• 诸如晴朗日子散步这样简朴乐趣我们情绪累积性益处。

    It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.


  • 累积性房地产项目至少有60 %的资金来自银行

    These are cumulative, real estate projects in at least 60% of the funds are from the bank.


  • 服务累积性并且通常TL发行每隔46发行一次。

    Service packs are cumulative and are generally released every four to six weeks after the release of a new TL. Service packs can include any of the following.


  • 接受更多的抗精神病药物治疗患者,白质体积累积性减少最为明显

    Progressive decrement in white matter volume was most evident among patients who received more antipsychotic treatment.


  • 其他所有组合职业病相比累积损伤(CTD)会影响更多工作人员

    Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) affect more workers than all other occupational illnesses combined.


  • 此外杰克逊后背手指加上一些他的小腿动脉斑块累积关节炎

    Furthermore, Jackson also had arthritis in his lower back and fingers, plus some plaque buildup in his lower legs.


  • 学习曲线所描述企业累积产品产量每一单位产量需要投入要素数量之间关系

    Learning curve a graph showing the mathematical relationships between the quantity of firm's accumulative product and that of input to every unit of product.


  • 类型电影具有模式、二重复累积性可预见怀旧象征功能特点

    Genre Film is taken on in the characteristics: model, duality, repeatability, cumulation, predictability, nostalgia, symbolic and functionality.


  • 感知服务质量交易顾客满意累积性顾客满意之间形成一个闭环,在一定程度上互为因果。

    Perceived service quality, transactional customer satisfaction and cumulative customer satisfaction form a closed loop, to some extent each other.


  • 铀矿尾气排风口周围土壤放射物质的累积性污染不容忽视,但目前处于监测和积累数据阶段。

    This paper is inclined to bring about its own improved exponential smooth forecast model for the radioactive pollution forecast in the soil of crop-fields near a uranium mine exhaust outlet zone.


  • 阐述累积效应空间时间表现特征群体、系统累积性、波及和潜在影响效应特征。

    It was expounded that the characteristics of cumulative effects of the spatial and temporal scope, and that of colonial, systematic, cumulative, diffusible and potential effects.


  • 养成习惯分钟下列运动可以帮助你预防肌肉不协调而引起肌腱这类累积性肩部肘部伤害

    Regularly invest a few minutes to run through the exercises below and help prevent the muscular imbalances that can lead to chronic shoulder and elbow problems, such as tendinitis.


  • 引文所具有客观、可累积性公平使得引用(量)非常适合用来整体上测度学术期刊的学术影响

    The objectivity, accumulativeness and fairness of quotation make it very suitable to measure the academic influences of academic journals as a whole with the rate of quoting.


  • 我国货币迷失现象具有客观累积性不同货币层次不同地区不同部门之间货币迷失程度存在较大差异

    The phenomenon of China's money lost is objectivity and accumulative, and the degrees of money lost are significant different in varying currency arrangement, various regions and different sectors.


  • 氯苯有机物环境中广泛存在,由于其具有不同程度,生物累积性持久,对环境和人畜健康具有潜在危害

    Chlorobenzene is existed in environment, is one kind of pollution with more toxicity and bioaccumulation and persistence, had more harmful to the health of people and livestock.


  • 李仙江流域梯级电站开发建设单个电站生态环境影响特征,又有影响的累积群体系统、波及潜在

    Step hydropower development in Lixianjiang river basin has single impacts and cumulative impacts on ecological environment as well as systematic and colonial and potential impacts.


  • 本文理论模型研究结论具有较好的累积性研究价值理论价值并且对于目前我国企业文化建设具有较好的理论指导意义实践借鉴意义。

    The study results of this thesis can be cumulative in future research, and have the theoretical value and practical meaning for organizational culture building.


  • 然而需要这些风险放在这种事实——不仅仅是可能这样的背景下考虑。这种事实是,就在我们还在高谈阔论时,失业率还在制造巨大累积破坏

    But they need to be set against the fact - not the mere possibility - that high unemployment is inflicting tremendous cumulative damage as we speak.


  • 随着研究结果显示睡眠不足累积效应及其生产力影响,人们斯蒂尔自我评估的准确提出了质疑

    With research results showing the cumulative effects of sleep loss and its impact on productivity, doubt has been voiced about the accuracy of Steel's self-assessment.


  • 糖尿病视网膜失明主要病因视网膜血管长期累积损伤结果

    Diabetic retinopathy is an important cause of blindness, and occurs as a result of long-term accumulated damage to the small blood vessels in the retina.


  • 人为利率促进金融泡沫过度累积债务

    Artificially low interest rates had facilitated excessive debt accumulation to finance bubble activities.


  • 现在大型强子对撞机以高能量疾速累积数据排除粒子存在于较大领域的可能

    The LHC is now rapidly accumulating data at higher energies, ruling out heavier territory for the super particles.


  • 丘脑大脑中负责睡眠调控部分家族失眠症正是由于一种异常蛋白质朊蛋白”在丘脑中的累积产生的。

    F.F.I. is caused by anaccumulation within the thalamus — the part of the brain that controlssleep regulation — of abnormal proteins called “prions.”


  • 一金额基于沃瑟斯坦2005年以来累积440万股限制股票得出的,目前Lazard内部人士分析师们都在猜测接替沃瑟斯坦。

    The vesting, based on the accumulation of 4.4 million restricted stock units since 2005, comes as Lazard insiders and analysts handicap who will succeed him.


  • 信任缓慢累积推动金融市场前进;但信任突然的(毁灭的)破裂却使之前的积累前功尽弃(市场倒退)。 。

    Trust’s slow accumulation pushes financial markets forward; its shattering betrayal batters them back.


  • 持久有机污染物能环境中存在许多长距离传播,通过食物链累积造成损害不仅限于生产使用它们地方而是在全世界范围

    POPs persist in the environment for many years, travel long distances and accumulate in the food chain causing harm not only where they are produced and used, but globally.


  • 累积成本累积两个字重要在于平均成本x累积单位均值

    The significance of the "cum" in cum average is that the average costs are computed for X cumulative units.


  • 累积成本累积两个字重要在于平均成本x累积单位均值

    The significance of the "cum" in cum average is that the average costs are computed for X cumulative units.


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