• 一些英国医生指出硬币投入使用不久,就发生了英国严重流感浪潮之一

    Some British doctors have pointed out that one of Britain's worst waves of influenza happened soon after the new coins came into use.


  • 许多英国医生移居美国

    Many British doctors are emigrating to the United States.


  • 一队英国医生成功将两婴儿分离开来。

    Twins who were born joined at the head have been successfully separated by a team of British doctors.


  • 法律修改前,一个英国医生给人堕胎而被取消医生资格。

    Before the law was changed, a British doctor might be struck off for procuring an abortion.


  • 英国医生一切车辆应当禁止吸烟保护人们免受二手烟危害

    All smoking in cars should be banned across the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke, doctors say.


  • 完全不同观点英国医生奥尔·德姆爵士提出的,国家健康服务临床生产力领导者

    A refreshingly different perspective is provided by Sir John Oldham, a British doctor who is clinical lead for productivity in the National Health Service.


  • 2004年以前周末英国医生周五早晨一直周日晚上总共工作80个小时

    Until 2004, doctors in the UK on weekend shifts used to work from Friday morning to Monday evening - that's 80 hours in total.


  • 英国医生爱德华·詹纳放弃寻找特效药,找到预防天花的办法征服疾病

    Edward Jenner, a British physician, abandoned the quest for a cure and conquered the disease by finding a way to prevent it.


  • 英国医生篇报告女性多毛不仅仅化妆品问题而且可能内在医疗状态迹象

    Excessive hairiness in women is not just a cosmetic problem but is likely to be a sign of an underlying medical condition, say UK doctors in a report.


  • 一位英国医生爱德华•琴纳(Edward Jenner),发现通过接种感染牛痘脓疱可以预防天花

    An English physician, Edward Jenner, discovered that by inoculating a person with pustules from the pox infection of a cow, smallpox could be prevented.


  • 丹尼通过扩展这位英国医生实验使自己成名。 丹尼的家庭背景卑微巴黎医学界视为一个侥幸成功

    Denis, who came from a humble background and was considered an upstart by the Parisian medical establishment, wanted to make a name for himself by extending the English experiments.


  • 英国医生最近有报告称,哈利·波特》系列最新两部小说问世时,因医院急诊室就诊的孩子数量直线下降。

    Doctors in England recently reported that when the last two Harry Potter books came out2, the number of kids being treated for injuries in the hospital emergency room plummeted3.


  • 英国医生发起范围的临床试验研究一种普通的抗抑郁症能否成为严重运动神经元疾病廉价有效治疗药物。

    British doctors are to launch a major clinical trial to investigate whether a common anti-Depression drug could be a cheap and effective treatment for the devastating condition motor neurone disease.


  • 英国国家肥胖论坛伊恩·坎贝尔医生对这样发现并不感到惊讶,如果英国医生进行这样的测试,结果可能雷同

    Dr Ian Campbell of the UK's National Obesity Forum said he was not surprised by the findings and said they would probably be replicated if the test was carried out on British doctors.


  • 英国国家肥胖论坛伊恩·坎贝尔医生对这样的发现并不感到惊讶,如果英国医生进行这样的测试,结果可能雷同

    Dr Ian Campbell of the UK "s National Obesity Forum said he was not surprised by the findings and said they would probably be replicated if the test was carried out on British doctors."


  • 英国医生药剂师通过研究发现,西红柿(番茄)可能带来臭味因为中含有一种闻起来如同流汗的特殊

    Tomatoes may give you body odour, plant stalks are filled with an oil that smells like sweat. That's the message from a chemist and physician, who had a personal reason for embarking on a study.


  • 历史学家发现疾病证据可以追溯到公元前5000年首次震颤麻痹1817年”英国医生詹姆士·帕金森描述

    Historians have found evidence of the disease as far back as 5000 BC it was first described as "the shaking palsy" in 1817 by British doctor James Parkinson.


  • 医生护士管理决策上其他很多英国医院更多发言权

    Doctors and nurses have more say in management decisions than in many English hospitals.


  • 英国医学期刊研究出了心脏病相关数据,然而一些医生却对这些数据的精确度表示怀疑

    Some doctors also expressed skepticism over the accuracy of the data about heart attacks in the British Medical Journal study.


  • 英国医学杂志当今圣诞节问题一项研究证实医生不必畏惧头发的人。

    A study in the British Medical Journal's Christmas issue today confirms that there is no need for doctors to fear red heads.


  • 但是英国医学杂志》的一篇文章中,医生警告说,使用这种设备的准父母可能收到错误讯息,误以为宝宝状况一切良好,从而可能耽误了必要的紧急医疗援助

    But doctors writing in the British medical Journal warn that parents-to-be may receive false reassurance that a baby is well and they might delay seeking urgent medical help.


  • 今年2月,英国医学期刊“柳叶刀”发表了一重要论文回顾了有关安慰剂效应发现,谨慎探索医生利用治愈效力的可能性

    In February, an important paper was published in the British medical journal the Lancet, reviewing the discoveries about the placebo effect and cautiously probing its potential for use by doctors.


  • 今天,一家英国医院医生表示他们成功地为这位少女进行了颅骨修复手术几个小时以后尤沙夫赛发表了声明。

    It was posted today hours after doctors at a British hospital said that they had successfully operated to reconstruct the young woman's skull.


  • 更加危险全科医生\家庭医生转而给妇女使用其他同类药物替代帕罗西汀。最近美国食品药物管理局(FDA)和英国医药和保健产品管理局(MHRA)已就此危险发出警告

    The danger with recent warnings from the FDA and MHRA about Seroxat is that GPs will switch women to another drug of the same class.


  • 库柏需进行更多研究才能弄清这些指标能否医生提供帮助,成为有效的筛查手段。她的研究发表英国医学杂志》上。

    Cooper, whose study appears in the British Medical Journal, said more studies are needed to clarify whether the measures would be helpful to doctors as a screening tool.


  • 百分之六十以上回答发表英国医学杂志上调查医生说开安慰剂道德是允许的。

    More than 60 percent of the doctors who answered the survey published in the British Medical Journal said that prescribing a placebo is ethically permissible.


  • 百分之六十以上回答发表英国医学杂志上调查医生说开安慰剂道德是允许的。

    More than 60 percent of the doctors who answered the survey published in the British Medical Journal said that prescribing a placebo is ethically permissible.


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