• 琼斯博士说:“我们根本发现对于同一张脸人们喜欢直视的目光转移目光。”

    "What we found at the most basic level is that people like faces with direct gaze more than they like the same faces with averted gaze," said Dr Jones.


  • 可怜骗子通常暴露自我透过受害者时间,因为相信错误想法直视眼睛诚实沟通

    A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication.


  • 而这种具有耻辱性的东西恰恰我们愿意直视的受众面毫无疑问会打上一点小小的折扣

    Which has the stigma of what it is, we do not want to open, and in the audience will no doubt on the point marked with a small discount.


  • 如果日本参加面试不要直视面试官眼睛

    If you're at a job interview in Japan, don't look directly into the eyes of the interviewer.


  • 经验丰富骗子装腔作势欺骗例如他们往往故意直视你的眼睛,就好像他们在说实话。

    Experienced liars can make use of gestures to take you in; for instance, they often deliberately look at you straight in the eyes as if they were telling the truth.


  • 卫星下看这个瀑布可能不是最好视角。

    Looking down at the waterfall from the satellite's vertical perspective may not be the best perspective.


  • 一些文化中包括海外北美的一些少数群体直视说话者礼貌

    In some cultures, both overseas and in some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look directly at the speaker.


  • 感到羞愧难当,避免直视老师的眼睛。

    She felt ashamed and avoided looking directly into her teacher's eyes.


  • 无法直视他们的眼睛告诉他们我有多抱歉。

    I could never look them in the eye and tell them how sorry I was.


  • 迅速放低身子,低下头避免直视他的眼睛,这样他就不会觉得我在挑衅他。

    I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel challenged.


  • 定要坐直,直视面试官的眼睛。

    Make sure you sit up and look the interviewer in the eye.


  • 历史课第三坐下而且老师讲课的时候直视

    You go to history class, sit in the 3rd row, and look squarely at the instructor as she speaks.


  • 走动时,一定直视台下的听众,确保他们有眼神接触

    As you walk you should look straight at the audience and ensure eye contact with people.


  • 艾拉直视眼睛,“事实上,”回答说,“还有一个电子商务竞赛要参加呢。”

    Ella looks at me levelly."Actually," she replies, "there's a business networking event after this.


  • 发现自己无法直视他们眼睛忠告他们获得任何技能

    I found that I couldn't look them in the eye and counsel them to acquire any skill.


  • 直视绿色眼眸褐色头发散淡地搭的眼睛上。

    She looked him straight in his green eyes, his brown hair falling lazily into them.


  • 我们直视嘴巴的时候,我们中心视力不能看到阴影所以微笑立刻消失了。

    But when we look directly at the mouth, our central vision doesn't see the shadows, and so the smile suddenly disappears.


  • 指南建议遭遇被攻击一最情况时受害者表现出攻击性,“愤怒地冲熊大喊直视眼睛”。

    In the worst-case scenario, if the bear attacks, the victim should behave aggressively, the guide says. "Shout angrily at it and look it straight in the eyes," it advises.


  • 直视眼睛不假思索地:“上大学。”

    She looked directly in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said, "I want to go to college."


  • 直视眼睛加思索地:“上大学

    She looked directly in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said, “I want to go to college.


  • 这样的目的为了让权责明确这样一天结束后才能直视眼睛你说负责。”这样说道

    "It is about aligning accountability and responsibility so that at the end of the day I look into your eyes and say: you are responsible," he says.


  • 就在因为失败压力消沉时候,一个个头矮小的把手放在肩头上直视眼睛沙哑但奇妙声音说道:“没关系。”

    As I slumped under the weight of my defeat, a small man put his hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eye, and said in that wonderful raspy voice, that's all right.


  • 第二回到工作中看到他们还是以前一样没有吸引力只不过现在你有些不敢直视他们眼睛

    The next day you turn up to work and see them looking as unattractive as ever, only now you can't quite meet their eye.


  • 如果直视人们眼睛秒钟,你会让他感觉到尊重——任何人都渴望感觉

    If you look each person in the eye for a few seconds, you make each person feel respecteda feeling every person craves.


  • 那天医生直视眼睛告诉如果一些重大改变的话,我会成为另一个数据,我猛然觉醒。

    My wake-up call came the day my doctor looked me straight in the eye and told me that if I didn't make some serious changes I would be another statistic.


  • 心爱时刻萦绕在心头。你不能直视心爱的人眼睛你却欣然迎接喜欢的人的目光

    You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love; But you can always smiles into the eyes of the one you like.


  • 吃吃地笑声钻进宗介耳朵多么乐意听到的声音啊。他发现自己又有了勇气直视妻子双眼脸上浮现出的一丝笑容使他振作起来。

    And what a welcome sound it was... the irrepressible giggle perked Sosuke's ear; he found the courage to meet his wife's eyes again, heartened by the small smile forming on her face.


  • 直立举起前掌准备战斗的眼睛直视的双眼就好像在那里读到灵魂我的击缺乏严肃的用意的时候它就一动也动。

    He stood upright, his paw raised ready for battle, his eye fixed on mine as if he could read my soul there, and when my thrusts were not meant seriously he did not move.


  • 直立举起前掌准备战斗的眼睛直视的双眼就好像在那里读到灵魂我的击缺乏严肃的用意的时候它就一动也动。

    He stood upright, his paw raised ready for battle, his eye fixed on mine as if he could read my soul there, and when my thrusts were not meant seriously he did not move.


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