• 虽然诉讼文件提到这位AMD高管,但是没有指控他。

    The AMD executive, although mentioned in court documents, is not facing charges.


  • 不过法庭诉讼文件中,美国证交会没有指控李国宝有任何不当行为。

    However, the SEC has not accused Sir David of any wrongdoing in court filings.


  • 诉讼文件中称,劳尔特要工作遭受许多折磨,导致他在2013年精神崩溃

    Butt the documents described Mr Blauert as suffering greatly from this work, contributing to a mental breakdown in 2013.


  • HTC是今早通过媒体报道得知苹果的这举动因此我们机会诉讼文件进行调查

    HTC only learned of Apple's actions this morning via media reports, and therefore we have not yet had the opportunity to investigate the filings.


  • 递交华盛顿特区联邦法院诉讼文件联邦贸易委员会认为这一交易是违法反垄断法的。

    In a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D. C., the FTC claims that the deal violates antitrust law.


  • 属于日常工作通常涉及创建一个搜索大型公共信息数据库以前新闻报道诉讼文件其他相关数据

    It is routine work and ordinarily involves creating a big, searchable database of public information: past news reports, documents from lawsuits and other relevant data.


  • 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周二迪帕斯凯利提出了民事诉讼诉讼文件提供迄今有关诈骗案内部操作最为详尽描述。

    Securities and Exchange Commission civil complaint also filed against Mr. DiPascali on Tuesday offers the most vivid description yet of the inner workings of the fraud, the extent Mr.


  • 胡安·帕雷德斯代替了正在度假原(intended作何译?)法官,用不到的时间读完了5000诉讼文件发布了一份60页的判决书

    It took Juan Paredes, replacing the intended judge who was on holiday, less than two days to read through the case's 5, 000-page file and issue a 60-page ruling.


  • 他们当中许多反而成为那种妨碍民事诉讼使得侵权制度成为一场代价高昂噩梦文件编档员。

    Many of them instead become the kind of nuisance-lawsuit filer that makes the tort system a costly nightmare.


  • 联邦文件显示1967年因为伪造支票房租而被提起诉讼

    The federal documents also note that he was convicted in 1967 of forging a check to pay his rent.


  • 唐宁街文件记载撒切尔夫人由于叛变无法提供证据决定不对斯通豪斯提起诉讼

    The Downing Street file records that Thatcher said that since the defector had not provided information which could be used as evidence, she agreed he could not be prosecuted.


  • 比如说蓝牙文件共享功能曾经在摩托罗拉V710被禁止,这款手机2005年发布,这件事情导致集体诉讼

    For example, file-sharing with Bluetooth was disabled on the Motorola v710, a phone released in 2005, which led to a class-action lawsuit.


  • 例如美国庭审经常持续很久的“证据开示”阶段(discoveryprocess),当事人需要相关文件交给诉讼的。

    For example, litigants in the U.S. are required to provide relevant documents to the opposing party during an often lengthy pre-trial discovery process.


  • 费舍尔庭审文件哈佛,假如大学生公平录取组织案中的原告赢得诉讼就会逆转该校建立种族多元校园所做出的努力

    In court documents filed in the Fisher case, Harvard says a victory for the plaintiffs in the Students for Fair Admissions lawsuit would overturn its efforts to build a racially diverse class.


  • 上周夏威夷解决诉讼韩国国民日报》报道,引用美国法院文件没有详细说明是否给予经济补偿

    Rain settled the suit last week in Hawaii, South Korea's Kookmin Ilbo newspaper said, citing a U. S. court document. No details on financial compensation were given.


  • 部分受到行业内部文件各种针对烟草公司诉讼所表明的情况的驱使其他调查在继续进行。

    Other investigations continue, spurred on, in part, by internal industry documents released in various lawsuits brought against tobacco companies.


  • 诉讼要点案情摘要包含案件有关所有证据、论点的文件律师出庭辩论时提出。

    A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.


  • 可以防止无数受伤人员犯罪嫌疑人以及堆积如山文件多年诉讼

    It can prevent countless injuries to officers and suspects, as well as mountains of paperwork and years of litigation.


  • 默克公司已经一系列诉讼中递交了两百万文件,这些案件中的原告都指控万络给他们带来心脏病其他损伤

    Merck has already turned over at least two million documents in the federal litigation, whose plaintiffs claim Vioxx caused heart attacks and other injuries.


  • 诉讼原因,要求认证下列文件真实性参见本院规则之51.01 条)

    YOU ARE REQUESTEDTOAD MIT, for the purposes of this proceeding only, the authenticity (see rule 51.01 of the rules of court) of the following documents.


  • 法律诉讼制裁已经文件共享当初公共网络转入秘密的,比如电邮这样不可能根本上禁止的方式。

    Lawsuits and crackdowns have displaced file-sharing from public networks into more secretive ones and into things like email, from which it will be virtually impossible to root out.


  • 柯蒂斯表示公司预计到了诉讼毁坏了文件并且通过假装合理无选择的厂内政策不当地掩盖这种目的”。

    Curtis said the company destroyed documents in anticipation of legal action and "dishonestly concealed this purpose by pretence of a rational non-selective housekeeping policy".


  • 司法鉴定角度来看,民事诉讼案件中的可疑文件刑事案件中的文件物证相比,虽具共性又各其特点

    There are similarities and differences between the suspicious files in civil proceedings and the file evidence in criminal cases from the point view of judicial expertise.


  • 诉讼要点案情摘要:包含案件有关所有证据、论点的文件律师出庭辩论时提出。

    A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.


  • 原告通过法院递交书面文件来启动民事诉讼程序,这份文件不同场合可能传票令状或者诉讼请求

    The plaintiff usually begins civil proceedings by asking the court to issue a document. This document is known variously as a summons, a writ or a statement of claim.


  • 陈律师为多家国内企业外国公司金融机构提供法律咨询文件起草,诉讼仲裁等法律服务

    Chen provides legal services, through legal counseling and aid in litigation and arbitration, to a number of local enterprises, foreign companies, and financial institutions.


  • 陪审团根据递交陈述报告文件按照政策条例及其认为适用法律的条例或法则裁决诉讼

    A Panel shall decide a complaint on the basis of the statements and documents submitted and in accordance with the Policy, these rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable.


  • 陪审团根据递交陈述报告文件按照政策条例及其认为适用法律的条例或法则裁决诉讼

    A Panel shall decide a complaint on the basis of the statements and documents submitted and in accordance with the Policy, these rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable.


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