• 声音那么真实那么自然听得清清楚楚

    It was such a real voice and it seemed so natural that he should hear it.


  • 海蒂的东西来说总是那么真实现在以为自己的奶奶家里。

    Whatever Heidi read always seemed real to her, and now she thought it was her own grandmother at home.


  • 它们似乎没有民间故事那么真实,包含一些不太可能发生的事,比如只青蛙变成王子

    They seem to be less realistic than folktales, like they have something improbable happeninga frog turning into a prince, say.


  • 天鹅六月谣传暂时非常接近那么真实的”?

    You and Swan Jun were rumored to be very close for a time, is that true?


  • 个对于永恒地狱一个有趣的替代概念虽然不是那么真实

    That's an interesting alternative take on the notion of 'eternal hell', not that it's real.


  • 这种感觉那么自然那么真实完全融入一个生活

    This feeling is so natural and so genuine that it goes entirely in an individual's life.


  • 迎接零时后来枫叶了,落了逼近依然那么真实

    Greeting zero hours. Afterwards, maples leaves were red, snow fell, and the approach of rain was still so real.


  • 既然自闭症儿童往往觉得其他孩子可怕那么真实面孔可能让他们不快

    A realistic face could be off-putting, since autistic children often find other children intimidating.


  • 电影里精彩台词打动了,思考着莎士比亚作品居然在今天还是那么真实有力

    I was struck by the beauty of the language, thinking how even today Shakespeare's writing remains powerful and true.


  • 创建海洋水族馆那么真实可以电脑显示器真正的水族馆屏保

    Screensavers created by Marine aquarium, so real, that can turn your PC monitor in real aquarium.


  • 很多国家政客们对自由市场忠诚已经那么真实只是停留在浮夸的层面。

    In many countries politicians' fealty to open markets is already more rhetorical than real.


  • 有时发泄虚假死亡感中寻找一种肉眼看上去和谐,看上去那么真实却是合理的。

    Sometimes it's a kind of giving vent to emotion, seeking the harmony with naked eyes from the spurious feeling of death. Something looks not that real but reasonable.


  • 记得小时候阳光西西斜,金色光芒斜射水面上,阳光那一刻便那么真实像是跳舞

    Remember childhood, West oblique sunlight, the golden rays of light beam in the water, the sun will live in the moment, so like in real dance.


  • 可是时间世界里,“如果这个词语意味着重新来过的一次机会,可是,生活那么真实怎能

    But in time, world, "if" the term to mean that there is an opportunity to got a new lease, but, life is so real, how can weight come from?


  • 托尔金小说中仔细描写了中地世界种族文化微小细节从而使得这个世界读者看来那么奇特那么真实

    In his novels J. R. R. Tolkien took care to depict each of the cultures of Middle Earth in minute detail, which is what makes this world so fascinating and so real for readers.


  • 世间也许那种掌心绵延情感带着琐碎烟火感觉那么真实,让四季轮回心安里,从此相濡以沫

    In this world, perhaps is the kind of palm stretches of emotion, with trivial flavor fireworks, let my heart feel so real, let the cycle of seasons, fall in the peace of mind, from each other.


  • 片拥有1300万人口,有着广袤热带地区国度,在民意测验上却显得那么真实可信,出来的结果往往大相径庭

    Opinion polls, never reliable in this vast tropical country of 13m people, produce wildly opposing results.


  • 回忆起来,像是场梦尤其是台上主持的场景。又是那么真实因为能记得我们计划此项活动走出的每一步。

    Recalling it, it was like a dream, especially the day on stage as hosts, but so real, because I can still see the path we walked through planning this event.


  • 也许显得那么真实但是是因为你们已经存在较低振动中太久了,发现它很难去想象,因为它是如此的不同

    It may seem unreal, but that is because you have been in the lower vibrations for so long, you find it hard to imagine it being any different.


  • 女巫突然意识到,那种能把变成灰烬魔力她的世界里那么真实可行我们这里却毫无用处时,对来说简直是个可怕的时刻

    It must have been a terrible moment for the Witch when she suddenly realized that her power of turning people into dust, which had been quite real in her own world, was not going to work in ours.


  • 其中一些显得超乎现实之外,一些显得格外绚烂,甚至显得那么真实——注意它们真实影像之外延伸,也并不是作为单一的图像说明

    Some of them might look surreal, too colorful, even magic or fake, but they are not - keep in mind that they've all been developed out of usual photos, and not a single image is an illustration.


  • 如果知识坚实基础那么的知识结构有可能强大有效真实

    If you have a solid base for your knowledge claims, then your knowledge structure is more likely to be strong, valid, true.


  • 如果人们生活他们真实的自我背道而驰那么他们可能开心的。

    People just can't be happy if they are living a life that is contrary to the type of person they are.


  • 如果现实模型真实世界大相径庭那么每天很难采取有效行动

    If your model of reality is wildly different from the actual world, then you struggle to take effective actions each day.


  • 果人们经常在网上交换真实的个人信息,那么确实,这些友谊是真实而有意义的。

    If people always exchange true personal information online then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful.


  • 游戏真实虚拟环境混合那么我们是否应该担心有些那么容易区别二者

    As games blend our real and virtual environments, should there be a concern that some people will be less able to distinguish between the two?


  • 作为读者你挠挠头,看着如果说交互设计就是故事那么这些真实”的故事又是怎么来的呢?

    As a reader, just think to yourself: If interaction design is just about telling stories, then where do these "true" stories come from?


  • 作为读者你挠挠头,看着如果说交互设计就是故事那么这些真实”的故事又是怎么来的呢?

    As a reader, just think to yourself: If interaction design is just about telling stories, then where do these "true" stories come from?


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