• 无论妈妈怎么清洗这些衣服,去不掉腥味

    No matter how much my Mother washed them, they would still smell of the sea and of fish.


  • 花儿了,你看哭了,你知道我会永远永远等你回答

    You looked that flower thanked, you looked that sea has cried, you knew that I forever forever will wait for you to give my reply.


  • 因为时刻感觉到生活就是,我做的就是老人,应该明威所赋予一种精神生活

    Because I can always feel the life itself is that sea, I want to be that old man and live on with the spirit Hemingway endowed.


  • 每次有人都会告诉他们老人照顾

    Whenever anybody came up to her, she would tell them what good care the old man had taken of Heidi.


  • 只有知道一种神秘热病感染了,他们任何人所想象到的还可怕

    Only I knew that Hattie was infected with a secret fever, more gruesome than either of them could imagine.


  • 右腿上,裤子被卷膝盖爸爸举重器材上取下来塑料板,正超级大拇趾的底隔大约一秒钟的时间,他便上下伸展弯曲一下他的大拇趾

    His right pant leg was rolled up to the knee, and on the end of his big toe was a plastic weight from his dad's weightlifting set. Every second or so, Hayden flexed his toe up, then down.


  • 藏起来,一圈圈转着乌鸦挂着的根绳子舞动

    Hattie hid her face as I twirled the crow round and round, made it dance on its string.


  • 后面可以看见窗玻璃上的上面描绘希望

    Behind him, I could see Hattie's face reflected in the window glass, painted with hope.


  • 丝特·白兰!”声音喊道

    "Hearken unto me, Hester Prynne!" said the voice.


  • 桑德普林斯合作在《以后基本结束

    The collaboration between Sondheim and Prince would largely end after Merrily.


  • 》的失败强烈影响到桑德姆。一度退出戏剧界,转而电影或者电玩,或者写惊悚小说

    The failure of Merrily greatly affected Sondheim; he was ready to quit theater and do movies or create video games or write mysteries.


  • 丝特得准是不是林间小路上和相遇同一个人呢?

    Couldst thou surely tell, Hester, whether he was the same man that encountered thee on the forest-path?


  • 象征物或者更确切地说所代表社会地位丝特·白兰本人头脑中,有着强烈独特作用

    The effect of the symbol - or, rather, of the position in respect to society that was indicated by it - on the mind of Hester Prynne herself, was powerful and peculiar.


  • 无论如何,今天早上特罗尔坦市电话传来的声音里,听得出明显放松乐观

    In any case, there was a palpable sense of relief and optimism coming down the line from Trollhattan this morning.


  • 波罗诸国、斯堪的维亚半岛和和俄罗斯即将不过一些保暖衣物就足够应付了。

    The Baltic states, Scandinavia and Russia will be cooling down, but it’s nothing a few warm layers can’t handle.


  • 尽管丝特·白兰女性想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但学者隐士身影还是出现:他略带畸形,左肩稍

    This figure of the study and the cloister, as Hester Prynne's womanly fancy failed not to recall, was slightly deformed, with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right.


  • 很久以前男人女人就等他们边缘,搜寻着地平线旁的艘小船。

    Long ago, men went to sea, and women waitedfor them, standing on the edge of the water, scanning the horizon for the tinyship.


  • 通往居民区林中小路看来多么沉闷,一回到居民区丝特·白兰就重新负起耻辱重荷,牧师则要再次戴上名声的空虚的面具!

    How dreary looked the forest-track that led backward to the settlement, where Hester Prynne must take up again the burden of her ignominy, and the minister the hollow mockery of his good name!


  • 尤利西斯为了忍受妖塞壬充满诱惑但是致命的歌声,不但自己桅杆上而且命令船员无视释放自己要求

    Ulysses had it right: in order to endure listening to the seductive-but-deadly sirens, not only did he have himself bound to the mast, but he ordered his crew to ignore his demands to set him free.


  • 宽阔可以成为首次俄国提供条通向不的航道。

    The wide bay could be a harbour, giving Russia for the first time access to an ice-free sea.


  • 啊哈我们清楚意味着什么丝特·白兰!

    Aha! We know what that means, Hester Prynne!


  • 阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔恰恰心怀恐惧,周身战抖,并且事实上缓慢而勉强伸出死人一般冰冷触摸丝特·白兰的发的手。

    It was with fear, and tremulously, and, as it were, by a slow, reluctant necessity, that Arthur Dimmesdale put forth his hand, chill as death, and touched the chill hand of Hester Prynne.


  • 丝特·白兰小精灵孩子远之后,便穿过森林小径上步,树木暗影之中。

    When her elf-child had departed, Hester Prynne made a step or two towards the track that led through the forest, but still remained under the deep shadow of the trees.


  • 在他俩谈话的段时间里,丝特一直不错眼珠盯着老人她惊奇地注意之间,发生了多么明显的变化

    All this while, Hester had been looking steadily at the old man, and was shocked, as well as wonder-smitten, to discern what a change had been wrought upon him within the past seven years.


  • 纽约市立图书馆比利·罗斯电影陈列柜可以找到许多当年凯瑟琳·的影迷们发给电报

    At the Billy Rose Theater Division of the New York Public Library, would-be Cyranos can peruse notes and telegrams Katharine Hepburn received from her many admirers.


  • 然而符咒的效力依旧使可怜牧师在上面的丝特·白兰居住过的茅屋都令人望面生畏。

    Its spell, however, was still potent, and kept the scaffold awful where the poor minister had died, and likewise the cottage by the sea-shore, where Hester Prynne had dwelt.


  • 丝特·白兰就一边这么着,一边垂下双眸瞅着红字

    So said Hester Prynne, and glanced her sad eyes downward at the scarlet letter.


  • 还有波罗刮来的总是带来变化无穷的云彩

    And almost always wind wafts endless clouds from the Baltics.


  • 丝特打发珠儿水边去贝壳缠结,好让采药人一会儿话。

    HESTER bade little Pearl run down to the margin of the water, and play with the shells and tangled seaweed, until she should have talked awhile with yonder gatherer of herbs.


  • 丝特打发珠儿水边去贝壳缠结,好让采药人一会儿话。

    HESTER bade little Pearl run down to the margin of the water, and play with the shells and tangled seaweed, until she should have talked awhile with yonder gatherer of herbs.


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