• 移动电视吸引地方并不在于便携式的,而是因为它的私人性

    The appeal of mobile television is not so much that it is portable but that it is personal.


  • 韩国公司Cydle推出了款用于汽车移动电视

    Cydle, a South Korean company, says it will debut mobile TV products for cars.


  • 欧洲委员会预计2009年移动电视产出50亿全球销售额

    The European Commission estimates that mobile TV will generate global sales of $5 billion-7 billion by 2009.


  • 然而尽管这么多的商业行为移动电视前景依旧不明朗的。

    Despite all this activity, however, the prospects for mobile-TV are unclear.


  • 通过帮助用户摆脱对于移动网络的依赖,我们重新定义了移动电视”。

    We are redefining mobile television or television on the go by freeing subscribers from network limitations and availability.


  • 移动电视具有覆盖面广、强制接收特点,收入来源主要依靠广告收入。

    It is characterized by wide coverage and forced receiving. The advertising profit is the main source of income.


  • 即使移动电视韩国被证明是成功的,也不一定预示其他地方类似服务一定会成功。

    But even if mobile TV does prove successful in South Korea, it does not necessarily bode well for similar services elsewhere.


  • 芬兰美国已经建立了与此类似的移动电视网络而且更多的国家正在进行此项测试

    Similar mobile-TV networks will also be built in Finland and America, and are being tested in many other countries.


  • MBC需要1000万地面用户才能使致力推广的移动电视频道收支平衡

    MBC says there need to be 10m terrestrial users for its dedicated mobile-TV channel to break even.


  • 自从2005年首个移动电视服务开始以来,该服务累积了超过750万用户

    Since the first services were launched in 2005, mobile-TV services have garnered over 7.5m customers.


  • 12间广播公司共同推广免费移动电视服务,并承诺明年底前为20个主要城市提供服务。

    A group of 12 TV broadcasters has joined in on plans for free, live mobile TV, promising service in 20 metropolitan areas by late next year.


  • 本周开幕全球最大技术展会——消费者电子展(CES)上,移动电视成为趋势

    And mobile TV was one of the big trends at the world's largest technology fair, the Consumer Electronics Show, which took place in Las Vegas this week.


  • 虽然不能收费但KTF希望移动电视带来新的用户以便能售出更多昂贵手机服务套餐

    Although it cannot charge for it, KTF hopes that mobile TV will bring in new customers and enable it to sell more expensive handsets and service plans.


  • 基于媒体技术移动电视得到广泛的应用,并且其功能提供服务越来越丰富。

    Mobile TV which is based on streaming media technology will have more functionalities and support more services in the future.


  • 而言之,移动电视潜力巨大——但是不可确定的程度取决于投入实用之后的具体表现。

    The potential for mobile TV is vast, in shortbut so is the degree of uncertainty over how it should actually be put into practice.


  • 天空广播公司三维电视移动电视方面的先锋。他已经开始通过游戏平台发布节目

    It is a pioneer in 3-D and mobile television and has begun to distribute programmes through games consoles.


  • 近年来,移动电视、数字多媒体广播为代表新兴媒体,逐渐成为技术市场研究的重点。

    In recent years, with the development of broadcasting and wireless communication technologies, the new services, such as mobile TV and DMB. became hotspots in technical research and market.


  • 系统可以用于采用MPEG - 2标准宽带电视移动电视上传输口形同步的展现。

    This system can be applied to deliver a lip-synchronized presentation on broadband TV or mobile TV systems, which make use of the MPEG-2 standard.


  • 我们对地下地铁地上公交移动电视广告网络无缝连接,能够让我们的广告客户每天覆盖数千万上班族。

    Our seamlessly integrated below-ground subway and above-ground bus mobile television advertising network enables our advertising clients to reach tens of millions of urban commuters daily.


  • 因此问题就是究竟是由来提供可以接收移动电视终端产品广播公司、运营商还是广告客户

    Then there is the question of who will fund the production of mobile-TV content: broadcasters, operators or advertisers?


  • 日本引领移动电视风潮很大程度上要归功于该国的城郊不断蔓延,而日本的广播公司敏锐的发现了这个商机。

    The country’s early start in mobile television owes as much to its sprawling suburbs as to its broadcasting acumen.


  • 这些推广移动电视足球游戏位置搜索游戏应用程序类型的臃肿软件,PC垃圾软件。

    These apps touting mobile TV, football games, location-based search and games are the new face of bloatware, also known as crapware or craplets in the PC world.


  • 1月7日10日期间,超过12家公司款基于移动电视技术的新品拉斯维加斯消费电子展亮相。

    At the Consumer Electronics Show being held in Las Vegas between January 7th and 10th, more than a dozen companies will introduce a variety of new products for mobile television technology.


  • 可想象应用包括修改移动网络接入IP电话游戏服务高清移动电视视频会议3d电视计算

    Conceivable applications include amended mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3d television, and cloud computing.


  • 接着,接到电话,航空斯密音乐会上,一辆移动电视转播车堵住火警通道,我警探说,火警部门处理

    ThenI got a call that mobile television vans were blocking fire lanes at theAerosmith concert; I told the officers to give it to the fire department.


  • 但是诺基亚美国摩托罗拉公司认为中国标准不会他们中国和世界其它地方推广移动电视服务计划任何影响

    But both Nokia and Motorola Inc. of the U. S. said that the announcement would have little impact on their plans to expand mobile-TV services in China and the rest of the world.


  • 所以诺基亚融合设备N系列产品除了通话功能外,还包含各有特长多种设备:比如音乐播放器、移动电视或者便携相机

    So Nokia's range of "converged" devices, the Nseries, consists of a variety of devices with specific strengths: as a music-player, a mobile TV or a camcorder, in addition to being a phone.


  • Bazalgette先生Endemol公司成立移动电视正在广播公司以及运营商沟通关于试运行一些新的电视节目的事项。

    Endemol's new mobile-TV division is talking to both operators and broadcasters about the commissioning of new shows, says Mr Bazalgette.


  • 移动运营商可以选择建设他们自己的移动电视广播网络可以组建联盟共同建设一个公共网络;又或者现有广播公司可以组建这样的一个网络。

    Mobile operators might choose to build their own mobile-TV broadcast networks; or they could form a consortium and build a Shared network; or existing broadcasters could build such networks.


  • 本周早些时候中国社科院发布了一部关于中国媒体年度报告包括社交网站博客在线视频网站、移动电视数字电视、数字报纸

    The academy released the first annual report about new media developments in China including social networks, blogs, online video sites, mobile TV, digital TV and digital newspapers earlier this week.


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