• 禁不住着魔般地担忧将会发生事情

    He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.


  • 温迪对自己感到满意的时候,我就禁不住要吹牛。

    I can't help crowing, Wendy, when I'm pleased with myself.


  • 一霎时,一阵被人摈弃,世所遗忘悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来

    In no time, I was thrown into a feeling of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world and could not help crying my heart out.


  • 阿里巴巴集团创始人领导者轮廓鲜明的马云。记者们都禁不住比作仙子小精灵

    The Alibaba group's founder and leader is the sharp-featured Jack Ma. Reporters cannot resist likening him to a pixie or an elf.


  • 回忆给他带来了一阵新的悲哀禁不住啜泣起来,说不出话来

    Recollection brought fresh waves of sorrow, and sobs again took full charge of him, preventing further speech.


  • 过观看《了不起的中国》,我们禁不住想象50年后我们的国家会是什么样子。

    Through watching Amazing China, We can't stop imagining what our country will be like in 50 years.


  • 鸣金收兵号角吹响时,儿子再也禁不住得胜的傲气。

    When withdrawing clarino goes up, son can't help holding back the pride of victory.


  • 母亲想出这个办法来,正是伊丽莎白求之不得的,禁不住要笑出来,可是听到母亲老是讨厌,她亦不免有些气恼。

    Elizabeth could hardly help laughing at so convenient a proposal; yet was really vexed that her mother should be always giving him such an epithet.


  • 听到这个糟糕消息禁不住哭了起来

    On hearing the bad newsshe couldn't help crying.


  • 会在午夜做弥撒时才能见到因为喜欢夜间的时光以及那些圣餐礼的仪式。你越是喜欢她,你就越会对她的行为禁不住略加非议几句。

    You saw her only at Midnight Mass, because she liked nighttime, as well as celebrations, and as much as you liked her you couldn't help disapproving a little.


  • 一见到如此富丽堂皇的景致,禁不住从来就没有人类装饰教堂墙壁神工巧思想出更加令人叹为观止的装饰奇想的。

    On viewing their magnificence one cannot help but think that never has mankind arrived at a more satisfactory solution to the problem of decorating a church wall.


  • 达尔文似乎只能够用手中思考总是禁不住要记笔记、清单。

    Darwin seems to have been able to think only with a pen in his hand. He was a compulsive note taker and list maker.


  • 第二以后日子查理没有出现的时候,我们禁不住去想:是不是病了或者我们希望他某个地方度假呢。

    When he wasn't there the next day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or -- hopefully -- on holiday somewhere.


  • 如果心有余力不足,一个国家可能禁不住诱惑采取人为的(也是临时的)权宜之计

    But if, as a nation, you can't manage this, you may be tempted to resort to artificial (and temporary) expedients.


  • 那天是不是害怕看见。 我承认,我感到深深的恐惧禁不住痉挛

    She asked me whether I had been afraid to see her that day; I admitted that I felt spasms of deep terror.


  • 所有人都坚决主张,拥有火焰般花纹、让人禁不住想拥抱熊猫着翠绿光芒的绿颊鹦鹉这些濒危物种得到保护。

    THE rippling fire of the tiger, the cuddliness of the panda, the viridian flash of the green-cheeked parrot, all argue that these most-endangered species should be saved.


  • 亲爱的想到属于的,禁不住喜极而泣,但时常惶恐,不知自己是否配得上你。

    My dear one, then, I have wept for joy to think that you are mine, and often wonder if I deserve you.


  • 禁不住美国英国朋友们的一再要求,夏洛克老师能够诉诸文字有关讲故事的意见建议,汇集成了这本小书。

    Yielding to the appeals of her friends in America and England, Miss Shedlock has put together in this little book such observations and suggestions on story-telling as can be put in words.


  • 一直努力试着说服自己,不要举动视为辍学”,我还是禁不住担心,如果读完大学,她的未来会怎么样

    I'm trying very hard not to think of this move as "dropping out," but I can't help worrying about her future if she doesn't finish school.


  • 想起澳大利亚广阔的桉树林,我还是禁不住遐想:进化真的火势更加猛烈了吗?

    Yet as I think of that great eucalyptus forest in Australia, I can't help wondering. Have the trees actually evolved to make the fires worse?


  • 如果发现购买物品经常扔掉了,或是禁不住饼干或是冰激凌诱惑,那么一个清单很有帮助

    If you often find yourself buying groceries that end up being thrown away, or if you get lured in by the cookies or ice-cream, then having a list will help.


  • 禁不住诱惑,狗递去桌上美餐的同时,你知道有哪些人类”的食品狗狗同样安全吗?

    When you want to give him a treat from your table, do you know which "human" foods are safe to feed your pup?


  • 开始了一个习惯时候,禁不住要全情投入甚至更多

    When you create a new habit, it's tempting to jump right in and do too much.


  • 人们看到房间到住不完的漂亮大房子,最新电器,富足生活禁不住变成家伙

    People saw his nice house with more bedrooms than inhabitants, his luxury car, his new gadgets, and his life of opulence and thought, I want to be like that guy.


  • 布朗打在车子座椅靠背上名助手脑海禁不住浮现布朗的拳头打到自己身上的情 形。

    There's Mr. Brown punching the back of a car seat while yet another aide, in a visualized thought bubble, imagines Mr. Brown punching him.


  • 已经死了最好马上说出这个因为人们禁不住各式各样方式谈到死人不谈活人

    He is dead; it's best to say it right away, because one can't help speaking in a different way of the dead than of the living.


  • 已经死了最好马上说出这个因为人们禁不住各式各样方式谈到死人不谈活人

    He is dead; it's best to say it right away, because one can't help speaking in a different way of the dead than of the living.


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