• 硬性管制价格硬性管制利润使供不应求拖延更久,使生产就业下滑

    Arbitrarily fixed prices and arbitrarily limited profits can only prolong shortages and reduce production and employment.


  • 食物价格上涨导致泰国商业部增列16种商品管制价格项目,包括饮水抽水机蜡烛

    The rises led the Commerce Ministry to add 16 items to those under state price controls including drinking water, water pumps and candles.


  • 华东区域电力市场电力公司月度市场中报价,日前市场中只申报负荷需求,管制价格用户售电。

    In East China Regional Market, the transmission company acts as a load service provider, which has the mandate to supply electricity with regulated price.


  • 成本参数服从均匀分布以及逆需求函数为线性特定假设下,认为两种极端风险态度下管制价格、生产产量成本参数相关性相同的。

    With a certain assumption, we conclude that the relationship between price level, quantity produced and cost parameter is same at both extreme levels of risk avoidance.


  • 但是许多经济学家相信今年那些价格管制商品服务价格将会上升13—15%。

    But many economists believe that prices of goods and services not covered by price controls will rise by 13-15% this year.


  • 但是俄罗斯行业管制却很糟,以至于尽管价格高涨产量在下降。

    But Russia has regulated the industry so poorly that production is falling despite the soaring oil price.


  • 一些国家中国出版图书需要执照另一些国家,如德国法国存在图书价格管制

    In some countries, such as China, a licence is needed to publish books; others, such as Germany and France, have price controls for books.


  • 中国否认了近期将上调零售价格市场传闻人们普遍认为,中国准备放松价格管制

    China denied market rumours of an imminent increase in retail prices, but is widely believed to be preparing to relax price controls.


  • 大多数工资价格管制放开,同时部分私人商业开放市场

    Most wage and price controls were dropped and the market was opened to some private commerce.


  • 斯坦福大学客座教授唐纳德·莱特所做最新研究指出即使面临价格管制欧洲医药企业创新性也高于美国企业。

    The new study, written by Donald Light, a visiting professor at Stanford University, claims that European drug firms are more innovative than American ones, in spite of price controls.


  • 根据市场调查机构尼尔森计算1997年英国解除价格管制超级市场蜂拥而至,如今占领了图书市场的四分之一

    In Britain, when price regulation was disbanded in 1997, supermarkets rushed in and now sell a quarter of all books, according to the way that Nielsen, a market-research outfit, calculates it.


  • 与此同时其它新兴国家利用慷慨补贴严格价格管制保护最为脆弱的人群。

    Other emerging nations, meanwhile, are using generous subsidies and draconian price controls to protect their most vulnerable members.


  • 许多经济学家提出,中国价格管制与其旺盛石油需求明显关联

    Many economists argue that the link between China's price controls and its booming oil demand is not so clear.


  • 可能实行第三方案:实行临时价格管制,其它什么也不然后希望于通胀压力迅速缓解

    The third option, and the one most likely to be pursued, is to do nothing apart from slapping on some temporary price controls, and hope that inflation pressures will soon ease.


  • 根据中央银行的说法,到2011年年中,首都加拉加斯食品价格比最初开始价格管制高出工资上涨幅度则低于40%。

    By mid-2011, food prices in Caracas, the capital, were almost nine times higher than when the controls were introduced, according to the Central Bank; wages had risen by 40% less.


  • 俄国人或许以为1992年初价格管制放开他们储蓄开始蒸发,但事实上,在此之前他们的现钞已经一钱不值了

    Russians may have thought that their savings evaporated when prices were liberalised at the start of 1992; in truth, their cash was already worthless.


  • 法国农业补贴政策方面表现灵活坚持市场价格管制欧共体特惠制(进口农产品相比,优先选择欧盟农产品)方面则应“毫不妥协”。

    France, he said, should be "flexible" over subsidies, but "unbending" in its demands for more regulation of market prices and for "community preference" (ie, favouring EU produce over imports).


  • 但是价格传达重要的新使得价格管制成为了一种精确工具

    But prices send important signals, making price controls a blunt instrument.


  • 正如20世纪80年代一样,查韦斯价格管制一个主要影响减少大宗商品可利用性

    Just as in the 1980s, the other main effect of Mr Chavez's price controls has been to reduce the availability of staple goods.


  • 很难说清楚,津巴布韦混乱到了什么地步,上个月国际货币基金组织报告说几周之内,津巴布韦的通货膨胀达到100,000%,穆加贝先生对应措施则是,逮捕七千五百名违反了价格管制

    The International Monetary Fund reported last month that inflation could reach 100,000% in a matter of weeks. Mr. Mugabe has responded by arresting 7,500 people for violating his price controls.


  • 金融确实需要管制,因为总是倾向于产生恐慌崩溃泡沫(只不过维多利亚时期,本报哀悼的是铁路而不是现在的房屋价格)。

    Finance needs regulation. It has always been prone to panics, crashes and bubbles (in Victorian times this newspaper was moaning about railway stocks, not house prices).


  • 解除管制北美洲因为市场竞争激烈页岩货量充足传统供应量上升所以价格低廉

    In deregulated North America, with a competitive market and plenty of shale gas to augment conventional supplies, prices are low.


  • 废除价格管制体系允许自由贸易盖达尔等人唯一选择

    The only option for Mr Gaidar and his team was to abolish price regulation and allow free trade.


  • 随着撤销管制价格急剧下降。

    Prices have fallen sharply since deregulation.


  • 经济学家也青睐碳排放价格方案,尤其是通过赋税方式非“总量管制和交易”体系这种系统那些通过缴纳罚金而制造污染的人十分脆弱

    Economists prefer carbon prices, especially those set by taxes rather than cap-and-trade systems, which are more vulnerable to capture by the polluters they are supposed to penalise.


  • 经济学家也青睐碳排放价格方案,尤其是通过赋税方式非“总量管制和交易”体系这种系统那些通过缴纳罚金而制造污染的人十分脆弱

    Economists prefer carbon prices, especially those set by taxes rather than cap-and-trade systems, which are more vulnerable to capture by the polluters they are supposed to penalise.


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