• 萨莉上过种族混合学校

    Sally had attended a racially mixed school.


  • 试验者还给受测对象展示描绘程度不一种族混合情形族谱

    They also showed them family trees that depicted various degrees of racial commingling.


  • 不同种族混合生活在一起人民开始想到他们自己的利益

    The peoples have mixed and people started to think only of their own profits.


  • 种族混合(通婚)通常认为避免保持种族纯度

    The mixing of RACES (or miscegenation) was usually considered as something to be avoided in the name of racial purity.


  • 他们叫嚣不要种族混合、不要冲淡文化、不要稀释基因——保持种族“纯洁”。

    They shout about not mixing races, not diluting culture, not diluting genesabout keeping races "pure".


  • 历史伟大国家兴亡,完全由于种族混合以至破坏了血统纯洁所致

    The history of the great nation, is entirely due to racial mixing and destruction caused by pure blood.


  • 人们希望接受两个种族混合观点因有碍他们权益,他们希望单纯一族来统治。

    Because people would not accept both viewpoints, and accord to each its right. They wanted one or the other, exclusively, in the foreground.


  • 总之,多种族混合孩子创建属于他们自己的定义他们那些感觉必须选择另一方作为归属的混血儿表现出更多灵活性

    In short, multiracial kids seem to create their own definitions for fitting in, and they show more psychological flexibility than those mixed-race kids who feel bound to one choice or another.


  • 法国的“马其顿式”沙拉相比起来可能是个异数:混合水果沙拉,有人名字来自100年前马其顿发生种族混合

    The French "Macedoine" salad could be the big exception: it is a mixed fruit salad that some say was named after the ethnic confusion in Macedonia 100 years ago.


  • 种族如此混合,必有冲突

    The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.


  • 世界各地许多大都市中,来自不同文化种族群体人们混合在一起并不奇怪

    In many big cities around the world, it is not surprising that there is a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups.


  • 现在肤色通过新的人群融合而进化,不同种族聚集在一起,于是后代拥有新的肤色基因混合

    Today, skin color is evolving via new mixtures of people coming together and having children with new mixtures of skin color genes.


  • 但是正是曼伊先生自己声称西开普敦存在着混血人(拥有混合种族)的过分集中,导致严重的骚乱

    But it is Mr Manyi’s claim that there is an “overconcentration” of coloureds (people of mixed race) in the Western Cape that causes the biggest stir.


  • 试验者使用图像处理软件混合种族个体图片作出巧妙调整之后,数据甚至变得更为精确了。

    When the experimenters used imaging software to adjust the pictures of the mixed-race individuals subtly, the data became even more precise.


  • 然而事实却是,混合种族社会中,几乎人人都以滴血降级观念瞄准相同少数种群,这项很说明问题的指标,表明现象是可学习的——而且学习作用还如此强大。

    The fact that nearly everyone in a mixed-race society, however, targets the same minority groups for one-drop demotion is a telling indicator that the phenomenon is learned - and powerfully so.


  • 他们一个人种/种族典型环境,涉及洛杉矶地区的不同种族混合白种人西班牙人亚洲人非洲裔美国人混血儿个体

    They also had a racial/ethnic background typical of the multiethnic Los Angeles area, with a mix of Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, African-American, and mixed-race individuals.


  • 西开普地区,住房紧缺增强了有色混合种族南非人)黑人之间紧张状态。

    The housing shortage in the Western Cape adds to tension between Coloureds (mixed-raceSouth Africans) and blacks.


  • 在1776年以前十三个殖民地人民同样已经成了国家种族血统的混合

    Long before 1776 the people of the thirteen colonies likewise had become a mixture of national and racial strains.


  • 一个格外有趣的问题因为英国不同种族混合休,这些种族曾经不同时期欧洲不同的地方侵略过英国。

    This is an extraordinarily interesting question, since they are a mixture of many different RACES, and all these RACES invaded Britain at various times from Europe.


  • 他们话题包括加拿大传统、加拿大的、种族混合还有让人心惊胆战的大瀑布

    Their topics included the Canadian traditions, the Prime Minister, the mixture of races, and the terrifying Great Fall.


  • 种族背景混合总是感觉真的适合任何地方

    And coming from a racially mixed background, I always felt like I didn't really fit in anywhere.


  • 信,不了多久国籍相混程度如此以至于不再有种族文化团体仅仅是一个文化混合

    It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture many cultures.


  • 人们相信不了多久国籍相混程度如此以至于不再有明显种族文化团体仅仅是一个种族文化混合

    It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many RACES and cultures.


  • 人们认为要不了多久多种国籍混合非常之大以至于可能存在一种明显主要种族文化群体只是种族、多文化混合体。

    It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many RACES and cultures.


  • 当代生物学角度看人类展现体质特征混合因此种族并不存在

    From the perspective of contemporary biology, humans show such a mixture of physical characteristics, that the "pure" RACES do not exist.


  • 一个可以改善人类种族基因相信混合婚姻使比赛更强大美观、更聪明

    The other one is that it will improve human RACES gene, I believe mixed marriage can make RACES stronger, more beautiful and more smart generation by generation.


  • 人们认为要不了多久多种国籍混合非常之大以至于可能存在一种主要种族文化群体只是种族、多文化混合体。

    It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many RACES and cultures.


  • 人们认为要不了多久多种国籍混合非常之大以至于可能存在一种主要种族文化群体只是种族、多文化混合体。

    It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many RACES and cultures.


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