• 这些阳刚的男人符合那种冷血男人成见形象

    These are men whose masculinity does not conform to stereotypical images of the unfeeling male.


  • 男性香水乐妈仂采用军事徽章阳刚感觉

    The male fragrance Le Male utilizes a military badge on a chain for a masculine feel.


  • 而追求阳刚现代主义似乎为女性作家提供尤其不利的土壤。

    Modernism, with its macho ideal of the artist, seems to have provided a particularly hostile environment.


  • 出现这种现象的原因是因为传统女人偏爱自己强壮外表比较阳刚男人

    The proposed reason for this is that traditionally, women prefer men who are stronger and seem more masculine than they are.


  • 桑德拉已将头发,并开始穿上阳刚服装,以此挽回失去男子气概

    Sandra has had her hair cut short and has begun to wear more masculine clothes as a way of reclaiming her lost manhood.


  • 这个购物袋的设计师是LeoBurnett金属的手柄人以更为阳刚印象

    This bag was designed by Leo Burnett with a brass knuckle printed on the handle to give a more masculine impression.


  • 如果说春雨轻轻柔柔的窈窕淑女,那么夏雨应该充满阳刚健壮少年

    If the spring is a fair maiden answered gently, then filled with summer rain to be robust masculine youth.


  • 阳刚形容葡萄酒具有阳刚的性质坚定强劲有力同时也参考“阴柔的”。

    Masculine: Describes wines with more masculine qualities: firmness, power and strength. See also feminine.


  • 下场后若穿著她行头阳刚大手还里拎著一瓶啤酒,准摧毁掉之前精心创造女人形象。

    To appear in them off-stage, with a pint grasped in his manly hand, would destroy the vision of woman he had created.


  • 权相佑:也不尽然,一直以来更倾向于好的电影好的角色,而不是那种只要自己阳刚角色。

    KSW: not really, I've been choosing good movies and roles, not the ones I could play masculine roles.


  • 他们的研究表明对于生活那些基因构成生存至关重要的地区那些女性来说面容阳刚男性具有强烈的吸引力

    Their research suggests masculine men have the greatest appeal for women who live in areas where a strong genetic make-up is critical for survival.


  • 一方面,男校男孩显示更加欣赏阳刚男性面貌女性容貌喜好与普通学校男生相比就没什么区别了。

    Boys, on the other hand, demonstrated marginally stronger preferences for facial masculinity in male faces, but did not differ in their ratings of female faces.


  • 疾病肆虐的地区,阳刚的男性似乎意味着能生出健康后代,意味着男方能够长久陪伴在女方左右帮助照顾后代。

    Where disease is rife, this seemed to imply, giving birth to healthy offspring trumps having a man stick around long enough to help care for it.


  • 宽阔无垠海面上,海风劲健的脚步走过,海涛阵阵,波涛汹涌,卷起那是大海奏起深沉雄浑阳刚乐章。

    The broad expanse of the sea, the sea breeze strong pace through the waves, waves, roaring waves, roll up thousand heaps of snow, the sea is playing deep forceful masculine.


  • 呈现优美五彩缤纷而又温馨的漫天彩霞,但它折射出的却是壮美的昂扬激烈劲拔阳刚的耀眼光芒

    Although it presents us a graceful picture of colourful, gentle and rosy clouds, Jiuge refracts strong , fierce and glowing rays of sunlight.


  • 问到男人节”应该怎么过时,陈先生:“可以一些只有人才做的事情比如拳击俱乐部展现男人血性阳刚一面。”

    When asked what men could do on Men’s Day, Mr Chan says, “We can do things only for men, like going to a boxing club to bring out the bloody and hooligan side of ourselves.”


  • DeBruine博士年初发表论文中发现,在健康指数较低国家妇女更加青睐阳刚男性,在健康指数较高的国家,情况相对有所缓和。

    In a paper published earlier this year Dr DeBruine found that women in countries with poor health statistics preferred men with masculine features more than those who lived in healthier societies.


  • 今天看来,所撼动那些特质,只是欢快活力清晰明朗结构阳刚力量,是无拘无束,是主人公格外健康的形象,当然,也是作品的意象。

    The qualities in it that strike me today are its cheerful vigor, its clearness of form, its virile force and freedom, and the extraordinary healthiness of the hero, and, indeed, of the whole work.


  • 希望儿子变得一样身强力壮充满阳刚之气擅长体育运动

    He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.


  • 一直就喜欢有阳刚气的东西厚实的皮革,结实的提手,啊哈,我找到手提箱了

    I've always been into more masculine items, deep leathers, thick handles. Alas, I already have all the suitcases I need.


  • 反之巴西因为医疗条件很差,大部分(55%)女人会选择阳刚型男人作为配偶。

    In contrast in Brazil, which had the worst health care, the majority of women (55 per cent) preferred masculine men.


  • 美发店、整容机构减肥中心会议挤满了把花钱为了获得女性所青睐的标志性V字型阳刚身材男人

    Salons, cosmetic-surgery offices and Weight Watchers meetings would be filled with men who spend a fortune trying to get that iconic masculineVshape women crave.


  • 罗斯儿子喜欢芭比娃娃,罗斯实在难以接受力图使本喜欢玩更具阳刚之气的游戏。

    Ross has a hard time accepting that his son plays with a Barbie doll; he tries to get him interested in more masculine toys.


  • 德布将受试女性答案她们相应国家健康指数评分进行比较发现健康环境差的地区,女性强烈偏好阳刚男性的面容

    When DeBruine compared the women's answers with the health index score for their country, she saw a strong preference for more masculine faces in less healthy areas.


  • 这个理论与彭恩-瓦卡同事研究下一个主题一致,即:阳刚之气存在其他人来说其否更有益

    Such a theory fits into Penton-Voak and colleagues' next topic of study: whether masculine traits exist mostly for the benefit of other men.


  • 传统男子汉气概表现在惩罚任何越界男人无论是由于是个同性恋娘娘腔体弱多病或是其他缺乏阳刚之气的表现。

    Traditional masculinity was about punishing any man who stepped out of bounds, whether it was because he was gay, feminine, physically weak, or in some other way short of the masculine standard.


  • 传统男子汉气概表现在惩罚任何越界男人无论是由于是个同性恋娘娘腔体弱多病或是其他缺乏阳刚之气的表现。

    Traditional masculinity was about punishing any man who stepped out of bounds, whether it was because he was gay, feminine, physically weak, or in some other way short of the masculine standard.


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