• 首先就是对于股票价格反弹的时机预判相当不易

    First of all, it was difficult to make a due judgment on when the price hit the bottom and was about to turn upward.


  • 最低点永远漂亮的最有希望的,熊市意味着市场很快触底反弹

    While the bottom is never pretty, a bear market may mean that the market is preparing to rebound.


  • 在历经一个轻微衰退工业生产11月开始底反弹

    Industrial production, after just one more month of mild decline, bottomed out in November.


  • 房屋建设触底反弹建筑业过去更多一点儿希望

    Housing construction also is coming off rock-bottom levels, giving the construction sector a bit more hope than it has had for the past three years.


  • 虽然迹象表明,经济衰退触底反弹,但法人拖欠贷款的情况预计增加

    Although there are some signs that the recession is bottoming out, corporate defaults are expected to increase.


  • 迹象显示经济可能很快会反弹,在这种情况下,时候要求加薪了吗?

    Amid signs that the economy may bottom out soon, is it time to ask for a raise?


  • 一个下降ROIC可以买入的信号如果相信这家公司的资本收益即将触底反弹

    Yet a falling ROIC can also signal opportunity if an investor believes a company is ready for a rebound to something like an average return on capital.


  • 纽约时段中国宣布加息导致风险资产下跌之后,亚洲时段主要货币对反弹

    After the earlier sell off of risk in New York due to the announcement of the rate hike in China the Asia session saw the majors' bottom out and reverse.


  • 如果经济经历一次典型有力触底反弹那么股票市场的稳定和繁荣就面临威胁。

    If the economy does not enjoy a typically vigorous rebound, then the equity market must come under threat.


  • 可以一个学习使用触底反弹进入市场、期望更低价格买入获利完美时机

    It may be a perfect time to learn the art of short selling, using relief rallies to enter positions, in hopes of profiting from lower prices.


  • 这些教师认为施加压力水平关键可能触底反弹不仅影响的衰减,语气生产质量。

    These teachers believed that the level of pressure applied to the key after it bottomed could affect not only the decay, but the quality of tone production.


  • 但是趋向通货紧缩时期,一个有趣的事情发生了黄金10月份反弹,之后就上涨至今。

    But a funny thing happened on the way to deflation: Gold bottomed in October and has been rallying ever since.


  • Case -Shiller房价指数显示,房价最低点触底反弹5后,已经连续6个月下跌。

    Home prices have now fallen for the past six months, according to the Case-Shiller home-price index, after rising from their nadir for the five months before that.


  • 希腊在迫不得已得到救助的保证重振欧元美元的走势,开始本周早些时候10月来最低点触底反弹

    The reassurance that Greece will get aid, if necessary, helped the euro rise against the dollar, bouncing off 10-month lows seen earlier this week.


  • 对于建筑工程产业链前沿比如大型设计公司等ENR 4/25,第59页),衰退似乎开始触底反弹

    For some on the leading edge of the construction process, such as large design firms (ENR 4/25 p. 59), the recession appears to be bottoming out.


  • 最近几年莎拉波娃由于受到伤病的困扰,场上的表现一直不尽人意。2010年夺得了巡回赛的双料冠军,使她的状态回升触底反弹

    Sharapova has struggled in recent years on the court with injuries, but has bounced back in 2010 with two tourney wins.


  • 这样一个结果其实就是典型V复苏,以经济迅速持续反弹为特点,它将令股票其他资产今年下半年保持涨势。

    Such an outcomea classic 'V-shaped' recovery marked by a quick bottoming out and a lasting rebound — would enable stocks and other assets to keep rising in the second half of the year.


  • 然而糟糕是,人们二次后会不会反弹担心情绪没有好转之前前半年华尔街很多公司却都增加了雇员。

    To make matters worse, he said, many Wall Street firms increased their work forces in the first half of the year, before the mood shifted and worries of a double-dip recession arose.


  • 市场直到衰退结束之后然后经历数月的振荡,最后出现反弹

    The market didn't hit bottom until nearly a year after the recession ended, and then went through several volatile months before a recovery took hold.


  • 一个爬得衡量成功而是反弹多高来衡量。

    I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs, but how high he bounce when he hits bottom.


  • 鉴于目前存在许多被抑制需求市场可能急速反弹买家交易商提高警惕

    Buyers and traders alike however need to beware as there is a lot of pent up demand and teh market could bounce very sharply as and when it finds the bottom.


  • 五月份拯救西班牙触底反弹不会重演,一次,各投资方几乎马不停蹄抛售其在爱尔兰资产葡萄牙西班牙难免于此。

    Unlike the relief rally when the EU bailed out Greece in May, investors this time barely paused for breath before continuing to dump Irish assets, as well as those of Portugal and Spain.


  • 截至2011年第二季度结束12单位的变化趋势表明平均询价已经,并开始回调,实际情况此后几个月迅速的反弹

    By the end of the 2nd quarter of 2011, the 12-month trend for average asking price had started to show signs that the bottom had been reached and had actually increased sharply.


  • 截至2011年第二季度结束12单位的变化趋势表明平均询价已经,并开始回调,实际情况此后几个月迅速的反弹

    By the end of the 2nd quarter of 2011, the 12-month trend for average asking price had started to show signs that the bottom had been reached and had actually increased sharply.


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