• 需要细腻情感她们没有

    It requires a delicacy of feeling which they have not.


  • 外地读书几年慢慢体会父亲深沉细腻的情感

    During those years I go to university away from hometown, I get a good taste of father's subtle yet profound love gradually.


  • 同时中国当代影像又如何捕捉一切细腻情感变化呢?

    At the same time, how does contemporary art of China capture the changes of all the delicate feelings?


  • 音乐中细腻情感需要细腻的上振颤、共鸣

    Music delicate emotional needs a delicate heart, with the strings vibrations, resonance.


  • 基本说来女人喜欢是因为细腻的情感迷人的文弱气质。。

    Fundamentally, women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.


  • 大多还是比较含蓄中性带有女性细腻的情感经验丰富生活体验

    Mostly neutral or relatively subtle, with delicate female emotional experience and a wealth of life experience.


  • 这次展览展出作品一如既往延续戴超风格颜色随着细腻情感延伸开去,绘出的美好新奇世界

    The works included in the show are the continuation of DAI's style, which depicts a beautiful and intriguing world with nuances of emotion-loaded colors.


  • 但是这位挪威作曲家,却拥有特殊才能,即使在单一乐句与和弦行进的局限下,也能将细腻情感浓缩乐曲当中。

    Yet the Norwegian was, above all, a master of the miniature with a particular ability to convey emotional subtlety within the confines of a single phrase or chord progression.


  • 朱淑真诗词,大胆展示女性丰富细腻情感世界作品中所体现朦胧强烈的女性意识,构成了朱淑真诗词动人心弦的“永恒魅力”。

    The poetry and lyrics of Zhu Shuzhen show us rich and exquisite female inner world. The obscure or sometimes strong female consciousness embodied in her works forms eternal enchantment.


  • 奥特一如既往赤脚上阵,轻盈而又柔和诠释着这些微妙情感这种演奏方式容易让人联想细腻的室内音乐还有独奏表演

    Ms Ott, who always plays in bare feet, marked these nuances with an unusual lightness and a tenderness that is more often associated with the intimacy of chamber music or solo performances.


  • 他用细腻美妙描写爱情主角遇见命定女人时会强烈情感需求驱使

    He describes love with delicate wonder, and his hero is driven by passionate need once the woman of his life is revealed.


  • 这话在嘉莉听来,有点轻率不体谅人看得出杜洛埃情感那么细腻

    There was something about this which struck Carrie as slightly inconsiderate. She could see that Drouet did not have the keenest sensibilities.


  • 这样女人不一定非常非常的漂亮也许只有几分可以让自己自信的姿色一定有着丰富情感温柔细腻

    Such a woman, are not necessarily very, very beautiful, perhaps only a few can own pretty confident, but certainly has a wealth of emotion, tenderness and delicacy .


  • 通过塑造这个细腻女性角色起伏情感变化,侯孝贤讲诉了自己心中的武侠一个中国式的传奇。

    Through this exquisite female character and her range of emotions, Hou conveys his own idea of wuxia, a genre of Chinese fantasy.


  • 夏达漫画,画风细腻浓浓的古典同时不乏情感世界自然人文关怀

    Da Xia's comic, delicate style, reveals a deep sense of classical style, while there is no lack of emotion, the natural world and human care.


  • 情感天生细腻某些忧伤的曲子她心里引起了朦胧沉思起她自己欠缺的东西渴望,也使她更依恋自己拥有的美好东西。

    She was delicately moulded in sentiment, and answered with vague ruminations to certain wistful chords. They awoke longings for those things which she did not have.


  • 南宋辞赋创作风格上多表现情感细腻、深婉,理趣的悠长以及构思的新颖奇巧。

    The style of Cifu in South Song dynasty had displayed subtlety and fineness in feeling, taste of senses and freshness of skill conception.


  • 源远流长传统文化造就中国人细腻丰富情感探讨中国传统文化模式,对于动画艺术情感表达至关重要。

    The long-standing traditional culture enriches Chinese people's emotions. Thereby, exploring the pattern of Chinese traditional culture is vital to the expression of emotions of animation art.


  • 舒婷的诗歌创作视角独特新颖,女性内心细腻情感律动的角度表达的关怀,从而观照现实世界呈现出一种与众不同的审美价值思辨力量

    From the female subtle inner affection, she expresses comforting human beings, and then covering the realistic world, and showing the unique taste value and thought power.


  • 之后几个星期里仔细阅读论文。论文写得创意十足情感细腻,还弥漫着一种令人会心的幽默

    Her papers, which I read over the subsequent weeks, were written with creativity, sensitivity and a delicate sense of humor.


  • 也许照片缺乏工作室里完成细腻化妆华丽衣服觉得没有什么比得上真实生活场景人类情感美丽,”

    "Maybe my photos lack the magnificence, delicate make-up and gorgeous dresses of studios, but I think nothing is comparable to the beauty of human emotions in a real life scenario," he said.


  • 民族声乐表现民族特有的细腻丰富复杂情感

    The fine, rich and complicated emotions expressed by national vocal music are embodied in the national images.


  • 对于情感细腻描述,优美的肢体语言的“身份性别,与表演三部曲中的第二篇章,也就出戏中,对于女性柔美特质的关注是如此契合。

    The delicate depiction of emotion and beautiful body movements fitted his desire to focus on femininity in this, his second piece in a trilogy exploring identity, gender and performance.


  • 作品线条细腻人物表情展现温柔情感虽然此时的画作主题已经转趋保守依旧可以看出早期作品中的特质。

    The crisp lines form the gentle expression of both figures from his early works still remains and is not lost despite his more conservative subject.


  • 研究生作为感知细腻情感脆弱自己期望值很高一个特殊群体心理健康受到极大威胁考验

    As a special group with delicate perception emotional vulnerability and high expectations of themselves, the mental health of female graduate students suffered tremendous threat and trial.


  • 研究生作为感知细腻情感脆弱自己期望值很高一个特殊群体心理健康受到极大威胁考验

    As a special group with delicate perception emotional vulnerability and high expectations of themselves, the mental health of female graduate students suffered tremendous threat and trial.


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