• 塞拉利昂中部马克尼(Makeni),那里有农民正在合同上按手印。

    The farmers of Makeni, in central Sierra Leone, signed the contract with their thumbs.


  • 一台制造于1936年的“马克尼702电视机日前成为英国最早的可使用电视机。

    Built in 1936, the Marconi type-702 has been crowned the oldest working television set in Britain.


  • 乔治·马丁,进了巴黎帕斯·马克尼工作室录制新创歌曲建议歌曲的开始合唱

    George Martin, who had come to the Pathe Marconi Studios in Paris to record the newly-written song, made the suggestion of starting it with the chorus.


  • 第一科学试验无线电发报机位意大利电气工程师古格·里耶末。马克尼(1847- 1937)。

    The person who made the first scientific tests with radio transmitters was the Italian electrical engineer, Guglieimo Marconi (1847-1937).


  • 一项安全标准可能会减小网络公司资助界面尺寸布鲁斯·马克尼勒(Bruce McConnell)说道

    A security standard could also cut the size of Internet company help desks, says Bruce McConnell, a counselor for national protection at the Homeland security Dept.


  • 马克尼主要广场,我们塞拉利昂首都弗里敦驾车驾车小时后进入丛林之后,就能发现一些年轻人坐在他们摩托车附近,相互闲聊着开着玩笑,一起抽着香烟

    In the main square of Makeni, a couple of hours' drive into the jungle from Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, young men sit around on their motorbikes, chatting, joking and swapping cigarettes.


  • 意大利一个鲁思科尼集团提到国外的例子时,马克斯韦尔默多克会出现脑海中

    One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.


  • 本尼迪克认为马克思是错的,首要原因误解人类状况

    Benedict argues that Marx was flawed, above all, because he misunderstood the human condition.


  • 当把这些考虑进来,范尼梅弗雷德马克次贷金融市场份额即便是几年也没有增加

    When these are taken into account, Fannie and Freddie's share of the sub-prime market financing did increase even in those years.


  • 当然范尼梅弗雷德马克买下诸如全国金融公司产生垃圾贷款他们帮忙加速借款标准衰落

    Of course, as Fannie and Freddie bought the garbage loans that lenders like Countrywide originated, they helped fuel the decline in lending standards.


  • 火灾预报员马克·芬尼密苏拉附近的一个易燃地区。

    Mark Finney, the fire forecaster, lives in a fire-prone area outside Missoula.


  • 很清楚的是,范尼梅弗雷德马克并没有直接引起次贷抵押- - -他们并不准备这么

    Clearly, Fannie and Freddie did not originate sub-prime mortgages directlythey are not equipped to do so.


  • 首先认为范尼梅弗雷德马克能够参与次贷金融中去

    First, he argued that Fannie and Freddie could not participate in sub-prime financing.


  • 尼科拉巴斯一个诊所曼迪在布里斯托的只有英里远,于是曼迪决定去拜访一下——尽管马克非常怀疑

    Nicola had a clinic in Bath, just a few miles from the Parryshome in Bristol, so Mandy decided it was worth a visit - though Mark was highly sceptical.


  • 当成上千的憔悴的病人出现位于阿帝博尼流域附近马克医院,立即医生救援人员以及记者们包围了。

    When hundreds of emaciated victims turned up at the hospital in st Marc, near the Artibonite valley, they were mobbed by doctors, aid workers and journalists.


  • 那些拉兹·马克学员学院被劫持学员贾尼海勒区被绑架的。

    The cadets who were hijacked from Razmak cadet College, they were kidnapped from Jani Khel.


  • 别人已经指出,在泡沫高峰期几年范尼梅弗雷德马克确实大规模减少房贷市场份额而负责。

    As others have pointed out, Fannie and Freddie actually accounted for a sharply reduced share of the home lending market as a whole during the peak years of the bubble.


  • 即使2004到2006这个沸腾岁月中,如果范尼梅弗雷德马克单纯的只是这个过程的导火索却没有加速,他们必须承担一些责任

    Even if Fannie and Freddie had simply ignited the process, and not fueled it in the go-go years of 2004-2006, they would bear some responsibility.


  • 相反强调,20042006年,范尼梅弗雷德马克房产抵押证券份额轻微降低是因为他们不负责任。

    Instead, he emphasized the slightly falling share of Fannie and Freddie's residential mortgage securitizations in the years 2004 to 2006 as the reason they were not responsible.


  • 马克斯克特-福格特,圣痕公司该州提供宠物火葬服务四家公司之一,另外三家设在明尼阿波利斯、圣保罗德卢斯

    McStott-Voigt says Heavenly Paws is one of four pet cremation services in the state, with the others in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth.


  • 所以当看到一些年轻球员崭露头角,比如塞维利亚和平杯上,青年边锋马克·奥尔·布莱顿惊艳表现,奥尼尔如释重负

    Thus it must come as a relief to the manager that a promising group of young players is emerging including Marc Albrighton, a teenage winger who caught the eye during the Peace Cup in Sevilla.


  • 康涅狄克州哈特福市马克吐温故居资料馆主任杰夫·尼科尔斯告诉记者,马克吐温有意选用这些词句是为了反映那个时代

    Jeff Nichols, the executive director of the Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut, said Twain chose his words on purpose, to reflect his times.


  • 电影首映接受了记者采访,同时接受采访的还有电影主演加里·奥德曼——乔治·斯马力的扮演者,演员约翰·赫特本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇马克·斯特朗。

    Firth spoke to journalists after the film's first screening, joined by the film's lead Gary Oldman - who plays George Smiley - and actors John Hurt, Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Strong.


  • 艾娃·佳斯里尼恩是研究婚姻同居问题的专家,她帮助研究者德国罗斯托克马克斯·普朗克协会做了这份报告。

    Aiva Jasilioniene, an academic specialising in marriage and cohabitation studies, helped produce the report for the Max Planck Institute in Rostock, Germany.


  • 马克西姆有点像当代叶甫盖尼·奥涅金,穿着一黑色高领绒衣,看上去像是“深深地沉浸在超出人类认知正常范围思考计算中”。

    Something of a contemporary Eugene Onegin, Maxim wore black turtlenecks and appeared "deeply absorbed by considerations and calculations beyond the normal range of human cognition".


  • 央行行长中,马克·卡尼(就职于加拿大银行)费拉加(巴西人)都可以待命。

    Among central banker types, Mark Carney (currently at the bank of Canada) and Arminio Fraga (formerly President of Brazil's outfit) have stood out.


  • 佐治亚理工学院the Georgia InstituteofTechnology马克•普劳施尼茨(Mark Prausnitz)团队已经发明出了代替皮下注射方法

    Mark Prausnitz of the Georgia Institute of Technology and his team have devised a different way to replace the hypodermic needle.


  • 格瓦拉追随者博物馆正在展出伟大的变革”,人们对第二次机会看到弗朗兹马克吉诺·塞弗·里尼喜爱藏品反应热烈。

    At the Guggenheim, crowds have responded well to a second chance to view paintings from the likes of Franz Marc and Gino Severini that are now on display in "the Great Upheaval."


  • 内布拉斯加州债务催收公司AffiliatedGroup总裁马克•尼伯(MarkNeeb)说:“人们开玩笑说生意一定很好

    'People joke with me that my business must be great, ' said Mark Neeb, president of Affiliated Group, an Omaha, Neb., collection agency.


  • 尼桑北美产品规划负责人马克。佩(Mark Perry)表示:“不是一件老大哥’式的东西。”

    "It's not a 'Big Brother' thing," said Mark Perry, head of North Americanproduct planning for Nissan.


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