• 还包括了支持的硬件软件列表

    Other sections mentioned are the certified Hardware and Software lists.


  • 关于在何处实现功能决定硬件软件还是工作人员中,没有做出

    Decisions about where functionality will be implemented, in hardware, software, or workers have not yet been made.


  • 然而分析模型级别上关于哪里实现功能决策——硬件软件工作人员那里——没有做出

    However, at the Analysis model level, decisions about where functionality will be implementedin hardware, software, or workershave not yet been made.


  • 相反应该表示活动传递一个活动任何类型事物不论报表零部件已完货物设计服务硬件软件——数据

    Instead, the diagram should represent any kind of thing that passes from one activity to another: whether it be orders, parts, finished goods, designs, services, hardware, softwareor data.


  • 一个抽象具体转换,分别硬件软件固件数据工作者一些组合实现

    This is a transformation from the abstract to the concrete, with the realization partitioned in some combination of hardware, software, firmware, data, and workers.


  • 计算一个承诺就是虚拟化将会减少所需服务器数量,这会导致硬件软件许可证能源维修上的减少

    One promise of cloud computing is that virtualization will reduce the number of servers needed, leading to reductions in hardware, software licenses, energy, and maintenance.


  • 下一步收集关于每个用户所有其他信息,包括他们工作站硬件软件使用模式,从而最终确定用户

    The next step is to finalize the user segments by gathering all remaining information about each user, including his or her workstations' hardware, software, and usage profiles.


  • 系统组件包括硬件软件数据工作人员13

    System components typically consist of hardware, software, data, and workers 13.


  • 公司安装配置升级计算机硬件软件网络

    The company also will install, configure and upgrade computer hardware, software and networking.


  • 这个模型层级上,各个元素通常同质也就是说它们可能硬件软件或者人员组成,并不是这些元素的一个结合

    At this model level, elements are generally homogenous; that is, they may consist of hardware, software, or people, but not a combination of these.


  • 这项技术内置数据库并且需要额外的硬件软件网络基础设施

    This technology is built right into the database and requires no additional hardware, software, or network infrastructure.


  • 越来越使用移动设备进入互联网为了这些设备上创建良好的用户体验硬件软件服务必须PC上紧密集成

    To create a good experience on mobile devices, which more and more people will use to get onto the Internet, hardware, software and services must be more tightly integrated than on PCs.


  • 这些系统经常需要一些测试硬件软件调整才能达到最佳性能

    These systems often require some experimenting with and adjustment of hardware and software before you reach optimal performance.


  • 我们需要检查硬件软件工作负载以及其他所有因素确保测试结果有效可靠的。

    We need to examine the hardware, software, the load and all other factors to ensure our test results are valid and reliable.


  • 通过使用“硬件软件商业程序提高效率和加快货物转运速度的做法表示赞赏。

    He commended the use of "hardware, software and the business processes" to bring efficiency and move produce around more quickly.


  • 例如销售部门现在可以根据实际使用量添加用户而不会增加复杂性采购硬件软件管理资源成本

    For example, the sales department is now able to add new users based on actual usage without increasing the complexity and cost of procuring new hardware, software, and administrative resources.


  • 首先识别资产硬件软件网络组件个人用户文档设备这些其他资产服务直接组成部分

    Start by identifying assetshardware, software, network components, personnel, users, documentation, facilities; those and other assets that are directly part of a cloud service type.


  • 然后屏幕阅读器利用专门的文本到语音转化硬件软件语音合成器盲文显示其他组合提出信息

    The screen reader then renders that information using specialized text-to-speech hardware, software speech synthesizers, Braille displays, or some combination thereof.


  • 客户硬件软件购买升级支持人员电力安全设备管理上节省了开支

    Savings. The customer saves on hardware, software purchase and updates, support staff, power, security devices, and administration.


  • 对于交付模型使用者部署的应用程序操作系统硬件软件存储网络控制能力不同,这会影响云安全策略。

    It is influenced by how much control a consumer can have over deployed applications, operating systems, hardware, software, storage and networking for a cloud delivery model.


  • 全球数字鸿沟哪些有权并且有能力使用技术(硬件软件连接)无权或无力使用者之间差距

    The global digital divide refers to the gap between those with access to technology (hardware, software, and connectivity) and the abilities to use them, and those without.


  • 他们硬件软件应用程序服务内容了一大笔

    They make boatloads of money on hardware, software, apps, services, content, etc.


  • 包括这些工作区办公家具沟通个别硬件软件工具打印网络电子邮件

    This includes such things as: workspace, furniture, communications, individual hardware, software tools, and printing, networks, and E-mail.


  • 我们知道这个事实苹果巨大收益源于他为数不多技术型公司史蒂夫·乔布斯的话说是硬件软件服务制造一体化

    We all know the story: Apple benefits enormously from being one of the few tech companies which, in Steve Jobs' words, makes the whole widget-the hardware, the software, the services.


  • 是否拥有用来实现解决方案所需技术基础网络硬件软件等等

    Do I have the required network, hardware, software, etc. to implement the technological base needed for implementing this solution?


  • 第三风险区域硬件软件固件特定实施承诺过早,最后导致短暂系统不能容易扩展

    A third risk area is committing too early to a specific implementation of hardware, software, and firmware, resulting in brittle systems that cannot be easily extended.


  • 检查模型是否完整清晰,是否提供了关于区域硬件软件以及连接规范细节详细信息

    Check whether the model is complete and clear and provides detailed level of information about the zones, hardware, software and connection specifications or details.


  • 分析模型层级中,我们考虑元素逻辑和分发元素,是硬件软件人员信息结合而成

    In the analysis model level, the elements we consider to be black boxes are logical and distribution elements, made up of some combination of hardware, software, people, and information.


  • 它不只是一件东西,而是包括许多东西的复杂的组合:硬件软件两者相遇时的界面

    By now you should agree thatmultimediaisnt any one thing but a complex entity that involvesthe manythings: hardware, software, and the interface where theymeet.


  • 它不只是一件东西,而是包括许多东西的复杂的组合:硬件软件两者相遇时的界面

    By now you should agree thatmultimediaisnt any one thing but a complex entity that involvesthe manythings: hardware, software, and the interface where theymeet.


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