• 一个原子中子质子聚合在

    Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.


  • 加速器可能产生聚变,将原子融合在一

    But accelerators could potentially produce nuclear fusion, which fuses atomic nuclei together.


  • 那些好斗老鼠关在一之前没有跑步老鼠大脑视前内测神经元活性要低得多

    The animals that had not run before moving in with the mean mice showed much less neuronal activity in these portions of the brain.


  • 我们知道原子之间的,电子密度保持两个原子在一键的。

    And we know that it's electron density between the nuclei that holds two atoms together in a bond.


  • 自己随意选择一些食材来做点心,将奶酪蔬菜橄榄,鹰嘴豆泥、奶油干酪鳄梨同时面包水果切片原味酸奶一吃。

    Assemble your own snacks from a selection of cheese cubes, raw vegetables, pitted olives, dips such as hummus, cream cheese and avocado, as well as mini bread sticks, fruit slices, and natural yogurt.


  • 那些例子中细胞细胞质融合在一杂交细胞制造了表达动物遗传密码完美运转

    In those instances nuclei as well as cytoplasms came together and the hybrid cells made perfectly functioning enzymes that expressed the genetic code of two types of animal.


  • 那时人们逐渐了解了这场灾难带来惨重生命损失幸存者遭受的苦难场致命灾难带来的巨大危险。

    Since then it has become more apparent how many lives might have been lost, what hardship survivors are enduring, and what peril they face from the risk of a deadly nuclear disaster.


  • 第一有效量,或者说实际感受到电荷量,又或者可以说就是,使它们保持在一,原子电荷量。

    The first is this the z effective, or how much charge is actually in the nucleus that's felt, Z or the I guess we would say the z, how much the charge is on the nucleus that holds it close together.


  • 两个轨道合在一相互作用,就形成了sigma

    And a sigma bond forms any time you have two orbitals coming together and interacting on that internuclear axis.


  • 直到2004年,美国强大压力下,巴基斯坦逮捕Abdul Qadeer Khan,这个科学家非常乐意机密任何掏得的任何人。

    Not until 2004 and under the most intense American pressure did Pakistan arrest Abdul Qadeer Khan, the scientist who had cheerfully sold nuclear secrets to anyone prepared to pay.


  • 任何时候两个轨道轴上直接到一得到sigma

    Any time two orbitals come straight on together in that internuclear axis, you're going to have a sigma bond.


  • 我们材料没有发生过一事故反映出我们的控制管理机制如何地有效。

    There has not been a single incident involving our fissile material, which clearly reflects how strong our controls and mechanisms are.


  • SATB1由于T细胞分化激活调节相关基因表达关键作用而广为人知的蛋白免疫系统中的关键参与者

    SATB1 is a nuclear protein well known for its crucial role in regulating gene expression during the differentiation and activation of t cells, making it a key player in the immune system.


  • 加工下内含子,同时显子(编码序列)连接在一

    The introns are cut out by processing enzymes in the nucleus and the exons (coding sequences) ligated together.


  • 原子内,中子质子堆叠在一同样也根据量子力学互相交换能量

    Within an atom's nucleus, neutrons and protons jostle and change energy according to quantum mechanics, too.


  • 同事发现,实验用小鼠时候鼠脑中缝背多巴胺神经元比较不活跃

    Tye and her colleagues found that when mice were housed together, dopamine neurons in the DRN were relatively inactive.


  • 人们相信,较重原子若干个质子电子紧密聚集在一形成

    Heavier nucleus was believed to be formed of a number of protons and electrons packed closely together.


  • 小猫着科莱特的眼睛一会儿然后低下项圈上放到科莱特的唇上。

    Cat eyes staring at Klaette looked for a moment, and then bowed his head, picked up the collar of stone into Klaette lips.


  • 线粒体生物能量代谢中心也是细胞凋亡、信号转导中关键调节作用细胞器。

    Cytomicrosome is the center of energy and metabolism of eukaryon. It is also a cellular organ with the critical adjusting function in processes of apoptosis signal.


  • 说过什么将它们结合,将两个原子结合在一一个吸引力,其中一个原子中的电子一个原子中的原子之间

    I said what hold the bonds together, what holds two atoms together is the attractive force we have between each electron and the other nucleus.


  • 我们形成一个分子就是轨道放到这样我们有他们原子,两个原子,它们之间距离

    What we're going to do in forming a molecule is just bring these two orbitals close together such that now we have their nucleus, the two nuclei, at a distance apart that's equal to the bond length.


  • 结论丘脑多个团参与p3发生丘脑听觉p3产生过程中触发作用

    Conclusion: a number of thalamic nuclei play an important role in P3 generation, which supported the hypothesis that thalamus triggered auditory P3 generation.


  • 包括几个紧密的质子的原子确实存在

    Atomic nuclei containing several closely packed protons exist at all.


  • 单培体细胞连接在一产生细胞

    Mononucleated haploid cells join to produce binucleate cells.


  • 不能说一下我们是否一如既往地坚定支持不同国家一控制舰队

    Could you just say whether we are still strongly in favor of a mixed-manned nuclear fleet?


  • 球体式胶囊物理方法、囊、囊(包衣)三层结构粘结包裹在一制成

    The three - layer spherical capsule gel breaker is made of capsule nucleus, mantle and shell, which are cohered together by physical method.


  • 球体式胶囊物理方法、囊、囊(包衣)三层结构粘结包裹在一制成

    The three - layer spherical capsule gel breaker is made of capsule nucleus, mantle and shell, which are cohered together by physical method.


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