• 喜欢棒球电视转播,西狮队喜欢的球队

    I like watching baseball games on TV. The Seibu Lions is my favorite team.


  • 毗邻西武百货太平洋百货王府井百货时尚购物卖场;

    It is adjacent to Xiwu Department Store, Pacific Department Store, Wangfujing Department Store and other shopping centers.


  • 西列车项目目标不是反射那样完全“隐形”,而是一种模拟隐身术

    Seibu's new trains won't really be "invisible" so much as "reflective, " but a simulated disappearing act is the goal of the project.


  • 董事会回应这一申请时称:“实际上西地铁线路的乘客中,很少有人要求设立男性专用车厢。”

    "The reality is that we have few requests from Seibu Railway users for setting up male-only carriages, " the board said in its reply to the shareholder request.


  • 听起来像是层闪亮乙烯基这样操作起来再简单不过但是我们还要等待项目进展才能知道西是怎么规划的。

    Seems like a shiny vinyl wrap would be the simplest way to pull this off, but we will have to wait until the project progresses to see what Seibu really has in mind.


  • 日本铁路公司西道株式会社希望成立100周年之际,实现设计重大跨越,设计一条能“融入沿途风景”的新型快速市郊往返列车

    Japanese train-travel company Seibu Railway hopes to make a major design leap in time for their 100th anniversary; a new line of fast commuter 1 trains that "blend into the landscape."


  • 历史悠久戈伯爵酒庄持有大片的特级园地块被尊称香波-西王者。

    The centuried Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue who makes extremely expressive wines are recognized as the king of Chambolle-Musigny.


  • 还有其他NBA球员签约土耳其球队其中包括网队后卫西费城76人的桑盖拉还有网队的新秀博格纳·诺维奇。

    Other NBA players that have signed to play in the Turkish league include Nets guard Sasha Vujacic, Darius Songaila of the Philadelphia 76ers and Nets draft pick Bojan Bogdanovic.


  • 2005年3月13西爪哇省苏加眉县一个20个月男孩由于脊髓灰质炎瘫痪

    On 13 March 2005, a 20-month old boy in Sukabumi district, West Java, was paralysed by polio.


  • 第三病例来自西苏门答腊省吉丁宜的21个月龄女婴,于317出现症状,3月22日住院正在医院恢复

    The third case is a 21-month-old female from Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra Province who developed symptoms on 17 March, and was hospitalized on 22 March. She is presently recovering in hospital.


  • 所有这些决定比赛前后的考虑中都是很愚蠢的,但是西奇来说,没有这些前后顾虑。

    All of these decisions are stupid within the context of the game, but for Sasha there is no context.


  • 主要问题西奇不是“投篮机器”,这个外号是因为出色投篮而被给予的。

    Mostly, Vujacic is not "the Machine," the nickname given to him because of his outstanding shooting.


  • 可能随着时间的推移,能够学好但是现在开始,我会表现得西奇一样。

    Maybe over time I could learn, but right at the start, I'd play like Sasha does.


  • 期待能够帮助湖人拿到第一个NBA总冠军然后我再把我最好的状态带回国家队来帮助他们。”西说道

    "I'm excited to first win the NBA championship with the Lakers and then I want to do my best to go there and help my team, " Vujacic said.


  • 到空位投篮的机会,和进攻节奏这些让我容易把球进,”西

    "I'm getting open shots, rhythm shots in the offense, which is easier than just getting shots," Vujacic said.


  • 胜利决定性球员西西尼奥,位置上原来的首选帕努奇西尼奇帕莱选择代替托蒂的。

    The decisive players for this victory were Cicinho, who was preferred to Panucci, and Vucinic, the player chosen by Spalletti to substitute Francesco Totti.


  • 除去科比西我们拥有健康队伍大部分时间里,我们知道适合哪里

    We have a healthy team, minus the minor injuries to Kobe and Sasha, and for the most part, we were able to see who best fits where.


  • 但是西法玛尔他们成为现在样子也经过了时间,并且这是第一个季前赛所以现在可以不怀疑

    However, it took Sasha and Farmar some time to bloom into the players they are today, and it's only his first preseason, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, for now.


  • 但是随着西奇跳投命中,费舍尔投中3分加索尔罚中一球,在比赛还4分26秒时湖人105:94领先

    But a jumper by Sasha Vujacic, a 3-pointer by Fisher and a free throw by Gasol extended the Lakers' lead to 105-94 with 4:26 left.


  • 如果科比血管那么西的血管中一定熔岩

    If Kobe Bryant's veins are filled with ice, Sasha must bleed molten lava.


  • 香浓布朗莎莎西谁是最适合湖人球员

    Shannon Brown or Sasha Vujacic: Which Player Fits the Lakers Best?


  • 布雷克30岁足够优秀,很有经验并且防守很强硬,当法玛尔农-布朗萨沙-西还是劣质稻草人胆小鬼的时候,他就是个很好的得分手了

    Blake, 30, is good enough, experienced enough and defensively tough enough to be a wizard when Farmar, Shannon Brown and Sasha Vujacic have only been the tin man, scarecrow and cowardly lion.


  • 比赛还剩下3:05的时候西再命中记三分球,把比分成107平手,但是此后湖人再也没有取得领先

    Vujacic nailed another 3-pointer to tie it at 107 with 3:05 left, but the Lakers could never grab the lead.


  • 西奇(脚踝扭伤沃顿休赛期脚踝手术适合参加周日比赛

    Sasha Vujacic (sprained ankle) and Luke Walton (off-season ankle surgery) did not suit up for Sunday's game.


  • 西奇一直出于这种状态,在意如何调节好。

    Sasha Vujacic is red-lining at all times, and he cares too much to know how to turn it down or shut it off.


  • 西奇一直出于这种状态,在意如何调节好。

    Sasha Vujacic is red-lining at all times, and he cares too much to know how to turn it down or shut it off.


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