way we not only take care of poachers attacking the park, but also the ones who are punishing the [game-management areas].


  • 缠扰大多骚扰那些他们认识人,而且39%的犯罪受害以前伴侣根据最新的英国犯罪调查。

    Most harass someone they know; 39% of perpetrators are former partners of their victims, according to the latest BCS.


  • 这个名叫普拉克利村庄的居民们受了捉鬼狂欢们的骚扰,这些人不仅造成破坏,还导致了交通混乱

    Pluckley residents are fed up of being invaded by hundreds of ghost-hunting revellers , causing vandalism and traffic chaos.


  • 那些探寻公司所有真实姓名地址在这里会备受公司公民代理的阻挠。 这些代理可能是名律师可能是名会计,他们会保护客户不受外界打探消息的人的骚扰

    Those seeking the ownersreal names and addresses there find that the trail goes cold with a nominee—a lawyer or accountantwho shields clients from nosy outsiders.


  • 过于谨小慎微的监管承受着企业劳工其他利益团体压力政客骚扰

    The overcautious regulator will be harassed by politicians pressured by business, labor, and other interest groups.


  • 过于谨小慎微的监管承受着企业劳工其他利益团体压力政客骚扰

    The overcautious regulator will be harassed by politicians pressured by business, labor, and other interest groups.


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