• 文章主要研究”的思想指出了“无”萨特的自由理论联系认为“无”是自由哲学基础

    This paper mainly studies the thought of "nothing" in Sater's philosophy and points out the relationship between "nothing", the philosophical basis of freedom, and Sater's freedom theory.


  • 自由意志哲学最难琢磨,也是重要概念之一

    Free will is one of the trickiest concepts in philosophy, but also one of the most important.


  • 接下来将要18世纪自由哲学异议展开研究。

    We will now proceed to the objections that have been raised to the eighteenth century philosophy of freedom.


  • 这本著作中,一些哲学常年不衰问题进行阐述给出了自己定义包括罪恶、自由意志决定论,正义和美德性质等问题

    In the book he sets out and defines some of the perennial problems of philosophy, including the problem of evil, free will and determinism, the nature of justice and of virtue.


  • 人们谈论哲学自由仅仅因为他们无法变得强硬起来”,一个普遍的观点

    People "talk about philosophy and liberty only because they can't get a hard-on" is the popular view.


  • 一些哲学指出决定论自由意志并不一定是完全不相容的,以解决二者之间的冲突

    One way some philosophers have tried to resolve this conflict is by pointing out that determinism and free will are not necessarily incompatible.


  • 如果哲学名誉自由教育有稳固的联系,那么旅游业直接职业培训就是可能的。

    If the philosophy and reputation are allied strongly to a liberal arts education, direct vocational training in tourism is not likely.


  • 一个不错问题为什么马克思主义者已经一定程度上熟悉了这场伟大的哲学争斗自由辩护者们却没有

    One good question is why have the Marxists been to a certain extent familiar with the great philosophical struggle, while the defenders of freedom were not?


  • 如果这些成为事实那么任何哲学家以任何方式定义自由意志产生威胁。

    If that were the case then it would threaten free will on any definition by any philosopher.


  • 问题是在于大多数当今哲学认为自由意志并非如此。

    The trouble is, most current philosophers don't think about free will like that, says Mele.


  • 自由辩护者们未能认识到这个基本哲学问题所以他们尚未获得成功

    The failure of the defenders of freedom to recognize the basic philosophical issue explains why they have not been successful.


  • 但是那些自由粉丝们不会关注这些哲学细节他们使用仅仅是因为能让他们工作效率更高

    But fans of Freedom are not concerned by such philosophical niceties; they use it because it makes them more productive.


  • 学生讨论亚里士多德理论其他反对意见辩论哲学是否限制了个人自由

    Students discuss other objections to Aristotle's theories and debate whether his philosophy limits the freedom of individuals.


  • 存在主义哲学让-保罗·萨特强调自由责任关系

    Existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre emphasised the connection between freedom and responsibility.


  • 人类自由意志似乎是最难以处理哲学课题远非数学证明所能表达

    Human free will might seem like the squishiest of philosophical subjects, way beyond the realm of mathematical demonstration.


  • 哲学这里他们敬意声明,我也是他们中的一员,有哲学相信事实上自由意志观点决定论并非不相容的。

    There are philosophers — and here I'll tip my hat and say, I'm one of them — there are philosophers who believe that, in fact, the idea of free will is not incompatible with determinism.


  • 洪德里奇世纪以来,哲学讨论过有关自由各种不同定义,其中一个完全辛格描述这种决定论兼容

    Honderich says philosophers have discussed different definitions of freedom for centuries, one of which is perfectly compatible with the sort of determinism Singer describes.


  • 最新著作中,这位伦敦大学伯克贝克学院哲学教授倾其辩论之表明艰苦赢得公民自由受侵蚀并未减少。

    In his latest book, the professor of philosophy at London's Birkbeck College deploys all his polemical powers to show that there has been no let-up in the erosion of hard-won civil liberties.


  • 这种文化中的,道德哲学家眼中道德就是平等自由

    This is what moral philosophers within our culture view as morality, notions of rights, of equality, of freedom.


  • 对于一个古典哲学来说,只是关于自由意志三个不同版本问题,其实质是相同的。

    To a classic philosopher, these are just three versions of the same question about free will.


  • 自由开源软件许多拥护者宁可他们使用支持建立哲学推理上,而不时尚优雅iPhone维持现状Windows操纵。

    Rather than being guided by the fashionable elegance of iPhones or the status quo of Windows, many champions of Free and Open Source Software base their usage and support on philosophical reasoning.


  • 互联网不同,Facebook构建自由选择哲学人们必须同意才能与他们联系甚至网上看到他们

    Unlike the Internet, Facebook is structured around an opt-in philosophy; people have to consent to have contact with or even see others on the network.


  • 认为观点Clay展现了,至少依据林肯叙述一些哲学思维,一个理想自由理想。

    His point I think is that Clay exhibited at least on Lincoln's telling something of the philosopher what he loved was an idea the idea of freedom.


  • 这个神话不是集体文化也不是来自别国的援助自由非洲一个哲学问题,汀汀噶是不能够拒绝的。

    The myth that neither colonial culture nor post-colonial development assistance operations can influence "free" Africans is a philosophical problem, which cannot be refuted enough.


  • 相比之下,青年马克思工作关心的是发掘伊壁哲学背后终极价值个体性自由原则

    By contrast, young Marx was more concerned with exploring the ultimate value behind Epicures' philosophy, i. e. the principle of individual freedom.


  • 哲学艺术科学,其目的都是为了人类生活趋向高深,使单纯生理存在升华个人引向自由

    The purpose of philosophy, art, and science is to make human life more advanced, to sublimate it from a purely physical existence, and lead the individual to freedom.


  • 和合艺术哲学宗旨全面彰显各艺术形态的符号化虚拟特征交互式情感内涵意境自由使命。

    The tenet of the artistic philosophy of harmony and unity is to demonstrate the symbolized features, the mutual sensibility and the conception of freedom of arts.


  • 和合艺术哲学宗旨全面彰显各艺术形态的符号化虚拟特征交互式情感内涵意境自由使命。

    The tenet of the artistic philosophy of harmony and unity is to demonstrate the symbolized features, the mutual sensibility and the conception of freedom of arts.


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