• 借记卡责任限额银行欺诈事件

    Debit cards have different liability limits depending on the bank and the events surrounding any fraud.


  • 本月早些时候新德里富裕郊区古尔加翁一家全球银行分行发现这起涉嫌欺诈的案件。

    The alleged fraud was discovered earlier this month in a branch of the global bank in Gurgaon, a wealthy suburb of Delhi.


  • 本月早些时候客户向一名银行高级经理提到骗局这起涉嫌欺诈的案件才得以曝光。

    The alleged fraud came to light earlier this month when a client mentioned the scheme to a senior bank manager.


  • 但是三名法官组成的小组裁决即使银行通过参与交易使看似更加合理”来“协助鼓励”了欺诈它们安然股东也不负有责任

    But the three-judge panel ruled that even if the Banks had "aided and abetted" fraud "by engaging in transactions to make it more plausible", they owed no duty to Enron's shareholders.


  • 如此看来,我们银行欺诈行为不计后果的措施以及投资人监管者时刻紧绷的神经足够的理由生气

    Then there was widespread anger at banks’ dodgy practices and reckless behavior, and an insistence that investors and regulators needed to be more vigilant.


  • 知道海外投资者是不会对那些公共支出失控货币失调、银行缺乏监管或者是本土企业欺诈外国业主国家大发慈悲的。

    Overseas investors show little mercy to countries where public spending gets out of hand, the currency gets out of line, the Banks are poorly supervised or companies rip off outside owners.


  • 针对银行过去不法行为,误判欺诈行为的监管措施依旧执行。

    Regulatory action over the bankspast mistakes, misjudgments and deceptions is still under way.


  • 正如穆雷·罗斯巴德评价的那样,如果银行不能履行承付存款义务只是偿付能力不足,而不是欺诈

    As Murray Rothbard observed, a bank that fails to meet its deposit obligations is just another insolvent, not an embezzler.


  • 实时信息提示的帮助下,消费者能够立刻确认他们银行账号交易是否正当,交易中是不是存在欺诈行为。

    With this real-time information, consumers are instantly able to verify legitimate use of their account or detect fraud.


  • 84%股份英国纳税人所有的苏格兰皇家银行这起疑似欺诈最大受害者之一

    Royal Bank of Scotland, which is 84% owned by the UK taxpayer, appears to have been one of the biggest losers from the alleged fraud.


  • 西班牙《世界报》报道,此前法院通过调查发现萨恩斯西班牙信贷银行任职期间涉嫌金融欺诈犯罪,随后法院宣布要求萨恩斯暂时停职

    The newspaper said the court has barred Saenz from working for a bank after he was found guilty of fraud while at a previous role as chairman of Banco Espanol de Credito.


  • 加好油汽车时候,我收到信用卡发卡公司——美国银行一条欺诈短信

    By the time I returned the rental car and got to my gate, I had a fraud alert message from my credit card company, U.S. Bank.


  • 加好油汽车时候,我收到信用卡发卡公司——美国银行一条欺诈短信

    By the time I returned the rental car and got to my gate, I had a fraud alert message from my credit card company, U. S. Bank.


  • 总调查员尼尔·巴罗夫·斯基对于发生欺诈行为可能性表示关切,他呼吁接受救援资金银行报告它们如何使用纳税人的资金。

    Inspector General Neil Barofsky expressed concern about the potential for fraud, and called on Banks receiving bailout funds to report on their use of taxpayer funds.


  • 此外,“机器人签名”丑闻银行采用了有问题甚至可能是欺诈收房过程——余波也还没有完全消除,按揭贷款审批也将陷入停滞

    Add in the fallout from the "robo-signing" scandal, in which Banks were accused of using flawed and possibly fraudulent foreclosure processes, and mortgage approvals will stay sluggish.


  • 每一个钓鱼欺诈案中,数千帐户持有人犯罪分子锁定。这些犯罪分子假装客户银行的名义向他们发送电子邮件诱导他们虚假网页上输入帐户口令

    In each phishing scam, thousands of account holders are targeted by criminals, who send emails pretending to be from the customer's bank and directing them to enter their password on a bogus website.


  • 德意志银行经济繁荣时期抵押债券狂热销售者就连交易员确信市场会出现萧条时也是如此,这一点加强了高盛面临的那种欺诈指控

    It was an eager seller of mortgage securities during the boom, even as its traders were betting on a market slump, fuelling the same allegations of duplicity that Goldman Sachs has faced.


  • 银行们也欺诈他们把这种高利润贷款自己的朋友,并因储蓄贷款丑闻被迫认罪。

    The bankers convicted in the savings and loan scandal who dealt sweetheart loans to friends were fraudulent.


  • 由于担保人的不可靠面临的风险已一清二楚;并不仅仅是商人们被欺诈,如法国兴业银行交易员杰洛米•科维尔,一个胆敢挑起风险

    The moral hazard is clear; it is not just rogue traders, such as Jérôme Kerviel at Société Générale, who are given huge incentives to take risk.


  • 这家法国银行巨额欺诈交易丑闻而遭受损失此案中一家银行的一名雇员临时羁押),此次发售股票就是为了在善后巩固资本

    The French bank tendered the offer to bolster its capital after losses that arose from a huge rogue-trading scandal (in which another bank employee was detained briefly).


  • 另外问题还有如果欺诈行为得逞,负责?银行吗?还是客户?抑或提供这种技术公司

    There's also the question of who's liable if there's fraud. Is it the bank? The customer? Or the company that supplies the technology?


  • 作为一个负责任企业机构立方氮化硼再次警告所有接受者欺诈信件虚假交易,不存在任何合同付款被困银行金库

    As a responsible corporate body, the CBN is once again warning all recipients of fraudulent letters on bogus deals, that there are no contract payments trapped in the bank's vaults.


  • 信用卡欺诈行为使得持卡人发卡银行每年要遭受上亿损失。

    Credit and charge card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year.


  • 防止钱财损失一个办法信用卡支付不是汇款因为银行可以让采取防止欺诈行动

    One way to protect your money is to rent from a place that accepts credit CARDS rather than a wire transfer, because CARDS allow you to take action against fraud.


  • 经济周期波动社会不可抗力、银行管理不善消费者理财不善恶意欺诈消费信用蕴涵主要风险

    Fluctuations in economic cycles, social force majeure, poor bank management, consumer financial mismanagement, and malicious fraud, and so on, are all implied major risks for consumer credit.


  • 因为如果有人入侵帐号,从我的信用卡在线银行帐户欺诈的钱,损失的是谁

    Because if somebody hacks into my account and defrauds me of my credit card and my online bank account, guess who takes the loss?


  • 有时受侵电脑会被进一步用于其他欺诈活动例如网络钓鱼攻击这种攻击往往会说服用户透露银行密码敏感信息

    Compromised computers are sometimes used to further other scams, such as "phishing" attacks that try to persuade users to reveal sensitive information such as bank passwords.


  • 有时受侵电脑会被进一步用于其他欺诈活动例如网络钓鱼攻击这种攻击往往会说服用户透露银行密码敏感信息

    Compromised computers are sometimes used to further other scams, such as "phishing" attacks that try to persuade users to reveal sensitive information such as bank passwords.


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