• 部分有序集合可以作为一个范畴

    A partially ordered set can be represented as a category.


  • 包含有不同类型大小多媒体对象网页可以使用multi - streaming以部分有序方法传输这些内容,而不要严格有序方法

    Web pages containing multimedia objects of different types and sizes can use multi-streaming to transport these components in a partially ordered method, rather than in a strict ordered way.


  • 什么要权益持有者承担部分债务呢?大型国际银行有序退出明显缺乏可靠程序

    A credible procedure for the orderly unwinding of a big international bank, whereby debt as well as equity holders share some of the pain, is still conspicuously lacking.


  • 由于可以提供公司一些具体有序信息以及告诉如何还债,因此好的商业计划任何一个贷款方案重要的一个部分

    As it provides specific and organized information about your company and how you will repay borrowed money, a good business plan is a crucial part of any loan application.


  • 他补充,对普京的政策感到很满意,认为这些政策是有序的。 包罗丁说,部分俄罗斯公民都有共同的感受。

    Borodin says most Russian citizens feel the same.


  • 有序违约相当于债务重组,也就是债权人接受部分损失同时债务人同意偿还部分债务

    An orderly default is equivalent to restructuring debt — whereby creditors accept a loss while debtors agree to pay most of its debts.


  • 部分时间里金融市场风平浪静交易有序市场主体进行大规模买卖

    Most of the time, financial markets are pretty calm, trading is orderly, and participants can buy and sell in large quantities.


  • 现在,在Rahul儿子Rajiv经营下,Bajaj出口有序增长——部分出口东南亚,踏出了走向世界舞台一步

    Now, under Rahul's son, Rajiv, Bajaj has taken its own first steps onto the global stage with organic growth of exports, mostly to South-East Asia.


  • 矩形建筑体量围绕中心庭院有序组织起来,每个体量都有部分向下倾斜的空间,且坡度各不相同。

    Composed of four rectangular sections arranged in a square around a central courtyard, each of the four parts of the building has a distinctive downwards slope.


  • 准确把握整体部分有序,从而视觉流程里有效地传达信息流畅地表达情感

    Accurately grasp the overall and part of the orderly for effective communicate information and fluent express their feelings.


  • 有序强调混沌中存在有序部分可应用于预测目的

    The word "ordered" is applied to emphasize the search for the order part in the chaos for the purpose of prediction.


  • 论文主要着重于有序多孔制备,主要分为两个部分

    In this thesis, we focused on the preparation of the ordered porous membranes which contained two parts.


  • 揭示了介于整体部分有序无序复杂简单之间的形态、新秩序;从一特定层面揭示了世界普遍联系统一图景

    Fractal post new form and rule between whole and part, order and naughty, complex and simple, and the prospect of world's relation and unification.


  • 亚洲时段再次静悄悄风险有序,其中欧元收复昨天糟糕数据引致失地的一部分

    Once again Asia sees a quiet session with orderly moves higher in risk as the Euro regains some ground lost from yesterdays disappointing data.


  • 首页应该包含一段两端简短描述,并且最好用有序列表把重点部分罗列出来。这样可以帮助用户短的时间内就网站主旨一个大致的了解。

    This page should have a short descriptive paragraph or two, along with some sort of bulleted list that a website visitor can look at and very quickly get an idea of what the site is about.


  • 透明有条理的方式公布这样一揽子政策,那么外汇储备有序消耗最终有望视为解决方案的部分而非问题的一部分

    If such a package were announced in a transparent and coherent manner, then an orderly drain on the reserves could come to be viewed as part of the solution, not part of the problem.


  • 然而只是他们拥有远见“变混沌有序计划的一小部分他们甚至使各种原始的种族协助他们以保持这些种族各自所在世界完整

    It was all part of their unfathomable, far-sighted plan to create order out of chaos. They even empowered primitive RACES to tend to their works and maintain the integrity of their respective worlds.


  • 系统包括分离综合问题表达,物流旁路分离可行性分析,应用有序经验规则进行分离综合几个部分

    The system consists of some basic tools for problem representation, bypass and split feasibility analysis, and separation synthesis.


  • 部分时间能照着计划来啦。不少影评这部电影不灵因为梦境过于有序了,才不是咱平时做梦一样乱七八糟的。

    Many critics have put down the movie because the dreams are neat and orderly, not messy and chaotic —but that's the point, these are geek dreams, carefully programmed in advance, like a video game.


  • 记者4S了解到,目前召回工作已经有序展开,部分4S店已经提前进行售后维修工作。

    Reporters learned that the recall is now well underway in the 4S stores, and some stores have already performed the after-sales repair work ahead of time.


  • 网格安全作为网格技术重要组成部分整个网格系统的有序运行发挥着重要作用。

    As an important component of Grid technology, Grid security plays a very important role in ensuring the whole Grid system running properly.


  • 可以指出微域有序部分具有溶蚀镶嵌交织形貌。

    It is pointed out that the ordered part in the micro-district would possesses corroded, Mosaic, interwoven features.


  • 谎言虽然引起所有不好确实在我们日常生活井然有序进行中不可缺的部分

    Lying, for all the bad it might cause, is an indispensable part of keeping our day-to-day lives running smoothly.


  • 部分细胞器清晰可见神经纤维较丰富排列有序突触清晰,突触间隙不清,突触小泡较多。

    What's more, most of the organelles were visible, nerve fibers were abundant and arranged in order, synaptic membrane was clear, synaptic cleft was unclear, synaptic vesicles were enough.


  • 部分细胞器清晰可见神经纤维较丰富排列有序突触清晰,突触间隙不清,突触小泡较多。

    What's more, most of the organelles were visible, nerve fibers were abundant and arranged in order, synaptic membrane was clear, synaptic cleft was unclear, synaptic vesicles were enough.


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