• 无法达到指定压缩系统开始使用无法通过压缩节省内存时,就会出现赤字

    Deficits occur when the compression ratio specified cannot be achieved, and the system starts to use memory that cannot be created out of compression.


  • 他们平均预算赤字发达国家小,而且通货膨胀维持在历史性低点

    They have smaller budget deficits, on average, than rich countries, and inflation rates remain historically low.


  • 唯一支持率比较高的赤字减少措施削减公共雇员养老金即便是这样,公众支持反对意见也是相当的。

    The only deficit-reduction measure with significant support was cuts in public-employee pensions — and even there the public was evenly divided.


  • 罗戈夫莱因哈特描述的那样,危机常常导致预算赤字的显著增长债务负担率的增加

    As Rogoff and Reinhart have demonstrated, the crisis usually also leads to a dramatic increase in the budget deficit and a rise in the debt to GDP ratio.


  • 同时商品交易,从而导致贸易赤字的急速上升

    Meanwhile, the exchange rate was artificially high, leading to a sharp rise in the trade deficit.


  • 失业率时期我们必须削减财政赤字观点就是这样一个错误观念

    The idea that we must cut the budget deficit at a time of high unemployment is such a misconception.


  • 区别现在主要表现在对债券收益率股票上涨往来帐户预算赤字压力上,不是富有戏剧性外汇危机上

    The difference is that now they emerge in pressure on bond yields and ballooning current-account and budget deficits, rather than in dramatic foreign-exchange crises.


  • 虽然受到世界商品价格变化严重影响人们还是预计2011年加拿大经济缓慢而稳步地上升,加拿大赤字债务率低于其他G 8成员国

    The economy, heavily influenced by world commodity prices, is expected to grow slowly but steadily in 2011, and Canada's deficit and debt ratios are far lower than those of the other G8 countries.


  • 美国欧洲正在10%失业率上升赤字和国家债务这样长期前景奋战中。

    The United States and Europe are struggling with the long-term prospect of 10 percent unemployment and rising deficits and national debts.


  • 我们必须找到应对国家面对真实问题——失业率慢性增长的财政赤字贸易逆差——的政策办法。

    We must also find the right policies to deal with the very real problems confronting the country: high unemployment and chronic budget and trade deficits.


  • 是因为各国常常通过削减赤字高额债务率采取措施,他们这件事所拥的能力有不同。

    That is because countries tend to respond to high debt ratios by cutting deficits but vary in their ability to do so.


  • 规模巨大的货币赤字失业率仍然是严重经济问题

    A sizeable current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious economic problems.


  • 如果投资率没有改变日本将会进入账面赤字时代。

    If investment rates do not change, Japan will move into current-account deficit.


  • 加纳的排名下降12位,主要原因宏观经济情况恶化,包括大幅增加的财政赤字,高额的公共债务以及通货膨胀率

    Ghana's 12-place decline in the index is blamed mostly on its worsening macroeconomic situation, characterised by large fiscal deficits, rising public debt and high inflation.


  • 经济支持率已经下滑选民们对于赤字非常担心认为(虽然不公平)他之前财政刺激没有效果(上图)。

    His approval ratings on the economy have tanked but voters are alarmed about the deficit and convinced, unfairly, that his previous fiscal stimulus didn't help (see chart).


  • 这些规则必须要求各国逐渐降低负债水平,必须允许西班牙等高失业率国家存在预算赤字

    These rules must provide for a gradual reduction in indebtedness. They must also allow countries with high unemployment, such as Spain, to run budget deficits.


  • 过去二十年里,日本婴儿出生率持续下降这引发老年人无保障条款长期财政赤字一系列人口统计学问题

    The past two decades have witnessed relentless declines in the Japanese birth rate, prompting a range of demographic concerns, from a lack of elderly care provision to long-term fiscal catastrophe.


  • 对于美国来讲,希腊债务危机通过减少公债收益率恰好帮助其消除削减财政赤字的压力

    In America, paradoxically, the Greek crisis has, if anything, removed the pressure for deficit reduction, by reducing bond yields.


  • 但是无论利息降得或是财政赤字多高,今天大多数国家来说失业率肯定上升收入也有严重下降。

    But no matter how low interest rates go or how high deficits rise, there will be a substantial increase in unemployment in most economies this year and a painful decline in incomes.


  • 首先较高个人储蓄率(乐观来看)联邦赤字有望压低长期利率资本成本。

    First, higher personal-saving rates and (more optimistically) a lower federal deficit will hold down long-term interest rates and the cost of capital.


  • 赤字所反映出来的不是投资率的增加而是储蓄率下降

    The deficits reflected a falling saving rate rather than a rising investment rate.


  • 直到金融危机晚期希腊承认关于财政赤字和负债率撒了市场麻木惊醒突然主权危机恐慌起来。

    It was only late in the global crisis, when Greece admitted to lying about its Numbers, that the markets woke up from their torpor into a sudden panic over sovereign risk.


  • 另外,由于国内需求相对GDP下跌,因此赤字国家恢复潜在增长率,势必逐步改进出口

    And for deficit countries to be able to go back to their potential growth while domestic demand is falling relative to GDP, they will need net exports to improve over time.


  • 如果失业率持续较高财政赤字仍然巨大利率上升的话国会还有白宫哀嚎了

    And there will be howls from Congress, and maybe the White House too, if interest rates rise when joblessness is still high and the deficit huge.


  • 毕竟现金没有收益率贸易赤字依旧,财政赤字没有尽头

    After all, the currency has no yield support, a continuing trade deficit and the prospect of endless fiscal deficits.


  • 最近几年虽然取得令人瞩目的4%的增长率却是建立在高国库货币帐户赤字的基础上实现的。

    Growth, while impressively about 4% for the last several years, has been achieved through high fiscal and current account deficits.


  • 最近几年虽然取得令人瞩目的4%的增长率却是建立在高国库货币帐户赤字的基础上实现的。

    Growth, while impressively about 4% for the last several years, has been achieved through high fiscal and current account deficits.


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