• 史记》的细节描写非常成功

    The detailed descriptions in Shi Ji are very successful.


  • 文学作品离不开细节描写

    There is no literary work without detailed descriptions.


  • 亿万富翁一书中充满葡萄酒爱好者们兴奋不已细节描写

    "The Billionaire's Vinegar" is full of detail that will delight wine lovers.


  • 亿万富翁一书中充满葡萄酒爱好者们兴奋不已细节描写

    [font=Tahoma]25. “The Billionaire's Vinegaris full of detail that will delight wine lovers.


  • 吡啶核苷酸辅酶水溶液中的骨干构象亲密细节描写

    Delineation of the intimate details of the backbone conformation of pyridine nucleotide coenzymes in aqueous solution.


  • 俯拾即是讯息资源库,细节描写模仿学习提供了便利

    As we can look up a great deal of information everywhere , which provides us with a lot of convenience for imitating and studying in the detail description .


  • 小说写作细节描写不可或缺尤其是心理细节更显得举足轻重。

    The description of details is essential to fiction writing, especially the psychological details.


  • 同时生动细节描写有助于折射广阔的生活画面表现深刻主题

    Vivid description of details at the same time reflects the broad picture of life contribute to, the performance of a profound theme.


  • 狄更斯该书丰富多彩的具体细节描写勇敢的争斗公开表示欣赏。

    Dickens openly revels in the book's rich physical detail and high-hearted conflict .


  • 通过细节描写阐明深化主题,增强作品真实感具体艺术魅力

    The detailed descriptions are used here to expound or deepen themes and to add sense of reality, sense of concreteness and artistic charm to the work.


  • 细节描写不同历史时期不同体裁文学作品中作用不同功能有所侧重

    The detail description plays different roles in different historical periods and different styles of literature, and lays particular emphasis on other functions.


  • 贾平凹小说使用相同相近细节描写从而构成重复叙述艺术特点

    Jia Pingwa used same or close detail depiction in many of his novels, constituting the art characteristics of repeated description.


  • 戴维斯先生粉丝认为长处不是细节描写,那么一些细微错误应该得到及时校正

    Even his fans would not say that Mr Davies's forte is details; some niggling errors deserve speedy correction.


  • 同时注意人物对白时加入适当修饰词语六大细节描写使人物形象更加鲜明

    At the same time, also pay attention to character dialogue, to join the appropriate word or six details, so the characters more distinctive.


  • 了解现今文学文本写作细节描写几种较为新颖常见的技法对于细节切入文本十分必要的。

    It is very necessary to know some new skills in describing details in today's literary writing to enter literary texts from details.


  • 第一主要结合池莉作品中的细节描写展现武汉城市风土人情历史掌故,旨在探讨塑造性;

    The first chapter, combined with the details of the works to show the customs, historical anecdotes, to investigate the human shape of the city.


  • 通讯中再现真实感人人物形象,就要从细节描写行动描写个性化语言描写和适当点评等方面去努力。

    To represent the true and heart-stirring image of figures in the new report, we should lay stress on the description of details, concrete action, personalized language, etc.


  • 所使用语言简单它的叙述,尽管有时零零 散散,但还是容易理解的,而且也没有大量细节描写

    The language used is simple, and the narration, while sometimes fragmented, is easy to follow and not heavy with details.


  • 大量细节描写精确历史记录,将许多公认具创造力天才——达·芬奇早期家庭生活展现世人面前。

    Rich in detail and historically accurate, this unfolds the story of the early family life of the man that many consider to be the greatest creative genius in history, Leonardo da Vinci.


  • 基本概论高级课程每个教授督促我们写出较高质量的作品、注意文章的准确细节描写以及语法的规范等。

    From the basic introductory classes to the upper level courses, each professor pushed for higher-quality writing, more attention to accuracy and detail, and a healthy respect for the grammar police.


  • 曼斯菲尔德《布里尔小姐细节描写方面特点进行了探讨细节描写艺术的成功她小说获得成功的重要因素之一

    This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of detailed description in Miss Brill, which is one of the most important facts of the writers unique writing skills.


  • 文学作品大量采用了现实主义的创作手法,主要体现在笛福笔下人物真实性时间真实性、细节描写的真实性几方面。

    The realistic creation tactics in his literary works were greatly showed from such aspects as authenticity of characters, time and detail description under his pen.


  • 作者通过缜密情节安排不吝笔墨细节描写激烈矛盾冲突丰富象征手法使弗兰克形象充满深刻审美意蕴

    The writer USES careful arrangement of plot, appropriate description of details, fierce contradictory conflicts and rich symbols, to make the image of Frank full of deep aesthetic implications.


  • 本文细节描写象征手法个方面分析了《死者》中的死亡主题揭示了都柏林道德精神麻痹状态和无力自拔的痛苦。

    This paper analyzes the theme of death in the aspects of detail description and symbolization, and reveals the Dubliners moral and spiritual paralysis and bitterness.


  • 拉尔森生动人物形象本书深刻细节描写极富想像力故事情节写作的高度热情,使千禧三部曲成为同类题材的的杰作。

    But Larsson's vivid characters, the depth of detail across the three books, the powerfully imaginative plot and the sheer verve of the writing make "the Millennium Trilogy" a masterpiece of its genre.


  • 文章对凯瑟琳。曼斯菲尔德《布里尔小姐》在细节描写方面特点进行了探讨,细节描写艺术的成功小说获得成功的重要因素之一

    This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of detailed description in Miss Brill, which is one of the most important facts of the writer's unique writing skills.


  • 《人杰鬼雄》迥然有别的细节描写是因为这些人物生命历程显出曲折波澜,他们业绩写下不朽与辉煌,他们的生命价值兆示无尽与永恒

    The special detail depictions in Ren Jie Gui Xiong are in respect that these characters' life is complicated, their achievements are immortal and brilliant and their life value is everlasting.


  • 火星三部曲着重描写火星殖民者日常生活细节并且密切关注火星地理环境,仿佛我们中的每个都会登上这个红色星球一样

    Packed with detailed descriptions of the colonist's everyday lives, and a close attention to the geography of Mars, it's as close as any of us will get to walking on the red planet.


  • 火星三部曲着重描写火星殖民者日常生活细节并且密切关注火星地理环境,仿佛我们中的每个都会登上这个红色星球一样

    Packed with detailed descriptions of the colonist's everyday lives, and a close attention to the geography of Mars, it's as close as any of us will get to walking on the red planet.


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