• 事实上不是那样发生的,”乔治纠正

    "Actually, that isn't what happened," George corrects me.


  • 不管多难纠正她对犯下可怕错误

    No matter how difficult it might be, she had to right the terrible wrong she'd done to him.


  • 最终纠正自己错误说法提出减少费用

    He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.


  • Yates不是Wates。”纠正道。

    'It's Yates, not Wates,' she corrected him.


  • 一个人通过错误纠正错误来学习知识

    One learns knowledge by making mistakes and correcting them.


  • 全面支出审查政府机会帮助纠正一问题。

    The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.


  • 然而中国人努力纠正那些困扰英国错误

    The Chinese, however, made efforts to correct for the errors that had plagued the British.


  • 这种情况下主管可能需要密切监视员工确保纠正缺陷

    In this case, the supervisor may simply need to monitor the employees closely and ensure that the deficiencies are corrected.


  • 事实上重写发现纠正一些错误最好方法语法拼写错误。

    In fact, rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes.


  • 他们一直进行检查纠正错误”,不断提醒这个那个

    They'll be checking up on you all the time, correcting "mistakes" and constantly reminding you to do this or that.


  • 一点可以看出必须立即采取严厉措施制定污染问题相关纠正措施

    From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.


  • 有些原因例如家庭疾病可能工作表现暂时不利影响可以纠正的。

    Some reasons, such as a family illness, may have a temporary adverse impact on performance and can be corrected.


  • 不像时尚界拥抱好玩伪装诱惑这种美容实践反而坚持纠正精确测量缺陷

    Unlike fashion's embrace of playful dissimulation and seduction, this beauty practice instead insists on correcting precisely measured flaws.


  • 然而如果员工评估之前已经意识自己不足他们可能无法纠正这些不足。

    If the employees were already aware of their deficiencies before the evaluation period, however, they may be unable or unwilling to correct them.


  • 政府责任纠正这种情况吗,还是人们需要振作起来改变他们的生活,从而扭转这些数字

    Is it the government's responsibility to correct this or do people just need to buck up and change their lives in a way that turns these numbers around?


  • 惩罚永远不能用作复仇工具只能用于所说纠正或者我们所说的让罪犯改过自新。

    Punishment can never be used as an instrument of revenge but only for what he calls the correction or what we would call the rehabilitation of the offender.


  • 一开始小学生家庭作业答案黑板上随后老师评论纠正必要时详细解释

    At the beginning, the pupils put solutions to the homework on the board, then the teachers comment, correct or elaborate as necessary.


  • 天文学家然后测量这个辉光纠正望远镜设置克服大气遥远图像所造成的模糊效果

    Astronomers then measure this glow and use it to correct telescope settings to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere on far-off images.


  • 1990年开始接受治疗,采用了一种革命性疗法试图白细胞基因源头纠正缺陷

    She was treated beginning in 1990 with a revolutionary new therapy that sought to correct the defect at its very source, in the genes of her white blood cells.


  • 我们打算反对破坏环境浪费我们资源具体项目争取利用我们所掌握一切法律手段加以纠正

    We intend to campaign against specific projects which damage the environment or squander our resources, and fight for their correction with every legal means at our disposal.


  • “她史”揭露历史学家心照不派有意性别歧视,开始纠正记录表明妇女历史半边天

    Exposing historians tacit and intentional sexism, herstorians set out to correct the record—to show that women had held up half the historical sky.


  • 如果通过适当价格加以纠正化石燃料价格不能准确市场显示出清洁能源真正社会带来盈利的能力。

    If not corrected by the appropriate carbon price, low fossil fuel prices are not accurately signaling to markets the true social profitability of clean energy.


  • 每一个阶段钟表匠都引领通向精确精密道路他们成为微型化大师错误探测器纠正者,追求更新和更好。

    At every stage, clockmakers led the way to accuracy and precision; they became masters of miniaturization, detectors and correctors of error, searchers for new and better.


  • 我们迫切需要采取行动恢复适当价格激励政策特别是通过纠正定价,以降低气候变化产生不可逆转潜在破坏性影响风险

    Action to restore appropriate price incentives, notably through corrective carbon pricing, is urgently needed to lower the risk of irreversible and potentially devastating effects of climate change.


  • 治疗自己并且纠正他们慰藉自己良心

    I give myself treats and justify them to salve my conscience.


  • 他们认为乡下人爱讨好外地人。没有纠正他们这种想法

    Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.


  • 纠正自己的错误,加以练习。

    We corrected our mistakes and practiced.


  • 可鼓励我,帮助我纠正发音。

    Miko encouraged me and helped me to correct my pronunciation.


  • W-e-e-k,”露西纠正斯科特说,“拜拜!”

    "W-e-e-k," Lucy corrected Scott and said, "Bye!"


  • 个过程使她能够在施工开始前纠正错误。

    This process made it possible for her to correct mistakes before construction started.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定