• 还记得苹果唱片公司苹果电脑公司纠纷吗,苹果甲壳虫乐队的唱片标志?

    Remember the dispute between Apple, the computer company, and Apple, the record label that was home to The Beatles?


  • 披头士乐队领队苹果唱片公司总监尼尔阿斯皮纳亲身经历唱片公司苹果电脑公司的商标权诉讼案件。

    Neil aspinall, a former beatles and managing director of apple corps, was a witness in the company ' s trademark lawsuit against apple.


  • 披头士乐队领队、苹果唱片公司总监尼尔·阿斯皮纳亲身经历唱片公司与苹果电脑公司的商标权诉讼案件。

    Neil Aspinall, a former Beatles road manager and managing director of Apple Corps, was a witness in the company's trademark lawsuit against Apple Computer.


  • 苹果唱片公司位发言人阿斯皮纳发表的声明进行了证实她说公司准备提供披头士乐队专辑歌曲在线音乐服务

    A spokeswoman for Apple Corps confirmed Aspinall's statement, and said that the company is preparing to make the Beatles catalog available through online music services.


  • 1969年1月披头士在位于伦敦英国苹果唱片公司的房顶上最后一次现场演出,这举动永远革新了演唱会的场地。

    The Beatles changed the context of a concert forever in January of 1969 when they played their final live performance on the roof of the Apple Corps19 building in London.


  • 1969年1月披头士在位于伦敦英国苹果唱片公司房顶上最后一次现场演出,这举动永远革新了演唱会场地

    Thee Beatles changed the context of a concert forever in January of 1969 when they played their final live performance on the roof of the Apple Corps19 building in London.


  • 1969年今天,甲壳虫伦敦苹果唱片公司屋顶举行了最后一次公众表演。但这次即兴演出的音乐会警察驱散了

    1969 - the Beatles' last public performance, on the roof of Apple Records in London. The impromptu concert is broken up by the police.


  • 用户得到他们已有音乐更好版本苹果得到更多的用户收入唱片公司得到一项收入和资料

    Customers receive better versions of the music they already own, Apple gains more customers and revenue, and recording firms obtain a new stream of revenue and data where none existed before.


  • 目睹了被苹果掌控音乐定价唱片公司的衰落之后,出版商成功保住价格的掌控权。

    Having watched the record companies' impotence after Apple wrested control of music-pricing from them, the publishers have managed to retain their ability to set prices.


  • 苹果公司2001年营销时所提出来举措首先就激怒唱片公司。

    Apple's marketing phrase in 2001 was the first of many moves that infuriated music labels.


  • 苹果同意云上音乐服务所得收益70%交与唱片厂牌。

    Apple has agreed to give 70% of any revenue from its cloud music service to the record labels.


  • 因为苹果并不拥有能够控制任何音乐本身必须遵守协议规定权利分销这些属于其它版权所有者的音乐,所有者主要就是“四大”唱片公司环球索尼BMG,华纳EMI

    Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others, primarily the “bigfour” music companies: Universal, Sony BMG, Warner and EMI.


  • 不过,唱片业界外的苹果公司由此作为中间人协助它们达成协议制定统一标准。

    Apple, not being a record company, was able to broker an agreement and define a standard.


  • NapsterKazaa力图避开音乐行业商业规则(歌手付费)不同,苹果通过一种完全合法方式对待唱片行业。

    While Napster and Kazaa tried to skirt around the commercial imperatives of music, like paying artists, Apple took on the record industry in an entirely legal way.


  • 篇报道论述唱片公司对于数字化iCloud喜爱之情以及苹果云端战略

    This newspaper discussed the music industry's apparent embrace of digital streaming and iCloud, and Apple's cloud strategy.


  • 乔布斯先生抱怨推行FairPlay技术是迫于无奈,否则大型唱片公司不会通过苹果主要音乐网店itune销售音乐作品。

    Mr Jobs grumbled that he had been forced to introduce FairPlay by the majors, which would not otherwise have sold their music through Apple's iTunes, the leading online music store.


  • 一方面,iPod加速了唱片销量下滑并且势力音乐公司转向了苹果公司。

    On the other hand, the iPod accelerated the decline in CD sales and shifted power from record labels to Apple.


  • 倘若唱片专辑失败了,就算其中一首单曲在苹果iTunes 网店的销量不断上升,远远不能补偿损失。

    Rising single sales through Apple’s iTunes store have not nearly made up for lost albums.


  • 这种类比无疑是有根据,不仅仅因为Kindle常被冠以“书中iPod”之称。苹果公司进军音乐下载之前,消费者们面临一系列令人眼花缭乱且不可兼容不完善选择,网络音乐没有任何主流格式一点部分归结于唱片公司们无力达成统一。

    downloads, consumers faced a bewildering array of incompatible and incomplete services, none of which had critical mass, thanks in part to the record companiesinability to agree on a common format.


  • ,“获得一家主流唱片公司那样内容提供商他们苹果公司施加压力,保护他们提供的内容。”

    "When you got a content provider like a major label, they put pressure on Apple to keep their content protected," he said.


  • 不过经过磋商苹果公司获得唱片公司许可经营“云音乐”。

    But Apple has been negotiating licenses so it can operate iCloud with the labels' blessing.


  • 苹果EMI唱片公司的谈判拖延数月EMI此时发布了重新灌录甲壳虫乐队专辑试图挽救颓势

    Negotiations have dragged on for months with EMI, which meanwhile issued boxed sets of remastered Beatles albums in an effort to revive its waning fortunes.


  • 昨天AllThingsD报道苹果公司唱片公司达成协议几乎准备推出音乐流媒体服务

    Yesterday, AllThingsD reported that Apple had reached an agreement with record label and was almost ready to launch its music streaming service.


  • 想当年,唱片业四处呼吁,要求合法经营音乐下载站点应当苹果itunes或者Napster那样单曲来销售

    In the past, the music industry has made the broad demand that sites legally selling downloads should sell them by the track, much like Apple's iTunes, or Napster.


  • 苹果公司售出了许多音乐但是唱片公司却声称iTunes摧毁唱片专辑概念破坏了它们已经恶化的财政状况。

    Apple sold lots of music, but the music labels claimed that iTunes had destroyed the concept of the album and damaged their already deteriorating bottom lines.


  • :“iTunesMatch苹果公司赚钱,”据称苹果公司将卖出歌曲所得收入的70%付给唱片公司作为回报。

    Apple is going to make money from iTunes Match, ” he said. The company is reportedly giving the record labels 70 percent of the revenue from the product, he said.


  • 并且据说(符合事实)唱片公司也拿了苹果iTunesMatch收入一部分。

    And they are reportedly (and logically) receiving a percentage of Apple's iTunes Match fee.


  • 唱片公司一样,出版商面临数码销售近乎垄断的钳制:亚马逊电子书市场的垄断正如苹果公司音乐下载控制一样

    And they face, as the record companies did, a near-monopoly controlling digital distribution: Amazon's grip over the e-book market is much like Apple's control of music downloads.


  • 唱片公司一样,出版商面临数码销售近乎垄断的钳制:亚马逊电子书市场的垄断正如苹果公司音乐下载控制一样

    And they face, as the record companies did, a near-monopoly controlling digital distribution: Amazon's grip over the e-book market is much like Apple's control of music downloads.


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