• 使监视者大为惊奇是,追捕沿着饮水的斜坡走上来,继续河滩上沿着河岸前进

    To the great surprise of his watcher, the man who was being tracked did not mount by the inclined plane for watering. He continued to advance along the quay on the shore.


  • 数十其他签署被传讯,而监禁的同仁打电话电子邮件时遭国安人员监视不计其数

    Dozens of others have been interrogated, and an unknowable number are being watched by state security agents as they make phone calls and type email messages on behalf of their jailed comrades.


  • 只有通过研究得出高楼大厦中的居民有可能成为犯罪活动受害因为高处的住户更易成为周边街道穷困监视攻击的对象。

    Only thorough research could discern that residents of high-rise buildings are more likely to be victims of crime, because stacked tenants make for poor monitors of the surrounding streets.


  • 很快,朱莉收到了一张神秘纸条,纸条上指示巴黎威尼斯的火车,在火车上选择一名普通游客,伺机使监视者相信这个就是皮尔斯

    Jolie receives a secret note. She's to take a train from Paris to Venice, pick an average tourist and fool her pursuers into thinking that this stranger is Pearce.


  • 原来公共架构已经提升为全社会遍布告密普遍体系公民物理/人身电子上的监视成了常事。

    The formal public security structure was augmented by a pervasive system of informers throughout the society. Surveillance of citizens, both physical and electronic, was routine.


  • 珀斯少校提到了内华达州美国空军克里基地工作的“捕食”无人机驾驶员,该驾驶员已经操控“捕食”在亚洲西南部地区执行监视工作。

    One Predator pilot, he says, has been stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, flying surveillance over the same area of southwest Asia for nine years.


  • 当时我们没有挑明这件事,整个国家生活虚幻泡沫中切断了与外界的联系,时时受到告密监视

    But then we were not being singled out, the entire country lives in a bubble of unreality, cut off from the outside world and watched by an army of informers.


  • 例如如果公司网站监视事务,会将每个HTTP添加监视基础架构提供按照 200 个URL完整进行计费

    For example, when transaction are monitored on the business website, each HTTP request is added to the monitoring infrastructure provider and billed as a complete package of 200 URLs.


  • 运输环节配备传感器之后,可以供应链参与监视运送过程中的状况天气使得运输过程变得十分透明

    Having sensors as part of the entire travel chain will allow participants to monitor conditions and climate during travel. Essentially it makes the travel process very transparent.


  • 遥控机器人还有可能某些管理用作监视装置作为偷窥汤姆斯”。这种可能性已经这个新兴行业制造出一些紧张气氛

    Still, the possibility that remotely operated robots might be used by some managers as surveillance devices, or as peeping Toms, has made some in the fledgling industry nervous.


  • 知名军用机器人集成可能无人驾驶飞行器。 它们作战人员提供无人机监视侦察例如捕食

    The most recognizable integration of robotics in the Army may be the unmanned aerial vehicles that provide surveillance and reconnaissance assets for warfighters such as the Predator.


  • 流程所有(医生操作管理人员)可以查看监视仪表板,以了解流程实时性能,并据此采取相应的措施

    The process owners such as doctors and operational managers can look at the monitor dashboard for the real-time performance of the process and take actions accordingly.


  • 每个事务一个流程充当协调监视事务中其他参与活动确保结果一致性

    In each transaction, one process ACTS as the coordinator, overseeing the activities of the other participants in the transaction to ensure a consistent outcome.


  • 即使受到监视,使用后退其他明显破坏密码字符串显示顺序字符,都可以使偶然攻击无所适从

    Even if monitored, a casual attacker will be stymied by the presence of backspace and other characters that apparently alter the presence or order of characters in the password string.


  • 位置细胞如此的逼近实际的轨迹,以至于研究可以通过监视特定时间哪些位置细胞被激活能获知老鼠沿着轨迹跑动的进度

    Place cells correspond so closely to exact physical locations that the researchers could monitor the rats’ progress around the track simply by watching which place cells were firing at any given time.


  • 服务管理场景中将考虑正在面对以下困难组织监视管理不同服务使用公开服务

    In this service management scenario, you look at an organization that's facing difficulties in monitoring and managing the services that are exposed to different service consumers.


  • 报告回复昨天发布随着国家监视强度增加,221名参与超过40%的人直接拒绝考察这项报告。

    The responses, published yesterday, disclosed that more than 40 per cent of 221 respondents rejected it outright as the growth of the surveillance state.


  • 由于银行开始严密监视未知电脑处发出转账申请黑客大约从前年开始劫持受害IP地址

    Since banks have started watching out for transfer requests from unknown computers, hackers have in the past year or so begun hijacking their victims' own IP addresses.


  • 《波科诺记录》将重新命名为“内容管理”,因为他们监视所负责领域一切报道,包括印刷版网络版同时获得由于更高网站流量带来的分红。

    The Pocono Record has renamed reporters "content managers", since they oversee all the coverage of their beat, in print and online, and get a bonus for higher web traffic.


  • 监管可以监视交易进行,利用市场衡量未能偿付风险辅助决定什么时候银行必须提高资本金比例

    Regulators could monitor how this trades, or use markets that gauge the risk of insolvency, to help decide when banks must raise more capital (see article).


  • BP监视功能使流程所有管理员实时监视KPI

    BP monitoring capabilities allow the process owners and administrators to monitor its KPIs in real-time.


  • 如果消费监视一个事件,而当前已经超过要求阈值,那么使用以下格式记录这个EALREADY事件。

    If a consumer is monitoring a value event and the current value already exceeds the requested threshold, the following format is used to record this EALREADY event.


  • 如果FacebookTwitter上错综复杂内容让混淆不能自己输入一条文本短信,你可能这些远程监视软件的适用

    If the intricacies of Facebook and Twitter are confounding or if you still haven't figured out exactly how to type a text message yourself, you may be a good candidate for remote monitoring software.


  • 应用程序中心管理应用程序所有提供强的灵活性,让他们能够更好地控制监视自动化保护应用程序使用基础设施资源

    Application-centric management gives application owners more flexibility, control, visibility, automation, and security for the infrastructure resources used by their applications.


  • 术语监视应用数据中心可能让人混淆因为含义根据具体的说话听众有所不同

    The term monitor when applied to the data center can be confusing since it means different things depending on who is saying it and who is hearing it. For example.


  • 款车体现了技术。装乘客侧视的大范围前部和侧部监视器帮助驾驶观察难以看到的盲区。

    It also features new technology, such as wide-view front and side monitors located in the grille and under the passenger side-view mirror to aid drivers with hard-to-view areas.


  • 本周RIM承诺终止PhantomAlert一个使用司机生成的数据库警示使用超速监视区、超速相机酒后驾车检查点的位置。

    On Wednesday RIM promised to discontinue PhantomAlert, a smartphone software program that uses driver-generated databases to alert users of speed traps, speed cameras and DUI checkpoints.


  • WSDMMUWS规范提供了可以互操作的、基本可管理性功能用于监视控制使用Web服务管理

    The WSDM MUWS specification provides interoperable, base manageability for monitoring and control managers using Web services.


  • Meiklejohn表示如果A TM机使用使用键盘键入其他非密码讯息,例如存取款项增加噪音,躲避监视

    And if an ATM also USES the keypads for entering other Numbers, such as the amount of money to withdraw, it contributes additional noise, says Meiklejohn.


  • Meiklejohn表示如果A TM机使用使用键盘键入其他非密码讯息,例如存取款项增加噪音,躲避监视

    And if an ATM also USES the keypads for entering other Numbers, such as the amount of money to withdraw, it contributes additional noise, says Meiklejohn.


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