• 严禁抛扔工具管件防止砸伤

    Prohibit thrown tools, pipe, prevent scarred.


  • 行李太重,万一飞机颠簸下来砸伤的。

    Your bag is too heavy. It might fall down in case of turbulence and hurt somebody.


  • 外面街道上许多戴着安全帽防止他们脱落碎片砸伤

    Many people outside on the streets are wearing safety hats to protect them in case of falling debris .


  • 前臂砸伤夹在了岩壁滑落的石块之间无法动弹。

    A boulder becomes dislodged, crushing his right forearm and trapping it against the canyon wall.


  • 可以应该放在座位下面否则有可能下来砸伤人。

    No, you can't. You should place it under your seat. Or it might fall down and hurt somebody.


  • 为了防止大块碎片掉落坑道砸伤矿工,天花板覆盖了金属

    Wire mesh covers the ceiling to prevent big pieces from falling into the roadways or hitting miners.


  • 我们必须棵枯树进行处理,迟早下来可能砸伤人的。

    We must do something about that dead tree; it's only a matter of time before it falls down and maybe injures somebody.


  • 有两落下砖石玻璃严重砸伤但是没有关于死亡事故报导

    Two men were seriously injured by falling masonry and glass, but there have been no reports of fatalities.


  • 如果门框,当门框向前向后倒下时,你会被头顶上屋顶砸伤

    If you stand under a doorway and the door jam falls forward or backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above.


  • 自然灾害相关尤其是突发灾害引起的死亡,大多来自于砸伤、压伤,或者溺水

    Deaths associated with natural disasters, particularly rapid-onset disasters, are overwhelmingly due to blunt trauma, crush-related injuries, or drowning.


  • 姚文武10岁,照片里后方的胖小子,北川小学倒塌砸伤,还缝了

    Yao Wenwu, 10, the pudgy-cheeked kid at the top right, has stitches in his head from an injury sustained when his elementary in Beichaun collapsed.


  • 帐篷26岁农民周燕(音)正在康复中,被她家二楼砖块掉下来砸伤头部

    Zhou Yan, a 26-year-old farmer, was in a tent recovering from a head injury she sustained after bricks from the second floor of her home fell on her.


  • 好像我们邻居石头砸伤,却抓住另一个我们能对付,把痛打了一顿一样。

    We’d been hit in the head with a rock; like a neighborhood bully, we grabbed the first person we could get our hands on and beat him senseless.


  • 方法选择摔伤砸伤撞伤骨干骨折35应用中药配合交锁髓内手术治疗

    Methods:Select femoral shaft fractures caused by falls, crushing, bruises in 35 cases, application of traditional Chinese medicine with interlocking intramedullary nail surgery.


  • 医生用尽浑身解数挽救砸伤骨头最后不得不男孩只手手指全部截掉。

    Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands.


  • 2004年9月罗马基辅迪纳摩比赛中,弗里·斯克曾球迷投掷砸伤而中途退场。

    Frisk was forced to abandon the match between Roma and Dynamo Kiev in September 2004 after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd.


  • 同时因为不会孔内脱离避免了棒体脱落砸伤使用者所以使用时安全可靠。

    Meanwhile, because the bar body can not be disengaged from the pry bar hole, bruise for a user due to bar body falling can be prevented. Therefore, the utility model can be safely utilized.


  • 直到最近为止,常见游客伤害椰子掉落砸伤头部或者是阳光灼伤然后再是无所不能的机器脚踏车

    Until recently the most common tourist injuries were a coconut-related head injury or sunburn - and then the mighty moped arrived.


  • 交通事故13,头部重物砸伤6例,坠落伤、头面部撞击地面5例,颈椎过伸伤2例,其他原因2例。

    The mechanisms of injury were traffic accident in 13 cases, bruise in 6 cases, falling down in 5 cases, hyperextension in 2 cases and other cause in 2 cases.


  • 造成意外伤害原因交通(43.4%)、跌落伤(31.7%)、重物砸伤(12.8%)。

    The top three causes of the accidental injury are: road accident injury (43.4%), drifting-down injury (31.7%) and the bruise injury caused by heavy object (12.8%).


  • 因为年迈的老农夫肥料路途猴子欺负…猴子从树上丢下椰子把老农夫砸伤导致老农夫没办法照顾农场

    An aged farmer was teased by monkeys while he is on his way to buy fertilizer... those monkeys hit the aged farmer by throwing coconut, it leads to that the aged farmer can not take care of his farm.


  • 学位学位租赁公司埃德和拉芬·斯克·洛夫则表示,校方这一禁令是因为过去发生过数起因抛帽造成砸伤事件。

    Gown and cap graduation rental company Ede and Ravenscroft said the ban was because a number of injuries had occurred in the past.


  • 但有100多人伤或擦伤医院接受治疗,2人重伤,其中50岁左右男子倒塌烟囱砸伤另外一名被碎玻璃割伤

    Roughly 100 people were being treated for minor bumps and cuts. A man in his 50s was hit by a falling chimney while another suffered serious injuries after being cut by glass.


  • 因为的迫不及待,他还砸伤自己指头但是片刻感到诧异是,他的指头骤然落下的石头砸伤竟然并不是

    He pounded his fingers, too, in his haste, and yet found a moment in which to feel surprise at the fact that his fingers did not hurt much when caught under the descending rock.


  • 现在这个看起来十分平庸而且伤痕累累的钟楼又给人们带来新消息:由于交通引起的震动使开始脱落,有些大碎块可能砸伤下面行人

    But now the gaunt and jagged tower is making news of another kind: Traffic vibration has caused its walls to crumble, with chunks threatening to fall off onto pedestrians below.


  • 现在这个看起来十分平庸而且伤痕累累的钟楼又给人们带来新消息:由于交通引起的震动使开始脱落,有些大碎块可能砸伤下面行人

    But now the gaunt and jagged tower is making news of another kind: Traffic vibration has caused its walls to crumble, with chunks threatening to fall off onto pedestrians below.


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