• 容差工艺余量分别是控制零件制造误差补偿产品装配累积误差重要参数。

    Tolerance restricts manufacturing error of part, and allowance redeems the error that comes into being in the process of product assembly.


  • 至于用于补偿产品商标,因全部原料零部件我方提供工艺设计亦由我方制定,故我们建议使用商标。

    Reference is made to the trade-mark to be used on the compensation products. As we have to provide all raw materials and spare parts and to devise process designs we propose to use a new trade-mark.


  • 这个公司最初计划销售以肥料为主补偿产品但是有人指责他们不顾科学自行事后,他们便重新定位,专门承办科学研究项目。

    Climos originally planned to sell fertilization-based carbon offsets, but after being criticized for jumping ahead of science has re-purposed itself as a research contractor.


  • 作为补偿愤愤不平美国公司如果认为中国产品低于他们认为的“同类国家产品成本他们可以申请反倾销关税

    Instead, aggrieved American firms can file for anti-dumping duties if they prove that Chinese products are being sold below their supposed cost of production in "similar" countries.


  • Fabric3支持分布式事务恢复我们依赖Atomikos款很优秀的产品,我们非常推荐它),并且支持基于补偿/记忆模型可靠部署

    F3 supports XA transactions and recovery (we rely on Atomikos, which is a great product we highly recommend) and reliable deployment based on a compensation/memento model.


  • 另外一件案例中惠普公司周二其有问题笔记本电脑中国消费者表示了道歉,并表示要为那些受影响的消费者延长产品保修期以及提供补偿

    In a separate case, H-P apologized to Chinese consumers on Tuesday for faulty laptops and offered extended warranties and compensation for those affected.


  • 如果企业发现生产销售合格食品消费者可以要求相当于产品价格10经济补偿

    If businesses are found producing or selling a substandard foodstuff, consumers can ask for financial compensation which is 10 times the price of the product.


  • 如果不可抗力使买方不能完成义务保护产品安全所产生的费用,买方卖方索要补偿

    If Force Majeure prevents the Purchaser from fulfilling his obligations, he shall compensate the Supplier for expenses incurred in securing and protecting the Product.


  • 如果陪审团断定产品缺陷存在,并且缺陷导致原告受到损害那么接下来陪审团就要对应补偿给原告损害赔偿金的数额进行确定

    If a jury decides that there is a defect and that the defect caused the injury to the plaintiff, then the jury must determine the amount of damages that are necessary in order to compensate plaintiff.


  • 你方生产产品价格正好补偿我方提供设备安装生产线费用

    The price of these product will just compensate the cost of equipment and installation of the line.


  • 如果你们愿意设备产品进行全部部分补偿我们可以设法降价3%。

    We could manage to reduce our price by 3% if you agree to pay us back wholly or in part by the resultant product of the equipment.


  • 我们补偿贸易为了进口先进技术设备从而能够提高我们产品质量

    What we do compensation trade for is to import advanced equipment and technology in order to raise the quality of our products.


  • 补偿贸易买方最终产品来支付国外购得全部部分设备技术

    In compensation trade, the buyer will pay in resultant products for all or part of the equipment and technology purchased abroad.


  • 有些国外零售商不大愿意接受产品厂家提供的打折赠券因为他们担心厂家不会补偿他们在打折销售中损失的款额。

    Some foreign retailers are reluctant to accept manufacturers' discount coupons because they fear that the manufacturer will not repay them the money they lose when giving the discount.


  • 通过宣泄代入补偿心理效应,体现作为通俗文化产品应有的娱乐功能

    As a popular cultural product, its recreational function has been demonstrated by psychological effect such as catharsis, substitution and compensation.


  • 年前安徽两个家庭赢得了场精神补偿的官司,他们孩子食用一家奶粉厂家的不合格产品导致营养不良。

    Four years ago two families from the province of Anhui won damages from another infant formula manufacturer whose substandard milk powder was blamed for their babies' malnutrition.


  • 美国欧洲一样,日本可以通过直接收入补贴保护脆弱农民通过产品价格支持的方式补偿农民却惩罚消费者

    Vulnerable farmers could be protected by direct income support, as they are in America and Europe, rather than with price supports that punish consumers.


  • 误差评估实际运行表明,本文设计装置整体性能抵御谐波干扰能力补偿效果和系统灵活性等方面较传统产品有很大的改进和提高。

    Error evaluation and practice run indicated that the whole capability, competence to resist harmonic, effect of compensation, flexibility of the device all excelled the traditional product.


  • 总体来说,不鼓励加入过量原料药补偿生产过程产品存贮期中原料药降解,或用以延长保存期

    In general, use of an overage of a drug substance to compensate for degradation during manufacture or a product's shelf life, or to extend shelf life, is discouraged.


  • 补偿网络合理选取网络参数的优化计算提高ATCXO产品温度频率特性关键

    The keys of improving the ATCXO temperature frequency characteristic are appropriately choosing compensation network and optimization calculation the network parameter.


  • 会员可以申请成为安康国际的产品助理宣传安康国际健康资讯理念。 安康国际将提供必要协助和补偿

    Member can apply to be product coordinator to promote Encore's health concepts and information on a compensation basis.


  • 此外卖方应当所有买方因瑕疵产品发生费用损害损失补偿买方。

    In addition, the SUPPLIER shall compensate PURCHASER for all costs, damages and losses incurred by PURCHASER as a result of the Defective Products.


  • 赫伯孙公司汇集了领先产品系统解决方案谐波治理无功补偿电能质量优化领域具有行业领先地位的专业供应商

    Holbesun Electric gathered leading products, systems and solutions, is harmonic management, reactive compensation and power quality optimization area is the industry leader in professional supplier.


  • 补偿产品出现问题。(补偿退货退款)。

    It would compensate me in some way for the problem with the product. (compensations: product return, refund).


  • 公司生产产品不锈钢波纹软管任意通径)、补偿

    The company's products are stainless steel (high, medium and low) pressure corrugated hoses (arbitrary Path), compensation, etc.


  • 补偿通过受力构件来承受压力推力,只需固定中间支架产品只能吸收轴向位移

    The compensator bears the pressure or thrust as long as fixed the mid supporting frame and it can only absorb axial displacement.


  • 既然所有必要广告宣传我们负责那么3%佣金不够补偿我们推销产品费用

    As you know, we are responsible for all the necessary advertisements, so the commission of 3% can not cover all of our expenses for the promotion of the product.


  • 既然所有必要广告宣传我们负责那么3%佣金不够补偿我们推销产品费用

    As you know, we are responsible for all the necessary advertisements, so the commission of 3% can not cover all of our expenses for the promotion of the product.


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