• 完善使研究水中呼吸器成为可能人类送到海里,使其一样自由

    It was a perfection of a valve that made the aqualung possible and put man back into the sea with all the freedom of a fish.


  • 磷化氢,三氢化磷一种无色的、易自燃有毒气体ph3,有象鱼气味可用作。

    A colorless, spontaneously flammable poisonous gas, PH3, having a fishy odor and used as a doping agent for solid-state components.


  • 布设渔网一些方法已经减少捕获物海豚的捕获,没有减少其它一些生物的捕获,长嘴海龟

    New methods of setting nets have reduced the bycatch of dolphins but not of other species, such as billfish, turtles and sharks.


  • 典型的涉及食物链端(浮游植物植物,反之浮游动物是动物)的磷虾等植食动物事件

    Typically, this is a fish-eat-fish affair, with vegetarians like krill taking their place at the bottom (phytoplankton are plants, whereas zooplankton are animals).


  • 俄国伏尔加河民们提供世界上百分之二十子酱,他们这种恐龙一样古老种的肚子里将子挤出。

    Russian fishermen on the Volga River catch around 20% of the world's black caviar, tearing it out of the bellies of giant sturgeon, a species as old as the dinosaurs.


  • 以为了不起的迪马吉奥守着这一样长久吗?

    Do you believe the great DiMaggio would stay with a fish as long as I will stay with this one? He thought.


  • 任何事都一样不仅认真耐心还要智慧

    I think you should do everything like catching fish, not only should seriously, patience, you have to rely on wisdom.


  • 但是它们饿得慌,想吃东西的时候,身子两侧就会出现紫色条纹马林那样。

    But when he comes to feed, truly hungry, purple strips show on his sides as on a marlin.


  • 知识网,网越宽越牢,网住的越多。

    Knowledge is like a fishnet the wider and stronger it is the more fish it catches.


  • 令人遗憾的是,蒸煮过的不能除掉组织里面的水银不过可以杀死一些类,微小寄生虫和粗原虫。

    Unfortunately, cooking fish can't remove mercury, but it can kill worms, like the tiny, parasitic worms Anisakis simplex.


  • 不仅有可能测定位置而且可以根据回声的图区分出其他人们所熟悉

    It is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.


  • 一时抓不住自己想法,好把手伸到水摸不到一样。

    He fumbles for his thought as though his hand were groping for a fish in the water.


  • 当然不能那样,一个它们,期待把球给你拿回来。但是适合于小孩子

    Of course, you can't throw a ball and watch the fish fetch it, like you can with a cat or a dog, but fish are great for young kids.


  • 变换成透视投影球面投影一种简单有效方法

    Spherical projection is a simple and effective method to transform a fisheye image to a perspective projection image.


  • 获得有机标识,就得对产品状况进行控制问题阿拉斯加大麻这样野生能否达到征求有机标识要求呢?

    Earning the organic label requires controlled conditions. The question is whether fish that swim wild and free like Alaskan salmon could meet the propose requirement.


  • 兽都了,单是缺

    All the birds, fish, and beasts assembled with the exception of the elephant.


  • 心里有点漫长一天没有咬钩了一样。

    I felt a tug in my chest, kind of like when a fish grabs your line after a long day of no bites.


  • 知识网,网越越牢,网住越多

    Knowledge is like a fishnet, the wider and stronger it is, the more fish it catches.


  • 一种欧洲大西洋食用; 有时被归鳕属。

    A food fish(Brosme brosme) of North Atlantic coastal waters that is related to the cod.


  • 当然有些特别很好搭配组合水煮三文乳脂状和霞多丽或者一个热面团浓烈的珍芳德。

    Of course, there are some combinations that work particularly well together, like poached salmon and a creamy Chardonnay or a hearty pasta with a robust Zinfandel.


  • 不过条多大的啊,如果良好的话,市场上卖多大笔钱啊,它饵来起钓索来也搏斗起来一点惊慌

    But what a great fish he is and what will be bring in the market if the flesh is good. He took the bait like a male and he pulls like a male and his fight has no panic in it.


  • 本文一些相关崇拜入手,简要论述了我国文化中的生殖崇拜内涵

    Starting with fish, frog, dragon, bird and some relative worship objects, this article simply analyses connotation of reproductive worship in rice cultivation culture of our country.


  • 低下着着窗子旁边缸里一样快乐也或者没了灵魂似的枉然的游荡。

    Bow our heads, ramps look at the fish in the bowl next to the window of fish, as happy as flowers, or, just as losing soul, loitering in vain.


  • 由于没有其他骨头吹风经过过程渐渐地移动波浪运载

    Because it does not have bones like other fish, the puffer fish can only move slowly through the water as it is carried by waves.


  • 由于没有其他骨头吹风经过过程渐渐地移动波浪运载

    Because it does not have bones like other fish, the puffer fish can only move slowly through the water as it is carried by waves.


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