• 由于优先继承原因RTSJ需要使用优先级调整

    Because of priority inheritance, priority adjustments are required by the RTSJ.


  • 但是现在情况发生了变化,似乎已经寻觅到了继承人,这也恰恰美国、法国巴基斯坦诸国情报组织最近次开始神经紧张原因

    But now, at last, he seems to have found his man, and that's a major reason intelligence services from Washington to Paris to Islamabad have been acting so jittery of late.


  • 涉及上议院职能皇室长子继承制的提议持续遭到搁置原因它们过于敏感

    Proposed constitutional changes to the role of the upper house of parliament or the monarchy's male primogeniture rule have been continually postponed because they are so thorny.


  • 语义Web失败原因在于,继承这些问题然后又Web带来更多问题,Web代表人类知识广度,因此将失败。

    The Semantic Web will fail because it inherits these problems and then couples them to the Web, which represents the breadth of human knowledge. It will fail.


  • cron进程不能ssh-agent通信原因,cron作业作为 cron 的进程来执行这样它们就不会继承 $SSH_AUTH_SOCK。

    The reason that cron processes can't communicate with ssh-agent is that cron jobs are executed as child processes by cron and thus do not inherit the $SSH_AUTH_SOCK shell variable.


  • 需要进行代码重构原因可能以下几个:传说中的第一原因:需要继承某个古老产品而开发的年代久远的代码,或者突然碰到这些代码。

    There are several reasons that you might want to refactor code. The first is the stuff of legend: the hoary old code base for a venerable product is inherited or otherwise mysteriously appears.


  • 对于年长一些人来说围绕养老金遗产继承的问题经常他们相处多年之后结婚原因

    For older people issues surrounding pensions and inheritance are often the reason they decide to get hitched after years together.


  • 默认1就是为什么继承一些子类丢失原因

    The default degree is 1, and this is why some grandchildren are missed in the inheritance tree.


  • 科尔告诉巴菲特根本没有幻想能够成为巴菲特的继承,提出辞职原因那些交易完全无关

    Mr. Sokol told Mr. Buffett that he had not hoped to be Mr. Buffett's successor, and was resigning for reasons unrelated to those trades.


  • 为了理解这其中的原因我们需要稍微靠近一点看,到底需要用什么支持方法添加操作甚至深入一些修改继承层次结构)。

    To understand why, we need to look a little closer as to what exactly is necessary to support adding methods and fields (and even more advanced, changing the inheritance hierarchy).


  • 原因乃是因为立足于学习西方进行“借鉴革新”现代知识精英文学史构架,对侧重面向传统进行“继承改良”的现代通俗文学的排斥

    The reason might lie in the structure of literary history of modern intellectual elites who base on the western study, and who exclude the modern popular literature which inclines to the tradition.


  • 另一个原因是因为绝大多数新贵宁愿接手个现成的生意也不愿意开创他们自己的——英国,至少英国圣公会继承人们会参与一些重要房地产项目中

    Another is that most upstarts would rather take over an existing business than go off and start their own-and in Britain, at any rate, Anglicanism's heirs are in for some serious real estate too.


  • 另外一个原因就是男人女人能让她生子继承的家业。

    And another reason is man can get marry with a woman and get a child to inherit property.


  • 财产继承如果破坏美德亵渎甚至破坏重要原因之一

    It would be one of the crucial causes of virtue polluting and even destroying if the heirdom to property is destroyed.


  • 拜占廷支持莫斯科公国主要原因在于随着自身的衰落外部威胁加剧莫斯科公国效忠拜占廷,继承东正教

    Main cause of Byzantium holding out Moscow was not only Byzantium declined and threaten of outward increased but also Moscow pledged loyalty Byzantium and inherited Orthodox from Byzantium.


  • 不仅继承计算机系统自身快速准确优点能够快速检测出故障原因定位故障部件而且可以综合许多专家经验知识

    It can quickly diagnose fault cause, position fault parts. It also inherited the computer's advantage of rapidity and exactness and can collect many experts' knowledge and experience.


  • 如今,日本现代建筑世界上独树一帜,其重要原因就是他们很好继承传统建筑传统精神尤其是一些逻辑因素

    The reason of the advance of the Japanese modern-architecture in the world is that, they inherit the form and the spirit of the traditional architecture excellently, especially the unlogical factors.


  • 中学语文教材存在诸多弊端原因之一忽视了对传统蒙学理论蒙学教材批判继承

    Among the several disadvantages of the Chinese language teaching is the neglect of the criticism and inheriting of the traditional children's teaching theories and the children's learning materials.


  • 另一个可能会隐藏继承变数原因,这样可以保护基底类别免于遭到修订

    Another reason you might want to hide an inherited variable is to protect against base class revision.


  • 亲缘关系土地交易取代家庭内部继承土地的习俗,土地市场活跃的重要原因之一

    Non-relatives land transfer took the place of land transfer within the families is one of the most important reasons of the development of land market.


  • 形成原因一方面主要体现传统自然法律思想继承国家间相互吸收借鉴为主要传播途径。

    The formal reason, one aspect is the heritage of the nature law thoughts and spread it by the mutual absorbing of different country.


  • 人类共同继承遗产外层空间法律体制存在疑问不确定性主要原因

    The term "Common Heritage of Mankind" was the chief source of confusion and uncertainty in the outer space legal regime.


  • 我国继承因为历史技术原因存在一些缺陷

    However, because of historical and technical reasons, there are some drawbacks in China's "law of succession".


  • 生产生活方式,养儿防老观念遵循先民习俗是幼子继承长期存在原因

    It exists so long simply because of their production and life-style, the concept of supporting the elderly and following the customs of their ancestors.


  • 本文分析继承重要性之后,讨论显式化关系继承性,并分析了继承异常现象出现的原因较好的解决方案

    The thesis analyzes the importance of inheritance, discuss the inheritance in opened relationship, at the same time, it analyzes the reason of inheritance anomaly and the program to solve it.


  • 美国,人寿保险得好的一个原因财产继承人可以免税保险金支付遗产税

    One life insurance benefit that drives sales in the U. s. is the strategy of using the tax-free proceeds from the policy to pay estate taxes.


  • 鸽子的的确确最好朋友就是继承50只鸽子的原因

    Pigeons were truly, truly his best friends. That's why I had to inherit his 50 pigeons.


  • 塞——安切洛蒂谈到支球队精神这个夏天看到很多也正是我们开头顺利原因之一,我们伟大的精神要继承

    VARESEAncelotti continued, speaking about the team's spirit: 'I reflected a lot this summer and this is part of the reason why we have started well, with a great spirit that we want to maintain.


  • 我们过去社会关系继承下来的两性法律平等不是妇女在经济上受压迫原因而是它的结果

    The legal inequality of the two partners, bequeathed to us from earlier social conditions, is not the cause but the effect of the economic oppression of the woman.


  • 我们过去社会关系继承下来的两性法律平等不是妇女在经济上受压迫原因而是它的结果

    The legal inequality of the two partners, bequeathed to us from earlier social conditions, is not the cause but the effect of the economic oppression of the woman.


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