• 第一主要研究丁尼早期诗歌艺术殿堂》。

    In Chapter One, the focused poem "the Palace of Art" shows the sprout of Tennyson's spiritual growth.


  • 通过创造这个艺术殿堂建筑增强理想城市鬼魅造型原有景观效果

    In creating this new domain for art, the architecture reinforces both the ghost of the ideal city streets and the present landscape.


  • 通过这些浓汤罐头安迪最终1962年里程碑式个展打入现代艺术殿堂

    With these soup cans Andy finally managed to break into the fine art world, with a landmark solo exhibition in 1962.


  • 世界一座丰富多彩的艺术殿堂各国人民创造独特文化这座殿堂里的瑰宝。

    The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievement created by people of all countries are displayed.


  • 世界座丰富多彩的艺术殿堂各国人民创造独特文化这座殿堂里的瑰宝。

    The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievements created by people of all countries are displayed.


  • 随处可见壁画使整个泳池充盈高贵而又时尚艺术气质,仿佛置身于艺术殿堂

    Murals on the walls refine the artistic style of the pool, making the space an elegant and modern art palace.


  • 置身利顺德像置身艺术殿堂历史博物馆于一体的世界独特国际豪华饭店之中。

    Once you go into Astor hotel, you would find that you are in a worldwide distinct and deluxe hotel, and just in an artistic palace and a historic museum.


  • 古希腊悲剧世界艺术殿堂中不可缺少瑰宝,也是古典艺术留给世人笔丰厚遗产

    Classical Greek tragedies are a wealth of treasure in the world palace of art, and a treasure trove of heritage classical art left to the world.


  • 儿童形象进入艺术殿堂成为人们审美对象时,他们便成为艺术心灵世界的感性显现

    When their images is found expression in artistic works, these images become emotional manifestation of artists' hearts and their observation, recognition, critique, and eulogy of society.


  • 然齐白石一介农夫,雕花木匠成功一条重要因素就是田野里的白菜萝卜搬进大雅的艺术殿堂

    He was born a farmer as well as a carpenter. He converted the most common vegetables into great arts. And that's just a crucial reason for his success.


  • 女郎很多要工作她们艺术工作者引进艺术殿堂主流而且她们已经有了一个良好的开端。

    The Guerilla Girls have a lot of work to do to bring female artists into the mainstream, but they are off to a good start.


  • 公司以“雕塑艺术殿堂走向社会装扮城市点缀居室美化生活”为宗旨竭诚提供水准艺术享受

    The aim of the company is to let sculpture art face your society, dress up your city, decorate your house and beautify your life, and wholeheartedly supply your a high level artistic treat.


  • 同年,《丝路花雨》荣登世界第一剧院——米兰斯卡拉大剧院成为亚洲第一个进入世界最高艺术殿堂演出团体

    The same year, it was performed on the most glorious theater in the world, la Scala theater, becoming the first Asian group performing in the world-top theater of art.


  • 约翰·马卢夫名29岁易趣网企业家房地产经纪人,同时也是致力于麦尔女士现代摄影艺术殿堂寻找合适位置主要倡导人

    John Maloof, a 29-year-old eBay entrepreneur and real estate agent, is now principal cheerleader in the effort to find a niche for Ms. Maier at the pantheon of modern photography.


  • 现代艺术是在传统发生断裂经典模式失去典范效应、共有理想和目标丧失,作为艺术后来者以否定武器而渴望进入经典艺术殿堂努力

    It tries to push into the temple of classical art by means of rebellion and negation after the breakdown of tradition, the failure of classical models and the loss of common ideals.


  • 我认为不可;云谲波诡太了;定义用得有点创意,可取;我那个译法“信”要好一点,但“雅”显不足;)------是那个徜徉艺术殿堂里,肆意作曲完美主义者,还是出现起,便标志伯克式的骑士时代终结的天生诡辩、经济学家预测家(有点启示性,或许你要准确些)?

    Or was he more naturally one of the sophisters, economists and calculators whose rise marked, for Edmund Burke, the passing of the age of chivalry? Was he by temperament a dissenter?


  • 诞生印刷术版画艺术完全卸掉它负担几个世纪的复制图像功能,以种纯粹独具魅力的复数艺术进入现代艺术殿堂

    While print art born from typography has dismantled the function of image copy undertaken for centuries and has entered the palace of modern art as a kind of art mode with purity and singularity.


  • 民俗精致化程度愈来愈高时,便跳脱民俗范畴走入艺术殿堂

    But when the folklore becomes more and more delicate and exquisite, it breaks away from the spectrum of folklore and becomes art.


  • 进入古玩店,犹如进入艺术殿堂

    It is like an artistic palace to go inside the antique shops.


  • 金碧辉煌年代多宝马赛克步入一个划时代艺术建筑殿堂

    Resplendent era: race Duobao Mosaic will take you into a landmark building of the temple of art!


  • 一九九六,经刘婷婷介绍认识冷林,那年我第一次走进中国当代艺术殿堂,《现实今天明天展览带给的陌生与困惑至今刻骨铭心!

    That was the year when I first entered the hall of Chinese contemporary art. The exhibition, "Reality: Today and Tomorrow", embraced me with unfamiliarity and confusion, which I can never forget.


  • 汉族艺术来到吴哥这个诸神殿堂,让汉族文明高棉文明,有了一次超越时空的对话

    Today, eight Han Nationalities artists drop by Vrah Vishnulok, initiate a trans-dimensional talk between Han Nationalities Civilization and Cambodia Civilization.


  • 未来美术馆应该公众艺术作品艺术之间互动交流充满艺术趣味空间不是一些成功艺术家展示荣耀殿堂

    Future art museum should be the art space of interaction and communication among public, art works and artists, rather than the temple of successful artists showing glory.


  • 文学艺术日益神圣精神殿堂“沉沦”喧嚣的大众生活的时下,重读以蜇20世纪20年代有关文艺功能的精辟见解,有一种净化灵魂的感觉。

    When literature and art are falling from the "holy spiritual palace" down to the madding crowd, re-reading Deng Yizhe's ideas in 1920s purifies my spirit.


  • 病魔抗争中的同时,成为了举世瞩目艺术作家最终他不仅在事业上取得成功,还常人一样自己爱人共同步入婚姻殿堂

    In the struggle against disease, he became a high-profile artists, writers, and finally he was successful in career, and normal, with your lover together into the palace of marriage.


  • 病魔抗争中的同时,成为了举世瞩目艺术作家最终他不仅在事业上取得成功,还常人一样自己爱人共同步入婚姻殿堂

    In the struggle against disease, he became a high-profile artists, writers, and finally he was successful in career, and normal, with your lover together into the palace of marriage.


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