• 大约58%学生表现出没有只有很少风险行为

    About 58% of the students demonstrated none or few of the risk behaviors.


  • 这些单单属于“无法传统风险行为干预得以解决的心理社会问题”。

    They are “a psycho-social problem that will not be fixed by targeting conventional risk behavioursalone.


  • 农户道德风险行为发生是导致安全农产品有效供给不足重要原因。

    Farmers moral hazard behavior results in the inefficient supply of safe agri-food.


  • 抑郁症孤立感风险行为较高发生率艾滋病毒歧视所带来的严重后果

    There are serious consequences associated with HIV stigma, including higher rates of depression, feelings of isolation and high-risk behaviour.


  • 资本标准商业银行风险行为影响研究应该具有一定的理论意义实际意义。

    Then how the capital standard affect Banks' risk-taking behavior should be of more theoretical and practical significance.


  • 他们容易遵守规则保护他们健康不要从事风险行为吸烟安全带驾驶

    They are more likely to obey the rules, protecting their health, and not engaging in risky behaviors such as smoking or driving without a seat belt.


  • 一方面,还有一种保护因素因为较低水平风险行为相联系比如吸烟酗酒

    "On the other hand it had a protective factor, because it was also related to lower levels of high risk behavior," which includes things such as smoking and drinking.


  • 研究人员已经开发出了衡量风险行为差异最新工具相关的研究成果则打破上述固有印象

    Researchers have developed new tools to measure the nuances of risky behavior, and their findings have dashed that stereotype.


  • 特许权价值银行持续经营能力反映,银行冒险动机密切相关,是银行风险行为重要影响因素

    Charter value is an indicator of Banks' consistent performance and an important factor inducing their risk - taking behaviors.


  • Country wide Mortgage公司也采纳类似薪酬方案未能防止风险行为盛行。

    Countrywide Mortgage had a similar compensation approach, which failed to prevent risky behavior there.


  • 根据委托代理理论为了减少信息对称所产生经理人员道德风险行为股东需要对经理人员进行监督

    According to the theory of principal-agent, the shareholder should supervise the behavior of the manager in order to reduce the moral risk came from the asymmetry of information.


  • 为了寻找最佳搜集方式这个模型涵盖了很多参数包括风险承担、风险行为客户档案甚至采集器效率

    The model factors in a wide range of parameters, including exposure, risk behavior, customer profile and even the efficiency of the collector, to identify the best method of collection.


  • 如果任何产业债务错误经济决策拖垮监管部门都出手相救,那么干预措施就会鼓励人们做出更多不计后果的风险行为

    If regulators assist every industry that takes on more debt than it can handle or makes bad business decisions, the intervention can encourage more reckless risk-taking.


  • 一般来说,我们不能直接观察过度程度风险行为债权人债务人国际货币基金组织(IMF)诱导干预

    In general, we cannot directly observe the extent of 'excessive' risk-taking behavior of creditors and debtors that are induced by the IMF intervention.


  • 研究人员计算了每种癌症人群归因风险——当初如果采取风险行为模式或许可以避免患上癌症的病人的比例

    For each type of cancer, researchers calculated a population-attributable risk, which is the percentage of people who develop cancer who might have avoided it had they adopted low-risk behaviors.


  • 全国关键问题仍然是要解决针对脆弱群体通常处于边缘地位的高风险行为人口以及感染了艾滋病病毒的人口的蔑视歧视

    Throughout the country, tackling stigma and discrimination towards vulnerable and often marginalized people engaging in high risk behaviors, and those living with HIV, remains vital.


  • 结果试点第3年末进行考核结果:居民预防包虫病四项基本知识和感染包虫病的风险行为的知晓率提高了30%-70%;

    Results The results checked out at the end of third year after pilot study started as follows: the understanding rate of the principal knowledge about hydatid disease prevention increased 30% to 70%.


  • 哥伦比亚大学研发出的一套标准不仅能够衡量人们财务领域风险行为,也能衡量人们在社会道德娱乐健康领域风险行为

    A scale developed at Columbia University gauges risk-taking not only in the financial domain but in social, ethical, recreational and health areas.


  • 我们证明外部控制系统存在使内部控制系统的监督功能加强,从而使公司治理机制整体形成对企业家道德风险行为的有效约束

    We show that the existence of external control system would enhance the monitoring function of the internal control system, and as a result restrain the moral hazard behaviors of the entrepreneur.


  • 我国的行政处罚方式力度均不够严厉、刑事制裁机率过低、民事追究非常之不易,导致无法注册会计师道德风险行为形成有效约束

    So, to give CPA correctly guide to ethical behavior and effectively curb CPA's moral hazard, we should improve both sides of demand and supply.


  • 接着在理论研究基础上把感知利得感知风险一并纳入研究框架,从感知风险面、感知风险影响因素减少风险行为三个方面进行研究。

    The influence factors of the perceived risk, the composing of the consumer perceived risk and the reducing risk behavior are analyzed after theory analyzing.


  • 最后结论部分全文观点总结,本文所作出的分析论证进行简要的回顾,简要列举解决集合资金信托道德风险行为建议

    At the end is the conclusion, which is the summary of views. It makes a brief review of analysis and arguments, and gives some proposals on how to solve the moral hazard of the collective money trust.


  • 一方面完善法律环境增加注册会计师道德风险行为成本确保注册会计师行为得到有效约束增强法律威慑力以反面抑制其道德风险行为的发生。

    At meantime, we should improve the legal environment, increase the cost of CPA's moral hazard behavior and enhance deterrent power of laws to inhibit CPA's moral hazard from the inverse side.


  • 根据使用全新的、分领域风险行为衡量标准研究女性在承担社会风险的时候男性更加游刃有余,这类风险包括至一个新的城市或者穿着前卫服饰

    Women feel more comfortable than men taking social risks, such as moving to a new city or wearing unconventional clothes, according to studies using this new, domain-specific risk-taking scale.


  • 因为这些年轻人行为通常视为危险信号,因此研究作者们他们为“隐形风险群体

    Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the "invisible risk" group by the study's authors.


  • 哈佛大学研究没有证明两者之间直接联系指出了这种接触行为问题风险之间的强烈关联

    Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.


  • 如果隐藏自己行为表明冒险风险合理化

    If you'd rather hide your actions, that's an indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.


  • 如果母亲表示反对,那么将被认作风险法律行为甚至可能取消孩子照顾权。

    If a mother objects to this, she risks legal action, and may even have her baby removed from her care.


  • 如果母亲表示反对,那么将被认作风险法律行为甚至可能取消孩子照顾权。

    If a mother objects to this, she risks legal action, and may even have her baby removed from her care.


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