• 世界自然医学组织和国际整体自然医学愿意你们一起共同探索自然医学

    World Organization of natural medicine and International Holistic and natural medicine Association are willing to co-work with you on researching the natural medicine.


  • 自然医学》杂志发表一项研究,介绍如何利用特定波长光线激活附着肿瘤药物

    A study, published in Nature Medicine, showed how a drug could be created which sticks to tumours, but is then only activated when hit by specific waves of light.


  • 情况也许是这样利维·诺维兹利用自然医学周来介绍文章错误的。

    Be that as it may, Levinovitz USES Naturopathic Medicine Week to introduce his article, and it's a mistake.


  • 本文扼要阐述自然医学悠久历史广泛学科内涵传统中医药学领域的主要学科。

    This article refers to the long history and wide connotation of natural medicine, the main subject of which is TCM.


  • 来自伊利诺大学N.I.H .化学基因组中心科学家们自然医学杂志上报告了他们研究成果

    Scientists from Illinois State University and the Chemical Genomics Center at N.I.H. reported their findings in the journal Nature Medicine.


  • 本周版“自然医学杂志”上,科学家们他们已经发现一种能够让因脊髓外伤而瘫痪小鼠重新行走方法

    Scientists said they've found a way to enable mice paralyzed by spinal cord injuries walk again, according to a study published in this week's edition of the journal Nature Medicine.


  • 去年说法部分得到证实,当时发表自然医学研究成果显示,镶嵌疫苗促使老鼠猴子产生很强免疫响应

    Part of this statement was confirmed last year, was published in "Nature Medicine" on the research results show that rats and monkeys make the vaccine mounted a very strong immune response.


  • 杜克大学研究者周日自然医学》上发表了网络版报告认为一些细菌隐藏这些小囊内从而逃过了治疗感染抗生素的杀菌作用。

    Researchers at Duke University reported in Sunday's online edition of Nature Medicine that some bacteria were able to hide in those pouches, escaping the antibiotics used to treat the infection.


  • 他们发现提示发现大猩猩病毒人群传播他们自然医学杂志(the journal Nature Medicine)报告

    Their findings suggest this newly discovered gorilla virus is circulating among people, they reported in the journal Nature Medicine.


  • 几十年来收集知识不仅满足那些自然感到好奇的人,医学科学提供了有价值的见解

    The knowledge she collected over decades didn't just satisfy those curious about nature, but also provided valuable insights into medicine and science.


  • 南非法院命令停止医学实验禁止瑞斯为自然疗法做宣传

    The South African court halted the medical trials and banned Rath from advertising his natural AIDS remedies.


  • 自然历史地理学医学陷于实际存在规定,分类区别,皆为外在的偶然事实和主观的特殊兴趣所规定,不是理性所规定。

    Natural history, geography, and medicine stumble upon descriptions of existence, upon kinds and distinctions, which are not determined by reason, but by sport and adventitious incidents.


  • 英国个名为“自然判定”机构2002年的《英国精神医学杂志》公布了一项研究成果,这个研究将会大的人群范围推广

    The trial will replicate, on a larger scale, a study carried out by Natural Justice, a British charity, and published in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 2002.


  • 当然我们知道固有一死现在死亡更多地被看作医学的无能为力而不是人类自然走向。

    Of course, at one level we know that we shall all die; but death has come to be looked upon more as a medical failure than a human norm.


  • 最终位研究员只得他们的批评发表一个统计刊物上,读者群自然医学杂志的不一样

    Eventually, the two researchers resorted to publishing their criticisms in a statistical journal, which would be unlikely to reach the same audience as a medical journal.


  • 如果医学死因明知或者理由相信是非自然原因导致死亡,那么案件就必须报告验尸官。

    If the medical cause of death is unknown or if there is reason to believe that it may be due to unnatural causes, then the case has to be reported to the Coroner.


  • 位于加利福尼亚州霍华德·休斯医学研究所大卫·斯勒所领导研究小组人类基因组包括灵长类动物在内的一些哺乳动物的基因组进行对比,并将研究结果发表自然》杂志上。

    A team led by David Haussler of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in California, compared the human genome with that of mammals including other primates. They reported the results in Nature.


  • 自然·医学》上发表研究表明2糖尿病肥胖涉及免疫系统

    The studies in Nature Medicine suggest that type 2 diabetes and obesity also involve the immune system.


  • 现代医学证明下丘脑基本生物动机的形成影响睡眠存在自然需要就是引起源泉

    Modern medicine supports that the hypothalamus has influence on basic organism motives, which leads to the theory that natural demand in sleep is the source of dream.


  • 许多去看自然医师或者其他类型医疗者他们提供超过传统医学治疗这些治疗可能有效

    Many are seeing natural medical practitioners or other types of healers, that offer much more than conventional medicine has to offer and these treatments may be very beneficial.


  • 哈佛医学PaulEpstein全球变暖自然人类直接影响比起其他环境因素产生的影响更加严重。

    Paul Epstein of the Harvard Medical School says the impact both on nature and directly on humanity of global warming will swamp all other environmental factors.


  • 德克萨斯州贝勒医学院的Arthur Beaudet最新的《自然》杂志上解释为什么要这么做。

    Arthur Beaudet of Texas’s Baylor College of Medicine explains why in the latest edition of Nature.


  • 自然疗法顺势疗法、传统中医草药医学食疗迷信,而且只要能够想象得到骗术,全部混合骗术罪恶的纯粹伪科学泥浆

    Naturopathy mixes homeopathy, TCM, herbalism, diet woo, and just about every other form of quackery you can think of, mixing it into one homogenous pseudoscientific slurry of quacky badness.


  • 马尔声称妻子本来打算自然分娩但是医学专家不可能的。

    Marwan claimed his wife wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts said this would be impossible.


  • 马尔声称妻子本来打算自然分娩但是医学专家不可能的。

    Marwan claimed his wife wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts said this would be impossible.


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