• 石斧古代遗物

    This stone axe is a relic of ancient times.


  • 应该说是石器,你看,有石斧石铲等等。

    They are all stone tools on display, such as stone axes, stone hoes and stone spades.


  • 他们喊出呼声强烈,最后击中头部石斧头对方。

    They shouted louder and louder and finally hit each other on the head with their stone hatchets.


  • 早期人类为了增加财产赌注是熊皮和妻子

    Early man may well have staked his flint axe, his bearskin, his wife, in the hope of adding to his possessions.


  • 他们用于造房子的石斧石器时代者所用的要先进多。

    The stone axes used to chop down trees to make these dwellings were far superior to any that the Stone Age hunter-gatherers used.


  • 经初步清理,出有文化早期的陶豆、石斧等器物。

    Artefacts dated Songze Culture including pottery stem cup, pot, cauldron, jade slotted ring and stone axe were yielded within the housing feature.


  • 尼罗河谷地新石器时代文化遗址发现了大量石刀、石石斧石镰等等。

    A lot of stone knives, clusters, axes, sickles have been unearthed in the cultural relics of Neolithic age in the Nile River valley.


  • 有了金属制作斧头这些开化人不再使用石斧,他们树林里任意伐木了。

    Armed with an axe of metal, instead of the old axe of stone, the savage can go into the forest and cut down trees at will.


  • 不过他们落后使用的武器仍然是石斧木制盾牌,难以匹敌罗马人手中的

    But they were very backward. They used stone axes and wooden shields and were no match for the Romans with their steel swords.


  • 仅仅观看一个熟手石器专家工作想而知我们石斧制造者拥有高的技艺了。

    Simply watching a practised knapper at work shows just how many skills the maker of our hand axe must have possessed.


  • 此外研究人员还发现证据表明这是一个成熟早期人类社会:他们使用磨砺过的石斧

    In addition, the researchers found evidence of a sophisticated early human society that used sharpened flakes of stone.


  • 麋鹿缶上作成敲打起来,还重击石刀石斧模仿天帝磬的声音。

    He put deer skin on the fou (an earthen pot with a big body and a small mouth) to make a drum, and imitated the God's jade qing by beating stone knives and axes heavily or lightly.


  • 他们已经使用工具虽然我们祖先还要大约200万年才开始制作最早的石刀石斧等等

    They were primed for tool use, even though it would be another two million years or so before our ancestors began to fashion the first stone blades, choppers and axes.


  • 觉得石斧如何有趣,是因为不仅可以告诉我们其制造者手中的工艺,还有制造者脑里的想法。

    And what I think makes this stone axe so interesting is how much it tells us, not just about the hand, but about the mind that made it.


  • 墓葬用战斧陪葬也是绳纹器文化特点,时代的出土墓穴都一人一墓,男性墓内通常都石斧

    It is also known as a single-grave and battleaxe culture due to separate burials and the Mena s habit of being buried with stone axes.


  • 这种手持石斧以及Kokiselei其它阿舍利文化的古器物也许早在他们的时代之前便用作工具了。

    The hand ax and other Acheulian artifacts at Kokiselei may have been tools before their time.


  • 发明这套餐具打开螃蟹壳蜗牛的餐具的启发石斧工具远古物件上获得了灵感。

    He says he was inspired by ancient objects like stone axes and hand tools, as well as cutlery used to snap open crabs and scoop the flesh from snails.


  • 石斧经过岁月的沉淀已经变得非常轻盈,但是无声有力地证明个事实—它的主人一个野人

    The stone axe, brought to light after untold ages, bears mute but expressive witness that its owner was a savage.


  • 这艘用火烧出来的橡树石斧就将那个时候的历史展现在我们面前,就写在史册中的那些历史一样。

    Now, that fire-hollowed boat and stone axe tell their story as plainly as a printed book.


  • 科学家们这些精心打磨、现淡红色的砾岩石石斧所迷惑,这些器具是从南非海滨史前遗址挖掘出来的。

    Scientists had been puzzled by the fine-grained and often reddish coloured silicate blades and axes excavated from prehistoric sites at Pinnacle Point on the South African coast.


  • 那个时期伟大丰碑之一造船的材料是橡树的主干,并用劈制而成(在船底部有明显的痕迹)。

    This is one of the greatest monuments of this period. The boat is made from a single trunk of oak with the help of stone axes (their traces are well seen on its bottom).


  • 石棺除了骨骼还有石制箭头,石制矛头,有些或许还有石斧头部这些武器木制手柄早就随着时间的流逝而腐化

    In the coffin with the skeleton are flint arrow-heads, a spear-head, also of flint, and perhaps the stone head of a battle-axe, the wooden portions of these weapons having long since mouldered away.


  • 本质上而言,超过一百万时光里,石斧同一工艺制作,保持同一种形状,所以它不亚于人类历史最最成功的技术成果了。

    The stone handaxe was made essentially in the same way and in the same shape for over a million years, and it must be the most successful piece of human technology in human history.


  • 石斧可不是乱凿一通就可以整出来东西它们可是经验成果,凝结着精心设计高超技艺,这些都得通过段相当长期的学习与提升。

    Handaxes are not things you knock off; they are the result of experience, of careful planning and of skill, learned and refined over a long period.


  • 石斧可不是乱凿一通就可以整出来东西它们可是经验成果,凝结着精心设计高超技艺,这些都得通过段相当长期的学习与提升。

    Handaxes are not things you knock off; they are the result of experience, of careful planning and of skill, learned and refined over a long period.


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