• 落成一个自信年轻女性

    She'd blossomed into a self-confident young woman.


  • 风度翩翩、自信满满善于调情

    He was dashing, self-confident and flirtatious.


  • 衣着风格显得十分自信

    His style of dressing bespoke great self-confidence.


  • 罗伊斯表现出自信自负

    Reyes emits confidence without conceit.


  • 很少有男人抵挡住自信女人的诱惑

    Few males can resist a self-confident seductress.


  • 安娜自信彻底崩溃了

    Anna's self-confidence had been completely shattered.


  • 充满自信地微微一笑

    She smiled with supreme confidence.


  • 钢琴得很自信但是节奏掌握不好

    She played the piano confidently but her timing was not good.


  • 自信走过大厅

    She walked confidently across the hall.


  • 显得自信乐观

    He radiated self-confidence and optimism.


  • 女孩通常缺乏自信而男孩则往往会高估自己能力

    While girls lack confidence , boys often overestimate their abilities.


  • 个月约翰已经能够识字算数了,也有了自信

    Six months later John had developed literacy and numeracy skills, plus confidence.


  • 身材高大、爱讽刺甚至震慑住自信学生们

    He was a big, sardonic man, who intimidated even the most self-confident students.


  • 一个穿晚礼服上装的宽男子大摇大摆自信走向那个酒吧

    A broad shouldered man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar.


  • 必须坚强自信决不要给人留下丝毫应付此事印象

    You have to be strong and confident, and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it.


  • 只要了,一种自信印象哪怕紧张得发抖

    If you stand up straight, you'll give an impression of self-confidence, even if you're quaking in your boots.


  • 今天幻灭感尤其强烈原因过去医生这些治疗过度自信

    The sense of let-down today is all the greater because in the past doctors have been over-confident about these treatments.


  • 随着自信的增强,可能看到态度有非常大的转变

    As her confidence grows you may well see a considerable turnabout in her attitude.


  • 我们异性吸引程度更多我们内心的自信有关而不是外貌

    Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look.


  • 总统现在看起来是星期刚就任更多历练更少自信政客了。

    The president now seems a more chastened and less confident politician than when he set out a week ago.


  • 确定筏子安全吗?”不安地。“安全不过了,”马克斯自信保证。

    "Are you sure the raft is safe?" she asked anxiously. "Couldn't be safer," Max assured her confidently.


  • 父母鼓舞找回了自信

    Under the inspiration of my parentsI regained my self-confidence.


  • 谦逊有时误认为缺乏自信

    Humility can sometimes be confused with a lack of confidence.


  • 专题小组处理职业报告自信忏悔文章

    The feature's team deals with articles such as careers, reports, confidence and confessions.


  • 开始自信跳舞

    I began dancing confidently.


  • 自信沉着几乎有些自满了

    She was self-assured, poised, almost self-satisfied.


  • 所涉及问题非常自信

    He's remarkably sanguine about the problems involved.


  • 大多数母亲自己作为母亲的表现缺乏自信

    Most mothers are insecure about their performance as mothers.


  • 仙黛坚定自信激起根深蒂固自卑感

    Chantelle's assertiveness stirred up his deep-seated sense of inadequacy.


  • 人人都会与不自信作斗争、感觉自己是个失败者时候

    Everyone wrestles with self-doubt and feels like a failure at times.


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