• 技术秘诀才是至今绿色科技金点众多发达国家并不愿意中国分享这样的信息。

    Technological know-how is by far the most value of cutting-edge clean technology which most of the developed countries not willing to share with China.


  • 第一结束时,由于差一才达到 GPA 2.0要求,尼杰失去了5000美元助学

    At the end of his first year, Nijay lost his Pell Grant of over $5,000 after narrowly missing the 2.0 GPA cut-off.


  • 第一结束时,由于差一才达到2.0要求,尼杰失去了5000美元佩尔助学使得无法继续支付学费。

    At the end of his first year, Nijay lost his Pell Grant of over $5,000 after narrowly missing the 2.0 GPA cut-off, making it impossible for him to continue paying for school.


  • 由于预期寿命持续增长——发达国家的人们领取的养老在随时间一增加——美国英国计划不够

    a yeareven the American and British plans are inadequate.


  • 注意到了,于是我,‘我们必须找到新的更好方法这个。’”利博士如是说

    "I saw all this, and I said, 'We have to find new and better ways to do this,'" Dr. Lipkin said.


  • 来说非常重要的一是,我所描写博士不仅仅伟人,他还是一个受到召唤不平凡事平凡人

    It was important to me to write about Dr.King, not just as a great man, but as an ordinary human being called to do extraordinary things.


  • 由于2000年基本国家养老提高了一由于年前取消私人退休享有减税政策,许多人至今还原谅他。

    Many have not forgiven him for a paltry increase in the basic state pension in 2000, or for removing a tax relief enjoyed by private pension funds three years earlier.


  • 首先是,数字没有计算任何解雇但仍在接受某种补助

    For one thing it does not count anyone made redundant who still receives some sort of stipend.


  • 大约下去1.8米处,我们找到一小木头,”布兰,“我们往下挖了,又发现一些钉子。”

    "About 1.8 metres down we found a small splinter of wood," Blenkin says. "we dug a little further and found some nails."


  • 补充道人们每个必须他们收入12%到养老里才可以保证退休后舒服

    He added that people needed to be saving at least 12pc of their income each month to ensure they had a comfortable retirement.


  • 所为上述合约设定一个3399的基准价,高于周四收盘价

    The exchange set a base price at 3399 for all four contracts, slightly above Thursday's close.


  • 查尔斯·托什出生苏格兰格拉斯哥同名电脑关系没有

    Charles Macintosh, who has no connection whatsoever to the computer of the same name, is born in Glasgow, Scotland.


  • 可是那些线太可能带回地球,所以科学家不能确定这在每个夏天”都在凹排成线而且发光的黄色灰尘化学成分

    The 'gold' pits isn't likely to be ferried back to Earth, though - scientists remain unsure of the chemical composition of the yelllow, shimmering dust that lines the pit walls every 'summer'.


  • 学校官员借用一年度补助他们削减课外活动不愿考虑财产税征幅小一——这也许更易被接受。

    Officials declined to borrow against next year's state aid, they refused to trim extracurricular activities and they did not consider seeking a smallerperhaps more acceptable tax increase.


  • 波普。“我们没有真正科学证据表明,仅仅了一果糖,就会有什么了不起的事情发生。”

    "We have no real indication that the science of just a small amount [of] more fructose matters," Popkin says.


  • 不明晰,即人行目前是否避免上调存款准备作为对抗通胀首选方法

    What is unclear is whether the PBoC has now decided to avoid the RRR hike path as the preferred approach to combating inflation.


  • 因此在购买汽车保险的时候,男性支付的保险费女性高,以及获得优厚一退休

    Which is why men tend to pay more than women to insure their cars, and get more generous pensions.


  • 拉斯科博士承认权利感到受到了伤害没有忽视这一

    Dr. Luskin validates your right to feel hurt. He is not in anyway saying to ignore it.


  • 周一实施最新比率比原来下调0.5个百分——大型银行存款储蓄21%,小型银行19%。

    The new ratios, as of Monday, will be 0.5 percentage points lower - to 21 percent of total deposits for large Banks, and to 19 percent for smaller ones.


  • 很棒自己也没有预料到他这么上场机会,但是他发挥地好,总是虚心学习太重要了。

    He is doing very well,” said Walcott. “I don't think he thought he would be playing quite this much but Carl's got in there and he always wants to learn, which is great to see.


  • 与其把所有放在一个项目里,而这个项目又不能兑现,不如同样分发不同的项目中去——我们也不必怀疑哪怕的实质意义

    The solution to a program that didn’t work was to allocate donated dollars to a different program — never questioning the value and impact of donating those dollars in the first place.


  • 此外,25央行下调融机构人民币存款准备0.5个百分

    The central bank also said it will cut the bank reserve requirement ratio by 0.5% starting from December 25.


  • 中国采取了一系列措施上调银行人民币存款准备率0.5个百分抑制过度放贷。

    China announced several measures, including a 0.5-percentage-point rise in the reserve requirement for Banks, designed to cool the pace of lending.


  • 例如准备要求是20个百分存款只能增加准备

    For example, if reserves of 20 percentwere required, deposits could expand only until they were five times as largeas reserves.


  • 教授发现得到了体会。

    Mr Kim draws two lessons from his findings.


  • 由于通胀始终设定的2%的目标高出一个百分先生本周信件已经今年第四封了

    This week's letter from Mr King was the fourth he has had to write this year as inflation has persistently strayed more than a percentage point above the 2% target.


  • “一儿都奇怪,”瓦莱丽·马格利。她在克利尔·沃特附近经营一家名为猎犬繁育中心

    "I'm not surprised," said Valerie Muggli, who runs Tails of gold, a golden retriever breeding operation near Clearwater.


  • 神秘魔法据说一种转化为化学物质

    The mythical philosopher's stone, or sorcerer's stone, is said to be a chemical substance capable of turning lead into gold.


  • 大型银行存款准备下调1个百分至15.5%,小型银行的存款准备下调2个百分14.5%。

    The reserve requirement rate for the largest Banks will fall by 1 percentage point to 15.5%, while that for smaller Banks will fall by 2 percentage points to 14.5%.


  • 大型银行存款准备下调1个百分至15.5%,小型银行的存款准备下调2个百分14.5%。

    The reserve requirement rate for the largest Banks will fall by 1 percentage point to 15.5%, while that for smaller Banks will fall by 2 percentage points to 14.5%.


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