• 本文介绍的方法帮助你写作故事短剧、甚至是长篇剧本

    Using these methods to create a short film screenplay will help with future short films and even feature-length films.


  • 成功地用于长篇拍摄我们也感到惊讶不管怎么说这很令人高兴

    We were very surprised when it took off for longer features, but pleased nonetheless.


  • 母亲从未上过识字奇妙的是,朗读一些长篇民间故事

    My mother never went to school and claimed that she did not recognize one single Chinese character, although mysteriously she could read some rather lengthy story books.


  • 任何地方气象研究,如果处理得很详细就可成为一个长篇文件

    The subject of wind climatology for any area , if treated in detail, would make up a voluminous document.


  • 我们经常他们,‘为什么你们团队这个课题发表一个长篇,高质量论文呢?’

    We often ask them, 'Why can't your group organize a long and strong paper on this topic?


  • 他们一点可爱这些由始至终贯穿于作品里:,短篇的,长篇中篇的,无论哪种

    They are quite unlikable, and this is consistent pretty much across o 'connor's fiction: short, long, medium, whatever.


  • 真的喜欢翻译杂志,长篇文章最适合译者起步的,我确实翻译中学到了许多知识。

    I really enjoy translating for magazines.Feature length articles are the right length to really get rolling, and I actually learn a lot from the translations.


  • 比如体育部分,记者会写出出色原创文章,其中汤匙的新闻长篇分析博客等

    Its Sports section, for example, has reporters producing top-notch original material ranging from scoopy news items and blogs to long-form analysis pieces.


  • 真的喜欢翻译杂志长篇文章适合译者起步的,我确实翻译中学到了许多知识。

    I really enjoy translating for magazines. Feature length articles are the right length to really get rolling, and I actually learn a lot from the translations.


  • 也许撰写一个长篇的哲学论文而且投入很多精力但是教授告诉你论文需要提高

    you might have worked on a great philosophy paper and put so much effort into it, but your professor tells you it needs improvement.


  • 圣洁不是什么非凡的事,不是那些头脑的,有智力力量能够说服讨论,能长篇讲话阅读书籍的人。

    Holiness is not something extraordinary, not something for only a few with brains, with intellectual powers that can reason, that can discuss, that can have long talks and read very wonderful books.


  • 不过正如Hulu这类站点财务流行度上获得成功所带来的启示,品牌或许乐意支持项目其他长篇电影电视节目

    Brands, however, would probably be more than happy to support projects like this and other feature-length movies and TV shows, as the financial and popular success of sites like Hulu clearly shows.


  • 通常喜欢书写长篇的书法因为写书法当作一种在休闲时享受而且认为没有必要自己弄成像复印机一样的来写长篇的东西

    Usually I don't like to write long ones in calligraphy because I want to do calligraphy as enjoyment in leisure, and I think there is no need to make myself into a copy machine for the long ones.


  • 迪斯尼电影公司回到他们最拿手的事情:制作长篇动画故事片

    Disney has returned to what it does best: making full-length animated feature films.


  • 事实上1680年代中期长篇书信体丑闻小说销量相当不错

    In fact, a long epistolary scandal novel that she wrote in the mid-1680s sold quite well.


  • 代尔长篇小说样板不是别人虚构故事而是事实

    The template for Adair's novel is not somebody else's fiction, but fact.


  • 这部长篇小说根据他的印度写成的。

    The novel is based on his travels in India.


  • 莫里斯不理会那个问题继续长篇大论

    Morris ignored the question and continued his monologue.


  • 西参议员威胁长篇大论来阻挠法案的通过。

    Senator Seymour has threatened a filibuster to block the bill.


  • 他们中的大多数人都阅读那些探索深层主题需要批判性思考反思长篇文章书籍

    Most of them are not reading long articles or books that explore deep themes and require critical thinking and reflection.


  • 特别是科幻小说散文小说一个子类因为几乎一部科幻小说都是短篇长篇小说。

    Especially, science fiction is a sub-class of prose fiction, for nearly every piece of science fiction is either a short story or a novel.


  • 特别是科幻小说散文小说一个子类因为几乎一部科幻小说都是短篇小说长篇小说。

    Specially, science fiction is a sub-class of prose fiction, for nearly every piece of science fiction is either a short story or a novel.


  • 然而阿连德并没有像人们所期待那样发表社会主义长篇大论而是政治信息巧妙地融入了编织引人注目叙事结构

    Yet rather than the to-be-expected socialist harangue, Allende subtly works her political message within the fabric of the compelling narrative she weaves.


  • 风险在于,互联网的高速连接减少我们注意力持续时间,从而导致我们不能阅读长篇论著,或是需要高度集中注意力的书籍。

    There is the danger that the high-speed connectivity of the Internet will reduce our attention span—that we will be incapable of reading anything of length or which requires deep concentration.


  • 然而只不听话的小云雀来说,这番长篇大论听起来就是“叽叽喳喳”。

    This fine tirade sounded, however, to the ungodly sailor-boy like a mere Pippi-pi.


  • 史蒂夫身上了解长篇原创价值它服务读者来源于生活选材贴近每一个人

    From Steve I learned the value of lengthy original articles, serving the reader, writing from personal experience, and choosing topics that apply to everyone.


  • 业已证明人们愿意电子阅读器长篇新闻付款的。

    People have proven willing to pay for long-form journalism on e-readers.


  • 业已证明人们愿意电子阅读器长篇新闻付款的。

    People have proven willing to pay for long-form journalism on e-readers.


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