• 由于这些讨论几乎不可避免地涉及价格专利知识产权保护竞争问题更加突出了。

    This is all the more so since these discussions almost inevitably turn to questions of prices, patents, intellectual property protection, and competition.


  • 部分问题在于,亚马逊申请一键式专利二十年,人们在线零售购物购买体验提出了不少问题

    Part of the problem is that almost two decades after Amazon filed the one-click patent, the online retail shopping and buying experience is filled with frictions.


  • 这里核心问题生物专利是否延伸这些生物的后代

    The central issue in the case is whether patent rights to living things extend to the progeny of those things.


  • 2006年,吉妮.吉拉德被转诊断患有乳腺癌,知道这会使她面临高额医疗费用挑战,可由此而卷入专利问题,却是她始料不及的。

    When Genae Girard received a diagnosis of breast cancer in 2006, she knew she would be facing medical challenges and high expenses. But she did not expect to run into patent problems.


  • 美国公民联合会高级顾问克里·斯多芬A .汉森问题不是出在检测公司方面,而是出自专利办公室

    Christopher A. Hansen, senior national staff counsel for the civil liberties union, said the problem was with the Patent Office, not the company.


  • 专利案件法官日程表可能被推迟几个月,甚至几年而且其中通常包含法官不能理解技术问题

    A patent case can tie up a judge's calendar for months, sometimes for years, and often involves technical issues that the judge doesn't understand.


  • 另一个问题专利的申请可能促使一些公司一些发明尚未成型时就急于注册。

    Another problem is that first-to-file may make companies rush to put in for a patent before their invention is truly ready.


  • 另外法律没有解决专利体系存在一个重要问题各类公司保护自己点子付出高昂的支出

    Moreover, the law does little to address the more basic problem of a patent system that has grown in expense for all kinds of companies that want to protect their ideas.


  • 为了解决这个问题最近以色列研究员们获得了太阳能气球系统专利

    To rise above that problem, Israeli researchers recently patented a system of solar-collecting balloons.


  • 方案已经向美国申请了专利将会近期通过虽然这个方案中,如何冷却水仍然是尚解决问题

    A patent application is pending and the scheme may soon be approved in the U. S., though cooling the water may be the least of the problems associated with the idea.


  • 如果大家商标问题兴趣,我会以后给大家介绍,也可以访问美国专利商标局网站获取更多信息

    If you are interested in trademark issues I may be talking more about them on this site going forward but definitely visit the United States Patent and trademark Office for more information.


  • 最大问题之一来自于“专利钓饵者”—律师专事起诉那些侵犯了某项“虚设专利”的公司

    One of the biggest new problems comes frompatent trolls”—lawyers who bring cases against companies for violating this or that trumped-up patent.


  • 这种技术有争议(专利执行问题)所有专利过期已经变成一种接受格式

    This technology was once controversial (for patent enforcement issues) but has become an accepted format since all patents have expired.


  • CO专利机构总是存在预算紧张人员安排的问题一下子实现所有目标非常困难。

    Co: Within the patent offices there are always budget limitations and staffing constraints that make it difficult to attack all goals at once.


  • 最近编码理论方面的工作——他为此设计了算法并获得了专利解决诸如互联网组播通信这样的问题

    His more recent work in coding theory has led to designs-and patents-that address problems such as packet loss during multicast communications on the Internet.


  • 这么做却无法回避专利问题,因此这些侵犯了专利测试代码相关的内容依然是个问题

    Since this doesn't side-step patents, though, any issues relating to the test code that infringe on patents may still be a problem.


  • 某些行业里,特别是医药行业如果不能指望专利得到保护,是否真有人愿意投入研发所需大笔资金是个人质疑问题

    In some industries, notably pharmaceuticals, it is doubtful that the huge investments needed to develop new products would be made without the prospect of patent protection.


  • 问题在于,许多伪造专利也能获得专利办公室批准,因而起不了什么作用。

    The fact that the Patent Office approves many bogus patents does not help matters.


  • 不过这不意味着谷歌自己专利问题上就是清白的。

    But Google hasn't been faring well in the patent courts.


  • web标准的观点来看,可能觉得直接砍掉embed标签可以,但从来没有也永远不会成为一个W3C建议因为专利问题

    From a web standards point-of-view it may be easy to just cut the embed element out of the equation. It simply has never been a W3C recommendation and it never will be, because of patent issues.


  • 取消H.264解码也并不奇怪Google他们今年早些时候将会剔除这个功能,因为涉及包括Microsoft在内专利问题

    The removal of the H.264 codec may not come as a surprise to many as Google said they would cut it out earlier this year due to a patent issue with a group of companies including Microsoft.


  • 因此下次我们开始处理新的所有权问题的时候,无论是专利版权还是私人计划,我们最好衡量下那些不会发生好的结果

    So the next time we start handing out new ownership rights-whether via patents or copyright or privatization schemes-we'd better try to weigh all the good things that won't happen as a result.


  • 通过与同辈或是老师探讨得到很大启发,帮助,令他收益颇多。 他说:“他们建议首先获得专利其次再考虑增强同行间竞争力问题。”

    His greatest help, though, came from discussions with peers and teachers: "They told me to first get a patent, then think about increased competition from copycats."


  • 科技博客techcrunchMG•西格勒上周三撰文发问:“为什么谷歌今天博客上针对专利问题发难?”

    "Why did Google blog about patents today?" Techcrunch's MG Siegler asked on Wednesday.


  • 之后1876年,经过12天的瓶颈后--贝尔华盛顿处理关于工作专利问题--突然开始尝试另一声音传送器

    Then, after a 12-day gap in 1876—when Bell went to Washington to sort out patent questions about his workhe suddenly began trying another kind of voice transmitter.


  • 我们近期无暇顾及专利问题因为可变形表面仍然存在坚固可靠性问题尤其是不同温度和潮湿度当中。

    We have put that aside for the near term, as they still have problems with robustness and reliability, especially across varying temperatures and humidity.


  • 柠檬问题一个重要案例那些发明了很难甚至不可能寻求专利保护的发明者的困境。

    An important example of the lemons problem is the inventor who creates an idea that is difficult or impossible to patent.


  • 今天我们将要探索问题,将处理支持自由运用决定更加透明、更为专利数据的需求。

    The issues being explored today address the need for more transparent and accessible data on patents to support decisions about freedom to operate.


  • 今天我们将要探索问题,将处理支持自由运用决定更加透明、更为专利数据的需求。

    The issues being explored today address the need for more transparent and accessible data on patents to support decisions about freedom to operate.


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