• 例如项研究表明平均来看,收购公司无法维持收购公司合并前盈利水平

    One study showed, for example, that acquiring firms were on average unable to maintain acquired firms' pre-merger levels of profitability.


  • 寻求规范过程,就意义上而言,寻找规定的权威标准规范而不是平均角度认定为常态化,规范的伦理目的在于指示

    In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be, rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal, normative ethics aims to dictate.


  • 相对贫困一般认为家庭收入水平低于平均家庭收入特定比例

    Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level, which is below a given proportion of average family income.


  • 相对贫困一般认为家庭收入水平低于平均家庭收入一定比例

    Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level which is below a given proportion of average family income.


  • 然而它们其他猴子必须跟踪长的时间,了解低卡路里摄入是否可以延长猴子的平均寿命和最长寿命。

    They and the other monkeys must be followed still longer, however, to know whether low-calorie intake can increase both average and maximum lifespans in monkeys.


  • 推翻华尔街巨头受到打击最大平均减薪38%,奖金中位数零。

    The overthrown giants of Wall Street took the biggest knock, with average pay cuts of 38% and median bonuses of zero.


  • 进入这些项目竞争非常激烈,申请者需要高于平均水平成绩才能录取。

    Competition for entry to these programs is keen, and applicants need above-average grades to gain admission.


  • 如果同时精力浪费了其他事情,你只能得到一个平均的结果因为你的精力均分在几件事上了。

    If you waste your energy on several things at the same time, you will get average results because you will divide your energy between the activities.


  • 研究的所有鸟类平均起来算,其中有16%的差异可以用温度来解释鸥类企鹅的单独种类数据则分别达到66%和43%。

    Averaged across all species, temperature explained 16 per cent of beak size variation. For gulls and penguins it accounted for 66 per cent and 43 per cent of the variation respectively.


  • 差别不是很大研究演讲,所用的单词,平均字长为4.5个字母

    Word lengths do not differ much: the average word used in the speeches analysed had around 4.5 letters.


  • 健康血红细胞平均寿命120他们衰亡以后血红蛋白中的重新利用产生新的血红细胞。

    Healthy red blood cells have an average lifespan of 120 days, so when they die, the iron from the hemoglobin is recycled to make new red blood cells.


  • 并且这些数字可能低估因为这些数字基于现在平均寿命而不是基于将来平均寿命来计算的。

    And the figures are probably an underestimate because they are based on life expectancy as it is now, not as it will be in future.


  • 意味着卫星数据中,极端的暴雨雨量附近较弱降雨平均

    This means that in the satellite data, extremely heavy rain is averaged out by lighter rain nearby.


  • 那些“超级识别者”测验分数高于平均,也高于所有普通对照组试。

    The super-recognizers scored far above average on these testshigher than any of the normal control subjects.


  • 结果表明那些当时使用阿拉伯字体阅读试们回答平均正确率为72.8%。

    The upshot was that those reading the Arial font got the answers right 72.8% of the time, on average.


  • 美国财政部强制用以高于市场平均水平荒谬价格获得成堆无用白银并且它们储存银行金库里

    The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults.


  • 然而表扬努力的孩子展示了非常明显进步平均提高30%。

    Nevertheless, students who were praised for their effort exhibited significant improvement, raising their average score by 30 percent.


  • 对于那些来自英国贫困市镇之一家庭——他们的孩子心理健康问题可能性平均水平之上——计划的结果描述鼓舞人心的”。

    The results, for families in one of the most deprived boroughs in the country – where children have an above average likelihood of mental health problems – are being described as "inspirational".


  • 彼特.巴菲特精辟地描述著作人生打造》中,,“如果人生的许多领域,我们注定平均上,那我们提升微小不足能怎样

    Peter Buffett brilliantly put it in his bookLife Is What You Make It’ when he said, “If, in the many facets of life at which we are destined to be average, we come up a little short, so what?


  • 研究的所有鸟类平均起来算,其中有16%差异可以用温度来解释,而鸥类企鹅的单独种类数据则分别达到66%和43%。

    Averaged across all species, temperature explained 16 per cent of beak size variation.For gulls and penguins it accounted for 66 per cent and 43 per cent of the variation respectively.


  • 参加研究的这女人体重健康生活方式三方面视为英过女人平均水平代表

    The group of women taking part in the study was representative of the UK average in terms of the weight, health and lifestyle.


  • 德里由于渗漏失去了所得到一半,原因既有水管老化还有偷窃剩下的水也没有被平均分配

    Delhi loses about half the water it gets to leakage, from both decaying pipes and theft, and what's left isn't evenly distributed.


  • 甚至英国,一个对监禁毫不手软国度,每年只有5,000- 10,000逮捕然后监禁,平均监禁期限2.2个月。而该国当年监禁总人数高度450,000。

    Even in Britain, which is not shy of locking people up, only 5, 000-10, 000 of the roughly 450, 000 who are arrested every year go to jail, and then for an average of 2.2 months.


  • 博士同事认知》杂志上报告说,倒序回忆平均正确回忆的事件很大影响,不过是消极的影响。

    Dr Dando and her colleagues report in Cognition that reverse-order recall had a significant effect on the average number of correct items participants remembered—and not a good one.


  • 平均延时定义最近1000个周期平均延时。

    Average latency is defined as the latency over the last 1000 intervals.


  • 最终模型提供研究分子平均时间上的三原子水平结构

    The final model provides a time-averaged three-dimensional atomic-resolution structure of the molecule under study.


  • 住院治疗时,他们的住院时间发达国家平均水平倍,出院时并不是粗鲁地出病床。

    Rather than being pushed roughly out of hospital beds, they stay three times as long as the rich-world average.


  • 其余可能平均瓜分,克林顿夫人赢得肯塔基、西弗吉尼亚波多黎各巴马先生将赢得俄勒冈蒙大拿达·塔和关岛

    The remaining states are likely to split fairly evenly, with Mrs Clinton taking Kentucky, West Virginia and Puerto Rico and Mr Obama taking Oregon, Montana, South Dakota and Guam.


  • 其余可能平均瓜分,克林顿夫人赢得肯塔基、西弗吉尼亚波多黎各巴马先生将赢得俄勒冈蒙大拿达·塔和关岛

    The remaining states are likely to split fairly evenly, with Mrs Clinton taking Kentucky, West Virginia and Puerto Rico and Mr Obama taking Oregon, Montana, South Dakota and Guam.


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