• 他们开发了太阳飞机

    They developed a solar airplane.


  • l太阳电池板-屋顶太阳光电太阳凉亭

    Feature two types of solar panels - rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and an innovative solar pergola.


  • 现有技术太阳收合结构枢接组件结构复杂

    The pivot component of a sun hood folding structure in the prior art is complex in structure.


  • 针对聚光跟踪太阳准确度聚光效率影响很大,提出了一种太阳跟踪联动装置

    The light focusing efficiency is largely influenced by the solar tracking accuracy of light focusing devices.


  • 科学家正在研究太阳电池目前英国士兵携带电池减少50%的重量

    Scientists are working on a solar-powered battery pack which could be up to 50 per cent lighter than the current power cells carried by UK soldiers.


  • 存在极小可能性意想不到的效应太阳发射出不曾了解粒子造成的。

    There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun.


  • 去年发布来自太空船数据揭示太阳-太阳发出的带电粒子流-50年来最低

    Data from the craft, published last year, also suggested that the solar wind - the stream of charged particles billowing away from the Sun - is at its weakest for 50 years.


  • 这个为期两年太阳战士项目旨在制造能源太阳电池热电复合装置中收集能量并储存起来之后使用

    The two-year solar Soldier project aims to produce a power pack where energy is gathered from a combination of solar cells and thermoelectric devices before it is stored for later use.


  • 鉴于对此争议,人们因此寻求太阳技术- - -太阳能热能发电使用镜面聚产生蒸汽从而驱动涡轮机。

    This is one of the arguments for looking instead at another solar technology, solar thermal, which USES mirrors to concentrate heat, produce steam and thus drive turbines.


  • 前一天下了——年中几乎没有黑暗的时候,会奇怪感觉——周日太阳照耀着湖面

    It snowed the day before — giving a strange feeling at a time of year when there is virtually no darknessbut on Sunday the sun blazed across the water.


  • 尽管向天文学家证明了金星厚厚的气体所包围,层气体使太阳在金星周围发生折射,但这效应都使精确时间控制成为不可能。

    While this showed astronomers that Venus was surrounded by a thick layer of gases refracting sunlight around it, both effects made it impossible to obtain accurate timings.


  • 这两装置阳光充足气候条件下工作良好在北欧,太阳可能云层遮挡周,温度不仅随着季节变化而且还随着昼夜变化。

    Both these devices worked well in sunny climates; but in northern Europe, the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.


  • 英国天文学家分析一台太阳摄谱仪时注意到一特殊光谱线模式,它与图书馆里任何匹配

    A British astronomer was analyzing a spectrograph of sunlight, and he noticed a particular pattern of spectral lines that didn't match anything in the library.


  • 防护系数30防晒霜使能够太阳底下而不被晒伤

    A sunscreen with a protection factor of 30 allows you to stay in the sun without burning.


  • 未来几个月,科罗拉多州博尔德市将测试新型家用太阳系统,该系统可以提供热量热水电力

    A new type of solar thermal system for homes that can provide heat, hot water, and electricity is being tested in Boulder, Colo., over the next few months.


  • 毕竟太阳任何元素原子,比如说都比陨石标本的原子要多得多,物质中铁比例可能可以比较的。

    After all, the Sun has many more atoms of any element, say iron, than does a meteorite specimen, but the ratios of iron to silicon in the two kinds of matter might be comparable.


  • 解决理论难题方法假设太阳效应克服地球气候惯性,地球会延迟数千

    One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earth's climate.


  • 解决理论难题方法假设太阳效应克服地球气候惯性,地球会延迟数千

    One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earth's climate.


  • 所以根据事实推断认为太阳元素在地球上还没有发现

    So he put two and two together, and decided there was an element in the sun that hadn't been discovered here on the earth yet.


  • 来自火山喷发灰尘阻挡太阳温暖辐射,这认为是导致冰河时代的解释

    Dust from volcanic eruptions that blocks the Sun's warming radiation has been proposed as an explanation alternative to Milankovitch cycles for the cause of ice ages.


  • 到目前为止绿色海参已知唯一真正太阳能驱动动物尽管有些动物确实能表现出一些植物般的行为

    So far, this green sea slug is the only known animal that can be truly considered solar-powered, although some animals do exhibit some plant-like behaviors.


  • 到目前为止绿色海参唯一真正被认为是太阳能驱动动物尽管有些动物确实表现出一些植物般的行为

    And so far, this green sea slug is the only known animal that can be truly considered solar-powered, although some animals do exhibit some plant-like behaviors.


  • 钟是第一不利用太阳计时的钟。

    Water clocks were the first clocks not to use the sun.


  • 面的一特殊材料接收来自太阳的紫外线。

    A special material on the surface receives UV light from the sun.


  • 核能以及太阳另外两能源它们取之不尽

    Nuclear and solar energy are two alternate sources, and neither of them is limited.


  • 除了凹面镜,能量塔以外,还有第三新的太阳技术结合曲线盘状镜面发动机的装置。

    In addition to parabolic troughs and power-towers there is also a third solar-thermal technology, which combines curved, dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines.


  • 只有通过一特别设计带有“cE ”标志的太阳滤镜可以直接日食。

    Only specially-designed solar filters bearing the appropriate "CE mark" can be used to safely view the eclipse directly.


  • 智能织物通过太阳取得能量另一在通电人造肌肉那样收缩

    One smart fabric generates energy from sunlight; another contracts like an artificial muscle when a voltage is applied.


  • 但是这个项目最好部分发现了可以提高太阳电池板收集太阳效率方式

    But the best part was that I discovered a new way to increase the efficiency of solar panels at collecting sunlight!


  • 但是这个项目最好部分发现了可以提高太阳电池板收集太阳效率方式

    But the best part was that I discovered a new way to increase the efficiency of solar panels at collecting sunlight!


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